POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Is sphere_sweep known to be troublesome? : Is sphere_sweep known to be troublesome? Server Time
13 Oct 2024 06:46:03 EDT (-0400)
  Is sphere_sweep known to be troublesome?  
From: JeffEvarts
Date: 12 Mar 2010 18:45:01
Message: <web.4b9ad12c8fcde48e18d0cecb0@news.povray.org>
This pov file:


#include "colors.inc"
#include "metals.inc"

light_source { <6, 9, -21> color White }
camera { location <0, 0, -3> look_at <0, 0, 0> }

sphere_sweep {
                <-2.0, 0, 0> 0.05

                <0.000,0,0> 0.2
                <0.025,0,0> 0.2
                <0.050,0,0> 0.2
                <0.075,0,0> 0.2

                <3.0,0,0> 0.2
                pigment { color White }


Produces two strange artifacts: A disk at the center of the sweep, and a faint
"halo" or veil which shows as 4 faint hyperbolas centered around the origin.

I have tried tweaking tolerance (for no other reason than I saw that someone
else was tweaking it to solve a problem) but this does not seem to change

For a look at MY result when I run this, view this image:


(I can't post attachments to this newsgroup)

-Jeff Evarts

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