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  newbie comments (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: James B  Muir
Subject: newbie comments
Date: 9 Sep 2002 13:14:49
Message: <3D7CD709.8E4B858D@hitchcock.org>

Just started using Povray 3.5 and find the documention to be a very good
introduction. Any plans for hardcopy books? I'd certainly buy one.

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From: hughes, b 
Subject: Re: newbie comments
Date: 10 Sep 2002 01:14:21
Message: <3d7d7fad@news.povray.org>
Hi there, James.

Only a personal observation, I'd expect the 4.0 version documentation might
turn out more worthy of a hardcopy manual than the current one. It underwent
a lot of change from the earlier docs and still isn't 100% complete.
Although, that could happen with 4.0 too, only time will tell.

Looking up book publishing costs it might not be as feasible as I was first
thinking as I reply here. Being a manual alone it wouldn't have as much
appeal for buyers as a tutorial kind of book would.

Came across a place that does ebook publishing, also probably not sensible.
I'm just not helping your idea, am I?  ;-)


"James B. Muir" <Jam### [at] hitchcockorg> wrote in message
> Just started using Povray 3.5 and find the documention to be a very good
> introduction. Any plans for hardcopy books? I'd certainly buy one.

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