POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Competition status Server Time
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  Competition status (Message 41 to 50 of 94)  
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From: Phlip
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 10:39:51
Message: <417d1037$1@news.povray.org>
Eli wrote:

> Gilles, I can imagine how the sponsors would feel with so many prices and
> little participants.....
> Maybe non-pov users might be interested in participating and trying

Could you live with yourself if the prize winner was a cube?

From: rben
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 10:50:01
Message: <web.417d11adb45fa19e497bbfc0@news.povray.org>
"Gilles Tran" <gitran_nospam_@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> web.417aa863b45fa19e497bbfc0@news.povray.org...
> > First of all, thank you for finally telling us what is going on.
> We certainly owed it to you.
> > Being told that the sum of the efforts that were
> > submitted was not good enough for you to award a prize is a slap in the
> > face to all of us.

Thanks for the response and the clarifications.  I apologize if I was a bit

Well, now that I've had time to get used to the idea, I can certainly see a
lot of things I'd like to improve in my image, so I'll probably be
submitting it anew for the competition once I've got those changes done.

I would like to make a few more suggestions that I hope are helpful:

1) Add the explanation about copyright to the official rules.  You might
also explain that any other information in the image that can be used to
identify the entrant should be removed.  For instance, I noticed that in my
image, there is a directory path in part of the image that has my name in
it.  I also have a picture of myself included, but I'm pretty sure that
none of the judges know who I am based on my picture....

2) Set a lower limit on the number of images that need to be submitted
before judging can go forward.  I know that whatever you pick will be a bit
arbitrary, but it will make it a bit easier to manage expectations.

3) Continue to try to get publicity for the contest and encourage all
current entrants to encourage others to get involved.  There is still a lot
of time between now and January 31st, and I'm sure that lots of people
could create a good image in the time between now and then.

4) Perhaps someone could set up an IRC channel #povcomp2004, where artists
can waste time and talk about new ways to procrastinate.

5) Provide some kind of acknowledgement, perhaps a t-shirt or some bit of
inexpensive swag, to the people who met the first deadline.

6) Upon discussing this contest with a friend of mine, he pointed out what
might be part of the problem.  Since you have explicitely stated that
artists will be given more credit for self-made models than ones borrowed
from someone else or created using 3rd party tools, you may have narrowed
the pool of participants to POV-Ray artists who are very good at creating
models and in creating impressive images using those models.  You have
limited the ability for those artists who are primarily good at creating
impressive images using models that others have created.  Personally, I
like this, since I make most if not all of my own models for each image,
but it does narrow the field considerably.

It might make sense to arrange the Guidelines in the order in which they
will affect the judging, that might help people to better understand the
tradeoffs they might be making in thier image.

7) Reading through the posts I've gotten the impression that some people
believe that using old models that were created for other images either
isn't allowed or will count against you.  I can't find anything in the
rules that says that.  The rules just say that trivial modifications of
older images aren't acceptable.  This is good, because many of the finest
IRTC images were created by artists who dipped into their extensive
libraries of previously constructed models.

If, as I expect, you don't have any problem with an artist using/adapting
models they created in the past in this image, then it might be best to say
so explicitly.

I hope this is of some help.
From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 11:21:35
Message: <417d19ff@news.povray.org>


> Gilles, I can imagine how the sponsors would feel with so many prices and
> little participants.....

I don't know how they'd feel, but organising a second event like this would
sure be a little bit more difficult (and it wasn't easy in the first

> Maybe non-pov users might be interested in participating and trying
> If someone managed to use POV-Ray as a renderer with maya or a package
> that........ that would be interesting!

Truly, I've seen nice stuff concerted from Maya and rendered in POV-Ray.
Still, I have a hard time imagining an experienced Maya user who would start
learning POV-Ray only to participate in the competition... (Of course, it
may have already been the case in this competition, who knows?)



- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
From: Warp
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 14:34:09
Message: <417d4721@news.povray.org>
Gilles Tran <tra### [at] inapginrafr> wrote:
> Still, I have a hard time imagining an experienced Maya user who would start
> learning POV-Ray only to participate in the competition...

  The first price should be incentive enough... :P

#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
From: Dave Matthews
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 15:30:00
Message: <web.417d539bb45fa19e8c7259570@news.povray.org>
But what am I going to do with the 10,000 lawyers I have on retainer to
swoop in and file suits alleging fraud and/or disenfranchisement?  I can't
afford to keep them around until January.

Well, for me, personally, thank you.  By next week all the bandages will be
removed from my right hand, and the pins will be out of my finger, and I
should be POVing ahead full steam.  (Not that my submission would have
altered the committee's opinion about overall quality.)

And I do think that it is very important to get submissions from more of the
really great POVers, especially since you and Christoph and some of the
other experts exempted yourselves in order to organize the competition.
Not to name names, but it would be nice to get entries from the likes of
Tor Olav, Shay, Tek, St. (Steve), etc.  Just off the top of my head, I can
think of 50 regular contributors to p.b.i. who are capable of some very
impressive stuff, and there must be at least twice that many more who only
lurk, or don't bother visiting the newsgroups at all, who are of a similar

Let me also add my voice of support and thanks to all of you for the
tremendous amount of work you put into making POVRay and the POVRay
community such a success.

Dave Matthews
From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 25 Oct 2004 19:57:19
Message: <417d92df$1@news.povray.org>


> Thanks for the response and the clarifications.  I apologize if I was a 
> bit
> crabby.

Thanks. No harm done. Well, bad news are bad news, no matter how they are 

> 1) Add the explanation about copyright to the official rules.  You might
> also explain that any other information in the image that can be used to
> identify the entrant should be removed.  For instance, I noticed that in 
> my
> image, there is a directory path in part of the image that has my name in
> it.  I also have a picture of myself included, but I'm pretty sure that
> none of the judges know who I am based on my picture....

Well, putting some identifying items (other than a signature) in the image 
can be an artistic choice and I'm of the opinion that this should not be 
regulated. If you want to put a picture of yourself in the image, or a 
directory path, because it adds artistic value to the image, this is your 
choice and I think that it has to be accepted as such.

In any case, total anonymity is close to impossible. People can have 
recognisable styles, use favourite objects, topics or textures etc. But 
since most of the judges won't be familiar with the community, this 
shouldn't be a problem. I'd say that we should trust the judges to do their 
best to ignore the names of the entrants (for instance, they won't do 
intensive searches to discover who is who...), and that entrants should do 
their best to keep to the guidelines as they are written now. Let's have 
common sense and good manners prevail.

> 2) Set a lower limit on the number of images that need to be submitted
> before judging can go forward.

I have no prior experience in organising contests, so it's difficult for me 
to comment on that. I'd be willing to know how the sort of issues we're 
facing right now are taken into consideration in other competitions (though 
it's too late now).

> 3) Continue to try to get publicity for the contest and encourage all
> current entrants to encourage others to get involved.

We'll certainly try to do that in the weeks to come. I'm glad that a good 
number of people have already declared their interest in participating.

> 4) Perhaps someone could set up an IRC channel #povcomp2004, where artists
> can waste time and talk about new ways to procrastinate.
> 5) Provide some kind of acknowledgement, perhaps a t-shirt or some bit of
> inexpensive swag, to the people who met the first deadline.

I'll run this with the organisers. I'm not sure about the "inexpensive swag" 
thing, as it could be perceived as condescending by some folks.

> 6) Upon discussing this contest with a friend of mine, he pointed out what
> might be part of the problem.  Since you have explicitely stated that
> artists will be given more credit for self-made models than ones borrowed
> from someone else or created using 3rd party tools, you may have narrowed
> the pool of participants to POV-Ray artists who are very good at creating
> models and in creating impressive images using those models.

(note that the guidelines do not say "3rd party tools", but "3rd party 
models", but your point remains valid)

Part of POV-Ray's greatness and specificity is the use of code to create 
models. I've been a mesh user for years, a promoter of mesh and image maps 
in POV-Ray, and a big user of 3rd party objects and tools but if I had 
entered the competition, I would certainly have made sure that some 
prominent models in the scene would have been both original and hand-coded. 
This being a POV-Ray competition, asking people to show off their POV-Ray 
skills is somehow mandatory. Can this turn off people? Perhaps, but the best 
POV-Ray images should be intrinsically POV-Ray made, just like Poser 
contests, for instance, have the use of Poser models as a central point. 
This would be different if the competition was open to other renderers (like 
the IRTC).

> If, as I expect, you don't have any problem with an artist using/adapting
> models they created in the past in this image, then it might be best to 
> say
> so explicitly.

This could be made more explicit. On a side note, writing guidelines (and 
contracts) is always a "damned-if-you-do, damned if you don't" exercise. 
Write too much of it, and a sizeable number of people will misread it or 
fail to read it. Write not enough of it, and a equally sizeable number of 
people will be confused by the lack of guidance and start seeing things 
where there's nothing to see. Finding the right balance is tough.

> I hope this is of some help.

Your help is welcome !


- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
From: Gena
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 26 Oct 2004 01:29:49
Message: <417de0cd$1@news.povray.org>
Dave Matthews wrote:
> And I do think that it is very important to get submissions from more of the
> really great POVers, especially since you and Christoph and some of the
> other experts exempted yourselves in order to organize the competition.

I think everybody can participate now including organizers. Why not?

From: m1j
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 26 Oct 2004 17:40:00
Message: <web.417ec3bab45fa19eb247013d0@news.povray.org>
"Gilles Tran" <gitran_nospam_@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello
> Disclaimer: this is not an official statement. An official announcement from
> the POVCOMP organizers will follow (some details are still being worked on)
> and participants will be emailed privately.
> There are 56 entries. Among these, there are exceptional images, that would
> be worthy of the main prizes. People have been working hard, and these
> images are a good testimony of what can be achieved with POV-Ray.
> However, these exceptional images are too few. The competition was all about
> getting the best out of POV-Ray, and while most entries are very good, they
> are on the whole not up to the standard that can be observed in current 3D
> contests. It's not an easy thing to say and we understand that this may be
> offending to some. Be sure that we fully realise the amount of work that was
> put in all entries: it's just that the bar has been raised very high in 3D
> these days. The feedback on the new hall of fame was extremely positive:
> this newfound reputation should not be squandered. We all know that POV-Ray
> is an exceptional piece of software, so we need lots of exceptional artworks
> to prove it.
> One major reason for the lack of exceptional pieces may have been that the
> time period of two and a half months was too short. POVCOMP is of an order
> of magnitude harder than the IRTC, and the organisers underestimated the
> time needed to create this sort of work without giving up on real life.
> People couldn't find the time to complete their entries, and among those
> submitted, we feel that many can be improved.
> Accordingly, it has been decided to postpone the deadline until January 31,
> 2005. That's almost 3 additional months for people to resume or complete
> their work, or submit new ones.
> In a nutshell:
> - Those of you who have submitted an image will be given the opportunity to
> unsubmit it and resume work.
> - Those of you who did not submit due to lack of time are encouraged to
> resume work on their creation.
> - For those who are happy with what they have submitted already, their image
> will remain in its 'submitted' state. Of course, you can always create a new
> work.
> The precise procedures to do so will be explained later.
> Again, this was not an easy decision to take. I'm painfully aware of how
> difficult this must be for the POVCOMP participants. We hope, however, that
> these 3 extra months will result in many exceptional pictures.
> Gilles Tran
> --
> **********************
> http://www.oyonale.com
> **********************
> - Graphic experiments
> - POV-Ray and Poser computer images
> - Posters

First of all I would have to say I am disappointed. There where rules for
this competition that we all had to follow. If the level of art was not up
to standard there was no prevision in the rules to cover this. In such
there could be legal issues involved. I do not want to stop any further
competitions by scaring the organizers away. I do however believe more
respect to those that did make the deadline should be shown. Could my image
be better? Yes but I made the dead line with the best I could make. I have
heard here many times how the pov team must balance their time and life
with writing povray and I agree but now when we push and work to produce
with in the given required timeline we get blasted for not producing well

The idea of a competition was great. The execution was fair given that it
was a first run. It is time to complete this one, award the prizes, state
the improvements for later and go again with the improvements. If the
companies that donated the prizes expected this competition to be perfect
then perhaps new sponsors are needed anyway. I am sure everyone has learned
something from this.

If the deadline is moved officially I will put more time in to my image. I
am glad to be able to do so. But, this is not the normal way to handle
these problems in normal competition. Like I said before; there could be
legal issues that could change things. If anyone has access to legal advice
I would encourage some counseling.
From: emkaah
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 26 Oct 2004 19:35:47
Message: <417edf53$1@news.povray.org>
m1j wrote:
> the improvements for later and go again with the improvements. If the
> companies that donated the prizes expected this competition to be perfect
> then perhaps new sponsors are needed anyway. 

> legal issues that could change things. If anyone has access to legal advice
> I would encourage some counseling.
Suggesting to sue a bunch of VOLUNTEERS working hard to make an OPEN 
competition for a FREEWARE product a success, isn't mine style. And 
neither should be yours.

From: m1j
Subject: Re: Competition status
Date: 26 Oct 2004 19:55:00
Message: <web.417ee390b45fa19ef7635e200@news.povray.org>
emkaah <emkaah@yahoodotcom> wrote:
> m1j wrote:
> > the improvements for later and go again with the improvements. If the
> > companies that donated the prizes expected this competition to be perfect
> > then perhaps new sponsors are needed anyway.
> Dumbo.
> > legal issues that could change things. If anyone has access to legal advice
> > I would encourage some counseling.
> >
> Suggesting to sue a bunch of VOLUNTEERS working hard to make an OPEN
> competition for a FREEWARE product a success, isn't mine style. And
> neither should be yours.
> -Em

There is no suggesting in my post. I was just stating a warning. We could
all go blindly forward thinking no one here would do something like this
but with $14,000 in prize money there could be someone now or after the
finals are posted in Feb. that after losing decides they where not dealt
properly. The rules are conditions to a contract that was ratified by each
of us submitting an entry. To change the rules now with out first including
all those involved is a breach of contract. With such a team of volunteers
it would be a very easy win for anyone who lacking in integrity would spend
the money to file a suit. The Pov team would have no funds to fight and
would be force to agree to a settlement. That would be a very bad deal for
all of us. I am just worried. I am not sure if this issue was considered in
the decision.
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