POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Any more changes to the rules ? : Re: Any more changes to the rules ? Server Time
9 Nov 2024 10:51:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: Any more changes to the rules ?  
From: Christoph Hormann
Date: 6 Dec 2004 03:50:01
Message: <cp16as$1n1$1@chho.imagico.de>
Chris Holtorf wrote:
>    Since I haven't been able to log onto the POVCOMP website since the original
contest due 
> date,

Huh. Why?

> I was wondering if there were anymore changes to the rules other than the change in
> due date ? I'm about ready to start my final rendering of the three required images
this week 
> and since it will take over a day to do each one, it would be nice not to be
surprised by 
> any last minute changes :)
> I need to finish my entry so that I can have a life this holiday season !

The current rules can be found on the website - it would be in any case 
a good idea to read them once more before submission.


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