POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition) : ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition) Server Time
4 Oct 2024 13:38:59 EDT (-0400)
  ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition)  
From: Sven Littkowski
Date: 7 May 2006 17:12:39
Message: <445e62c7$1@news.povray.org>
ISF.RC (International Science Fiction Raytracing Competition)

Greetings to everyone!

The idea is to create a POV-Ray universe full of planets, life and 
starships. You are invited to add your starship designs to this project.
A first starship for this project is already on its way, please see the 
"povray.binaries.images" newsgroup: "SF: Preview 11+: Space Carrier".

There are some important guidelines to follow:

You shall make each POV-Ray unit equal to one meter.
You shall supply me the exact dimensions and ranges on the three axises (x,
y, z).
You shall have a sufficient amount of details in order to fit (again: see
You shall not make it looking simple, it must look technical - excentrically
colored discs will not be accepted.
You shall not use textures without lights (ship windows).
You shall not use colors which do not fit the given standard design (see any
of the "Previews" here).
You shall not create a ship which is not properly directed: ship front
is -z, ship back is +z, ship top is +y, ship bottom is -y, ship steerboard
is -x, ship backboard is +x (means: if you are located at let's say Z-100,
the ship is flying towards you).
You shall supply your files as include.
You shall supply your ship objects as meshes or regular shapes (boxes,
cylinders, etc.).
You shall not name your textures with common names but apply names which
contain your own name or the scene name, to prevent that you textures may be
mistaken because of identical names with other textures.
Example: "SvenLittkowski_SF_SpaceCarrier_Texture_01.jpg"

Also welcome:

Humans in future spacesuits (practical, light-weight suits)
Small crafts such as maintenance capsulas, maintenance robots,
atmospherical ferries, space ferries, fighters, corvettes, observers, other
small ships
Realistic planets such as seen on the background of some of my previews

On demand, I will supply you with my textures and source code examples how
to use them. That would ensure a certain similarity.

Everybody who shares his starship SDL files will also receive, on his
demand, the scene files of other participants.

The first developers of really cool starships will be invited to join the
future "jury", which decides which starships, planets, etc. are accepted for 
the project and which not.

Looking forward to hear from you all!


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