POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : Suggestions Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:34:54 EDT (-0400)
  Suggestions (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Jon S  Berndt
Subject: Suggestions
Date: 2 Jun 2003 08:50:17
Message: <3edb4809@news.povray.org>
For the Slope pattern:

1) It is mentioned (section that the slope direction will usually
be <0,-1,0> for landscapes.  It was not intuitive to me at first why this
would be used rather than <0,1,0>.  I suppose it is to condition the output
value from "slope".  You might want to explain this further for the benefit
of newbies (myself included).

2) When I went to the "Slope" documentation (section I was taken
straight to the section without of course passing the "parent" section
(6.7.11).  Without the context of the Pattern commentary I was a little
confused for a while on exactly how Slope was to be used. Now that I
understand it, going back over the documentation I feel stupid for not
seeing how obvious the description is now. It might have helped me as a
first-time reader of section if I was reminded that Slope is a
pattern much like onion or gradient and can be used in a texture_map (for
example) like in the following example:

  texture {
    slope { <0,-1,0>, 0.0, 0.5}
    texture_map {
      [0.0 pigment {color rgb <224/256,224/256,197/256>}]
      [0.3 pigment {color rgb <224/256,224/256,197/256>}]
      [0.4 T_Grnt27 scale 0.0001]
      [1.0 T_Grnt27 scale 0.0001]

I think this would have gotten me to "where I wanted to be" much quicker.

Just my $0.02.

Best regards,

Jon Berndt

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From: ingo
Subject: Re: Suggestions
Date: 2 Jun 2003 11:13:28
Message: <Xns938EAFC1257Aseed7@povray.org>
in news:3edb4809@news.povray.org Jon S. Berndt wrote:

> For the Slope pattern:

Thanks Jon, I'll have a look,


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