#declare Foot = union { blob { threshold .01 sphere { 0,1,1 scale <3,1,1>} sphere { <0,.5,0> .5 1 scale <2,1,1> } sphere { <0,-.5,0> .5 1 scale <2,1,1> } //remove the back of the foot.... sphere { <-1,0,0> 1, -2 scale <1,2,1>} sphere { <-2,0,0> 1, -2 } sphere { <0,0,-1> 1,-20 scale <10000,10000,1>} sphere { <1.5,0,-.25> 1 1 scale <1,1.5,1> } sphere { <-.3,0, .75> .5 1 scale <1.5,1.5,1>} //leg texture { Chrome_Metal pigment { color Blue } } translate <.5,0,-1> } sphere { <0,0,0> .5 texture { Chrome_Metal pigment { color Blue } } } } #declare LowerLeg1= union { object { Foot rotate Foot_rot } cone { <0,0,0> .35 <0,0,4> .75 texture { Chrome_Metal } } sphere { <0,0,4> 1.25 texture { Chrome_Metal pigment { color Blue } } } translate <0,0,-4> } #declare Leg = union { object { LowerLeg1 rotate LLeg_rot } cone { <0,0,0> .75 <0,0,3> 1.25 texture { Chrome_Metal } } sphere { <0,0,3> 1.5 texture { Chrome_Metal pigment { color Blue } } } translate <0,0,-3> }