William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 6/22/24 01:58, William F Pokorny wrote:
> > With respect to SDL variables, your asking a simple sounding,
> > complicated question. 🙂
> >
> > Let me think about what a good answer would be.
> OK. I've written up a first draft of documentation I plan to include in
> the next yuqk release (R15). See the attached txt file.
> Bill P.
Thank you for this. :)
"So long as the maths are entirely within the SDL/VM/Messaging framework in the
yuqk fork, you can use the double's range of values:
double min = +-2.22507e-308
double max = +-1.79769e+308
:O Holy crap.
"In official POV-Ray releases - or where you want to play things safer to home
in yuqk - using the single float ranges are more stable / reliable.
float min = +-1.17549e-38
float max = +-3.40282e+38
WAY more range than I thought there was!
So values of 10^-16 shouldn't be too big of a deal.
- BW
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