On 6/25/24 14:57, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Off to again update the new rulesOfThumbForMath.txt file - or the code,
> if I can figure out how to let only infinite double returns from val()
> past by the debug compile checking for infinite values.
The yuqk documentation was updated.
There isn't any practical way to turn off all the checking for
infinities in the debug compile of yuqk to allow for the setting of
+-inf via val().
So, in the non-debug compile of yuqk and all recent official POV-Ray
releases you can set +-inf values via val() and do things like
comparisons. However, the +-inf values are likely to cause undetected &
unreported problems should they make it into downstream math - or into
any down stream functions. Use with caution.
Bill P.
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