On 01/07/2024 16:49, ingo wrote:
> kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Bonjour Kurtz
> What version, are you using? The one on my site seems to run fine and searching
> for ' NumVertices,"\n ' yields no result. The same for the files in the POV-Ray
> distributions. Could you test with the include file from :
> https://ingoogni.nl/download/MMM.zip
Bonjour Ingo,
The version i use :
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Include File
// File: makemesh.inc
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: Macros and functions used in builing mesh2 objects.
// Date: 2002/04/27
// Auth: Ingo Janssen
The test with makemesh in "MMM.zip"
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Include File
// File: makemesh.inc
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: Macros and functions used in builing mesh2 objects.
// Date: 2002/04/27
// Auth: Ingo Janssen
// Rev 2002/10/23 : Added the CheckFileName macro.
// Added the option to write Wavefront *.obj files.
// Added the option to write *.pcm files, for Chris
Colefax' Compressed Mesh Macros.
// Added the option to write *.arr files, this writes
only the arrays to a file.
// Rev 2004/26/5 : Changed the order the vertices are written in to
counter clockwise
And your site say : "Last update: 2019-01-04" for makemesh.
... I use the original version of April 27, **2002**
I'm "really" not up to date !
Thanks for your answer, all is ok.
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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