> Any idea of how to make lightning between two points?
For animation, I used to draw a random succession of cylinders with no
shadow and a quite high ambient value
It was between 2 sphere, I drew about 10 cylinders (linked to each other
with spheres, apex of the 1st one was base of the snd one... and so on)
and I used random value to jitter those points. After some trys, this
rendered great as a small electrical arc. I suppose you could use
somehow the same method to modelize a hige lightning
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Rune has an electricity macro for use with MegaPov.
It's a little old, and it requires Megapov's Glow object, but it works
rather well.
I'll post a demonstration image in P.B.I.
dave wrote:
> Any idea of how to make lightning between two points?
> dave
//Anthony D. Baye, Student - Comp.Sci.
#default{pigment{rgb<0,.4,1>}finish{reflection 0.3 specular 0.6}}#macro
m(a,g,e)#local A=0;
#local A=A+90;#end #local B=0;#while(B<360)sphere{a*x,e rotate
B/2*g*z}#local B=B+1;
#end #end m(2,1,.03)m(2,-1,.03)light_source{<-3,10,-15>,rgb
1}camera{location-7*z look_at 0}
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