POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : PROOF : core include files and test code. : Re: PROOF : core include files and test code. Server Time
17 Sep 2024 15:39:04 EDT (-0400)
  Re: PROOF : core include files and test code.  
From: Bruno Cabasson
Date: 22 Mar 2022 11:15:20
Message: <6239e808@news.povray.org>
Le 22/03/2022 à 13:29, Bruno Cabasson a écrit :
> Hi,
> Here is an updated package, including "oocore.inc". The test file 
> "oocore_ut.pov" provides examples on how classes can be defined and how 
> main OO features can work in the "testing whole classes" section.
> Again, for the time being, this is only a study, and requires v3.8beta2.
> Soon, and if this approach is accepted by people here, I will go further 
> with POV objects encapsulation within PROOF. As I already said, such an 
> encapsulation, in itself, does not bring much compared to native syntax. 
> Except we now can deal with objects and classes we can derive and attach 
> behaviour to.
> To my eyes, POV-Sdl is not really a *programming* language. It is a 
> Scene Description Language, which is quite different and very 
> specialized. Since we have Object Orientedness, perhaps we could be in 
> position to make it a *real* programming language. Even if not 
> full-featured, even with limitations, even with syntactic and functional 
> sacrifices.
> Of course, if it finally appears that nobody is interested, I will stop 
> the study and drop PROOF. Will not bother me much.
> B.


Please find a WIP for the "objects.inc" file, with a basic test file 
(not intended for unit-testing) and a result image.

You can see the class hierachy I designed so far :

   +- ObjectItem
   |  |    - no properties -
   |  |    commit() // generates Sdl items
   |  |
   |  +- ObjectPhotons
   |  |      target_
   |  |      refraction_
   |  |      reflection_
   |  |      collect_
   |  |      pass_through_
   |  |      - no additional methods -
   |  |
   |  +- ObjectRadiosity
   |  |      importance_
   |  |      - no additional methods -
   |  |
   |  +- ObjectModifiers
   |  |      texture_
   |  |      _has_interior_texture
   |  |      interior_texture_
   |  |      _has_interior
   |  |      interior_
   |  |      _has_pigment
   |  |      pigment_
   |  |      _has_normal
   |  |      normal_
   |  |      _has_finish
   |  |      finish_
   |  |      _has_transform
   |  |      transform_
   |  |      object_photons
   |  |      _has_object_radiosity
   |  |      object_radiosity
   |  |      _has_bounded_by
   |  |      bounded_by_
   |  |      _has_clipped_by
   |  |      clipped_by_
   |  |      double_illuminate_
   |  |      hollow_
   |  |      no_shadow_
   |  |      no_image_
   |  |      no_reflection_
   |  |      no_radiosity_
   |  |      - no additional methods -
   +- Object
      |   modifiers
      |   _spawned
      |   _instance
      |   spawn() // Actually creates the Sdl object
      |              (using ObjectItem's commmit() method)
      +- Sphere
      |      center
      |      radius_
      |      - no additional methods -
      +- Box
      |      ur
      |      ll
      |      - no additional methods -
      +- Cylinder
      |      base
      |      cap
      |      radius_
      |      open_
      |     - no additional methods -
      +- Torus
      |      major
      |      minor
      |      spindle_type
      |      sturm_
      |      - no additional methods -
      .../... and so forth in the future for other POV objects.

I just implemented basic shapes to see what happens : sphere, box, 
cylinder and torus.

Objects classes can define 2 methods, invoked by describe() and dump() 
convenience macros:
  -) describe() ==> MyClass_describe() macro
       outputs a description of the class in the #debug channel
  -) dump() ==> MyClass_dump() macro
       outputs a dump of the contents of an instancein the #debug channel

The "object_test.pov" test file shows how these classes can be used and 
the "object_test.png" image is the result of the Run.

Using classes for such a scene is not really interresting. But we are 
now in the Object Oriented world. I will not explain the advantages of 
OO ....

RECALL : It is just the VERY beginning of a POC.

I hope I can illustrate soon how OO can help in our scenes (or 
animations). If any of you has ideas or inspiration, you are welcome to 



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Download 'objects.inc.txt' (30 KB) Download 'objects_test.png' (112 KB) Download 'objects_test.pov.txt' (7 KB)

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