/* Example of the use of the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) macros for specifying colours developed by Margus Ramst posted in news.povray.binaries.utilities on 10 July 1999 */ //"hslft" lets you specify colours with the //hue-saturation-lightness colour model. //You can also use "hsl", "hslf" and "hslt" as shortcuts, //just like "rgb", "rgbf" and "rgbt"; //H - hue; circular spectrum running red-green-blue-red //S - saturation, i.e. the amount of colour in relation to gray //L - lightness of the colour //F,T - filter and transmit of the colour #include "colors.inc" #include "HSL.inc" // These are the HSL macros global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } // ---------------------------------------- camera { location <4, 3, -10.0> direction 1.5*z right 4/3*x look_at <4, 3, 0.0> orthographic } light_source { <4, 3, -1000> color rgb 1 } // starting conditions #declare Hue =0; #declare Sat =0.4; #declare Light=1; #declare Filt=0; #declare Transm=0; #declare Count=0; #declare Line =0; #while (Line<6) #while (Count<8) box { 0,0.9 pigment {hslft(Hue,Sat,Light,Filt,Transm)} translate } text { ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("Hue=",str(Hue,0,2)) 5, 0 pigment { Black } scale 0.2 translate } text { ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("Sat=",str(Sat,0,2)) 5, 0 pigment { Black } scale 0.2 translate } text { ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("Light=",str(Light,0,2)) 5, 0 pigment { Black } scale 0.2 translate } #declare Hue = Hue + 1/8; #declare Count=Count+1; #end #declare Count = 0; #declare Hue=0; #declare Sat=Sat+0.6/5; #declare Line=Line+1; #end