POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Copyright image : Re: Copyright image Server Time
12 Oct 2024 23:43:46 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Copyright image  
From: David Wallace
Date: 24 Jan 2005 12:11:31
Message: <41f52c43$1@news.povray.org>
Slime wrote:
> I'm curious; is anyone else going to provide a copyright image (see 4.g on
> http://www.povcomp.com/rules/ )? I'm considering making one so that I can
> ensure it will look good with the image, but I'm not sure what to make it
> say, other than the obvious "copyright 2005 me". Is there anything else that
> I might want to include? What sort of information do people usually put on
> their images?
>  - Slime
>  [ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
Modify this file to suit your needs:

#version unofficial MegaPov 1.1;
#include "screen.inc"

#macro scrCopy(_src, _trg, _col,_yr)
   Set_Camera(_src, _trg, 90)

   // Copyright notice
   #declare cdir = vnormalize(_trg-_src);
   #declare crgt = vnormalize(vcross(y,cdir));
   #declare cup = vnormalize(vcross(cdir,crgt));
   #declare cpt = vnormalize(cdir*10-cup*4.5);

	#local _msg = concat("(C) ",str(_yr,1,0)," by David Wallace");
	#local _msob = text {
		ttf "chancery.ttf" _msg 0.01,0
		pigment { rgb _col }
		scale .02
	Screen_Object (_msob, <1.0,0.0>, 0.01, true, 1)

David Wallace
TenArbor Consulting
"Just In Time Cash"

Copyright 2003-2023 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.