POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Poster Size image render Server Time
15 Oct 2024 18:01:58 EDT (-0400)
  Poster Size image render (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Chris Holtorf
Subject: Poster Size image render
Date: 2 Mar 2005 19:43:40
Message: <1103_1109810724@news.povray.org>
5 days into the rendering of my poster size image and it is only 41 percent
complete. My original only took one day. Yikes !

Chris Holtorf
From: Slime
Subject: Re: Poster Size image render
Date: 2 Mar 2005 20:00:27
Message: <422661ab$1@news.povray.org>
> 5 days into the rendering of my poster size image and it is only 41
> complete. My original only took one day. Yikes !

Same deal with me. Mine's at about 56 percent, but for some reason it's
using a lot more memory than it was when it started (or maybe it's just
using it less efficiently). I'm having trouble with it because it's causing
the computer to thrash, so I can't render while I'm on the computer, and
it's loud so I can't render when I'm asleep.

Hopefully this will fix itself or else I might have to find someone with
more RAM to finish it for me.

 - Slime
 [ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
From: Marc Jacquier
Subject: Re: Poster Size image render
Date: 3 Mar 2005 03:07:24
Message: <4226c5bc$1@news.povray.org>

> 5 days into the rendering of my poster size image and it is only 41
> complete. My original only took one day. Yikes !
> Chris Holtorf
Mine is very slow since it has begun rendering the sea. Still 6 or 7 days
running at "Portfolio" size :-/


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