torus { 1.5, 0.1 texture { pigment{ color Green } // rgb< 1, 0.0, 0.0>} finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture scale<1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0> } // end of sphere ----------------------------------- #declare LP=array[16]{ <0.45,0>,<0.45,0.0828427>,<0.382843,0.15>,<0.3,0.15>, <0.3,0.15>,<0.217157,0.15>,<0.15,0.0828427>,<0.15,0>, <0.15,0>,<0.15,-0.0828427>,<0.217157,-0.15>,<0.3,-0.15>, <0.3,-0.15>,<0.382843,-0.15>,<0.45,-0.0828427>,<0.45,0>}; #declare Lathe_CounterClockwise = lathe { bezier_spline 16, #for(i,0,15,1) LP[i] #end sturm texture { pigment { Red } } interior_texture { pigment { Blue } } } object {Lathe_CounterClockwise scale 5 clipped_by { plane { 3*x+z,0.5 } } } #include "" #for(i,0,15,4) cone { 5*, 0.1, 5*, 0 texture { pigment { color CHSV2RGB( <(360*i/20), 1, 1> ) } } } #end