POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : Quick Reference Errata Server Time
14 Mar 2025 12:29:21 EDT (-0400)
  Quick Reference Errata (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Robert Chaffe
Subject: Quick Reference Errata
Date: 5 Aug 2002 23:57:28
Message: <3d4f4928@news.povray.org>
I finally got around to checking the Quick Reference that was included in
the manual.  It needs a few corrections. Floats -

In the FLOAT_FUNCTION definition, the following function is missing from the

Also, the fourth parameter is optional for the following function:
   select (FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT [, FLOAT]) User Defined Functions -

Under the IDENT_LIST definition, the item note should mention a maximum of
56 instead of 20.

The FACTOR definition still includes the obsolete MOD_EXPRESSION item.  It
should be:

In the FN_FLOAT_FUNCTION definition, I believe the following function should
be removed from the list:
   asc (STRING)

Also, the fourth parameter is optional for the following function:
   select (FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT [, FLOAT])

10.1.6 Camera -

In the CAMERA_MODIFIERS definition, the angle keyword and its values should
appear as follows:
   [angle F_HORIZONTAL [, F_VERTICAL]] Finite Solid Objects -

For the height_field object, in the HF_MODIFIERS definition, the smooth
keyword cannot be followed by a BOOL.

Thank you.

Robert Chaffe

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From: ingo
Subject: Re: Quick Reference Errata
Date: 6 Aug 2002 07:21:59
Message: <Xns926288A2B59C4seed7@povray.org>
in news:3d4f4928@news.povray.org Robert Chaffe wrote:

> I finally got around to checking the Quick Reference that was
> included in the manual.  It needs a few corrections.

Thanks Robert,

I'll make the changes.


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