POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : pretrace Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:56:33 EDT (-0400)
  pretrace (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: ABX
Subject: pretrace
Date: 29 Nov 2002 12:11:53
Message: <2m7fuusrdu1110c966rcfou8hgf5k1r6ta@4ax.com>
There are a few (2?) occurences where "pre-trace" is used while whole chapter
and other sentences use "pretrace". In case both forms are correct please
answer since I also use this word in my documentation and want to be sure
about details.



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From: ingo
Subject: Re: pretrace
Date: 30 Nov 2002 04:26:07
Message: <Xns92D66B0C7C8A9seed7@povray.org>
in news:2m7fuusrdu1110c966rcfou8hgf5k1r6ta@4ax.com ABX wrote:

> There are a few (2?) occurences where "pre-trace" is used while whole
> chapter and other sentences use "pretrace".

After a quick look I'd say that "pretrace" is only used when the key word 
is mentioned. "Pre-trace" is the word used in English language.


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