This may be the wrong place to address a relatively minor and perhaps, obsolete,
I'm using "POV-Ray" from the Debian packages that come with
Pop! OS 22.04 (povray 1: and povray-examples 1:
I wrote a quick Bash script to generate MP4 animations from the examples in the
animation subdirectories and hit two snags:
1. "reflection.ini" in the subdirectory "reflection" attempts to use
"reflect.pov" as the Input_File_Name, when, in fact, the file name is
2. The directory "quilted" has "plotqlt.pov" and "plotqlt.ini". All of the other
directory names match the root of the filenames within them. In other words, for
consistency I would expect the directory name to be "plotqlt" OR the file names
to be "quilted.pov" and "quilted.ini".
Easy enough to fix, but I thought someone might want to be aware of the
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