// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: ColourMapTest.pov // Vers: 3.1 // Date: 29 Jan 2000 // Auth: D.G.Wilkinson #version 3.1; #include "colors.inc" #include "ColorMap.inc" // the macro file global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.5 } camera { location <0.0, 1.2, -4.8> direction 1.5*z right 4/3*x look_at <0.0, 1.2, 0.0> } light_source { <-20, 0, -50> color rgb 1 } light_source { <20, 0, -50> color rgb 1 } // Essential to reset the color values to zero and to define the arrays ColReset() // These are the intervals in the color_map - 10 maximum, only define the ones you need #declare CB[0]= 0; #declare CB[1]=0.2; #declare CB[2]=0.3; #declare CB[3]=0.35; #declare CB[4]=0.4; #declare CB[5]=0.55; #declare CB[6]=0.6; #declare CB[7]=0.7; #declare CB[8]=0.8; #declare CB[9]=0.9; #declare CB[10]=1; // These are the colours associated with the intervals. // (They can either be rgb values or standard pov colors.) #declare CV[0]=rgb <0.28,0.2,0.11>; #declare CV[1]=rgb <0.36,0.43,0.02>; #declare CV[2]=rgb <0.26,0.39,0.18>; #declare CV[3]=DarkSlateGray; #declare CV[4]=rgb <0.05,0.24,0.3>; #declare CV[5]=rgb <0.07,0.19,0.46>; #declare CV[6]=rgb <0.19,0.19,0.5>; #declare CV[7]=rgb <0.24,0.13,0.35>; #declare CV[8]=rgb <0.43,0.18,0.47>; #declare CV[9]=DarkOliveGreen; #declare CV[10]=rgb <0.34,0.05,0.05>; // The scale of the pattern #declare Scale=0.1; // draw the picture ColMap()