POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Win95 (and maybe mac) bug: global_settings are persistent Server Time
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  Win95 (and maybe mac) bug: global_settings are persistent (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Ronald L  Parker
Subject: Win95 (and maybe mac) bug: global_settings are persistent
Date: 4 Oct 1998 21:33:00
Message: <3618120f.77248053@news.povray.org>
I've found an annoying little bug in the Win95 GUI version of POVRay,
and possibly in other GUI versions.  When you render a scene with 
max_trace_level set to something other than the default, it seems to
remember that max_trace_level setting for the next render.  To test
this, do the following:

1) create a scene that shows artifacts from a small max_trace_level.
Render it.
2) add a line to the scene setting max_trace_level high enough to
remove the artifacts.  Render it again.
3) remove the line setting max_trace_level and rerender.

Notice that the result of (3) does not match the result of (1).  While
this is basically only an annoyance, it may also apply to other global
settings and should probably be fixed to avoid confusion.

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Win95 (and maybe mac) bug: global_settings are persistent
Date: 5 Oct 1998 01:20:17
Message: <36184901.0@news.povray.org>
Im Beitrag <3618120f.77248053@news.povray.org> , par### [at] mailfwicom (Ronald L.
Parker) schrieb:

>I've found an annoying little bug in the Win95 GUI version of POVRay,
>and possibly in other GUI versions.  When you render a scene with 
>max_trace_level set to something other than the default, it seems to
>remember that max_trace_level setting for the next render.  To test
>this, do the following:
>1) create a scene that shows artifacts from a small max_trace_level.
>Render it.
>2) add a line to the scene setting max_trace_level high enough to
>remove the artifacts.  Render it again.
>3) remove the line setting max_trace_level and rerender.
>Notice that the result of (3) does not match the result of (1).  While
>this is basically only an annoyance, it may also apply to other global
>settings and should probably be fixed to avoid confusion.

You are right, this will happen. But most (only except of Max_Trace_Level?) are set
correctly in the function init_vars in povray.c.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany

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