The use of
global_settings{ charset utf8 }
has two benefits:
#1) As so clearly stated in docs, "The option utf8 is a special Unicode
text encoding and it allows you to specify characters of nearly all
languages in use today."
#2) As not stated in docs, it can "fix" povray's ability to read some ttf
fonts which are freeware and of low quality, etc..
Suggested improvements to docs:
1) Be redundant for us dumb users by telling us exactly what we have to do.
global_settings { charset utf8 }
instead of a short reference to
The idiot user, like me, might not immediately catch on that I'm supposed to
type "charset" infront of it. In the surroudning sections, (6.11.4, 11.5,
11.7, 11.8, 11.9) , the docs were this explicit, it would help to follow
the pattern of helpfulness here too.
2) Tie in BENEFIT#1 above to the index and search routine of the docs. It
is not tied in at all, under either index or search, on words like font,
character, text, ttf, language. If "language" provides a difficulty, then
you could further improve statement #1. You can only find this in the docs
if you already know the answer.
3) Explain BENEFIT #2 in this section, and tie it into the index and
search routine for words like font, character, text, ttf, character. You can
only find this in the docs if you already know the answer.
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On Mon, 19 May 2003 10:15:36 -0400, "Greg M. Johnson" <gregj:-)565### [at] aol com>
> global_settings { charset utf8 }
BTW: In "default" frame at beginning of 6.11 chapter there is
CHARSET : ascii
charset : ascii
is probably expected here
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In article <3ec8f028$1@news.povray.org> , "Greg M. Johnson"
<gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> wrote:
> #2) As not stated in docs, it can "fix" povray's ability to read some ttf
> fonts which are freeware and of low quality, etc..
While it may have worked for some of your fonts, that is in no way what it
is intended for or what it guaranteed to work in any way. There is a length
to explain reason for it going into the boring details of the TrueType font
file format itself, but it is neither useful for users nor even for
programmers who don't have the TrueType font file format specification read
and observed how it is actually implemented.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trf de> wrote in message
> but it is neither useful for users nor even for
> programmers who don't have the TrueType font file format specification
> and observed how it is actually implemented.
But it fixes problems for me and 1-3 other users who bothered to ask about
it. How is it not useful to users? (And BTW, when we point out how it's
not in the docs, the guy who says it shouldn't be in the docs accuses us of
not reading the docs! >:-P
Q: if we made this the "default" setting for povray, would anything else get
screwed up??
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In article <3ec94c3b@news.povray.org> , "Greg M. Johnson"
<gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> wrote:
> But it fixes problems for me and 1-3 other users who bothered to ask about
> it. How is it not useful to users?
Because it is incorrect.
> Q: if we made this the "default" setting for povray, would anything else get
> screwed up??
Yes, plenty.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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