// ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions #declare T_WhitePlastic = texture { pigment { color White } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 phong 0.8 phong_size 70 } } #declare Base = union { box { < -10.0, -(20.3-11.7), -10.0>, < 10.0, 15.0, 10.0> } lathe { linear_spline 4, < 0.0, -1.5>, < 11.5/2+0.2, -1.5>, < 13.63/2, 0.0>, < 0.0, 0.0> translate -(20.3-11.7)*y } } #declare Cast1 = lathe { linear_spline 6, < 0.0, -(20.3-11.7-2)> < 3.0, -(20.3-11.7-2)>, //< 2.0, -(20.3-11.7-1)>, < 8.5/2, -(20.3-11.7-1)>, < 8.5/2, -(20.3-11.7)>, // If I chaged this Y value, the shadow disappeared. < 8.5/2+1 , -(20.3-11.7+1.5+1.0)>, < 0.0, -(20.3-11.7+1.5+1.0)> } #declare Cast2_1 = prism { linear_sweep linear_spline -11, 11, 5, < 1.0, 0.0>, < 2.0, -1.6>, < -2.0, -1.6>, < -1.0, 0.0>, < 1.0, 0.0> rotate -90*x } #declare Cast2 = union { object { Cast2_1 } object { Cast2_1 rotate 90*y } translate -(20.3-11.7)*y } #declare Object_A = difference { object { Base } object { Cast1 translate -0.001*y } // I added 'traslate -0.001*y' to this line second. Then the shadoo appeared. ( The figure 3 ) //object { Cast1 translate 0.001*y } // Finally, I chaged translation value like this line in order to avoid appearing of the shadow. ( The figure 4 ) object { Cast2 translate -0.001*y } // At first I added 'translate -0.001*y' to this line. ( The figure 2 ) texture { T_WhitePlastic } } object { Object_A translate 3*y } light_source { < -50, -120, -80> color White } camera { location < -40, -60, -20> look_at -5*y angle 20 }