POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition) : Re: ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition) Server Time
4 Oct 2024 14:56:12 EDT (-0400)
  Re: ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition)  
From: Warp
Date: 7 May 2006 20:27:48
Message: <445e9084@news.povray.org>
Sven Littkowski <sve### [at] jamaica-focuscom> wrote:
> 8
> You shall supply your files as include.
> 10
> You shall not name your textures with common names but apply names which
> contain your own name or the scene name, to prevent that you textures may be
> mistaken because of identical names with other textures.
> Example: "SvenLittkowski_SF_SpaceCarrier_Texture_01.jpg"

  Since the model is supplied in an include file, wouldn't it be enough
to require that all textures (and basically everything except the main
model which should be used in the scene) are declared #local?

  This is perfectly ok:

#local MyTexture = // It doesn't matter if someone else has a texture
  texture          // with the same name; it won't collide with this

#declare AuthorsNameShip = // This is the only thing which will be seen
  object                   // outside the include file
  { whatever
    texture { MyTexture }

                                                          - Warp

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