#version 3.7; global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0} #include "debug.inc" Set_Debug (true) #declare FILENAME = "TestFile.txt"; //#declare FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER = 1; #declare ONE = 0; #declare TWO = 0; #declare THREE = 0; #declare FOUR = 0; #declare FIVE = 0; #declare Existence = file_exists (FILENAME); // Attempts to open the file specified by the string S. // The current directory and all library directories specified by the Library_Path or +L options are also searched. // See Library Paths for details. Returns 1 if successful and 0 if unsuccessful. #debug "\n" #debug "#######################################################################################################\n" #debug concat("Checking for existence of file ", FILENAME, " ... \n") #declare Existence = file_exists (FILENAME); #if (Existence = 1) #debug concat ("Directive 'file_exists (FILENAME)' = ", str (Existence, 1, 1), " File ", FILENAME, " exists. \n") #else #debug concat ("Directive 'file_exists (FILENAME)' = ", str (Existence, 1, 1), " File ", FILENAME, " does not exist. \n") #end #debug "\n" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #debug concat("Opening file ", FILENAME, " for writing ... \n") #fopen FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER FILENAME write #debug concat("Writing data to file ... \n") #write (FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER, 1, ", ", 2, ", ", 3, ", ", 4, ", ", 5, ", \n") #write (FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER, 6, ", ", 7, ", ", 8, ", ", 9, ", ", 10, "\n") #debug concat("Closing file ... \n") #fclose FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER #debug "\n" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #debug concat("Checking for existence of file ", FILENAME, " ... \n") #declare Existence = file_exists (FILENAME); #if (Existence = 1) #debug concat ("Directive 'file_exists (FILENAME)' = ", str (Existence, 1, 1), " File ", FILENAME, " exists. \n") #else #debug concat ("Directive 'file_exists (FILENAME)' = ", str (Existence, 1, 1), " File ", FILENAME, " does not exist. \n") #end #debug "\n" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #declare Existence = file_exists (FILENAME); #if (Existence = 1) #debug concat("Opening file ", FILENAME, " for reading ... \n") #debug "\n" #fopen FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER FILENAME read // If you attempt to read past end-of-file, the file is automatically closed and the FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER is deleted from the symbol table. // This means that the boolean function defined(FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER) can be used to detect end-of-file. #while (defined (FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER)) #debug "File open, reading data from file... \n" #read (FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE) // output 5-term color expression data #declare Vector = ; #debug concat( "Vector.x = ", str(Vector.x, 3, 0), "\n") #debug concat( "Vector.u = ", str(Vector.u, 3, 0), "\n\n") #debug concat( "Vector.y = ", str(Vector.y, 3, 0), "\n") #debug concat( "Vector.v = ", str(Vector.v, 3, 0), "\n\n") #debug concat( "Vector.z = ", str(Vector.z, 3, 0), "\n\n") #debug concat( "Vector.t = ", str(Vector.t, 3, 0), "\n") #debug concat( "Vector.filter = ", str(Vector.filter, 3, 0), "\n\n") #debug concat( "Vector.transmit = ", str(Vector.transmit, 3, 0), "\n\n") #end #debug "End of file (EOF) reached. File automatically closed. \n" #fclose FILE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER // just to make sure #else #debug "File ", FILENAME, " does not exist. Cannot open for reading. \n" #end // end if #debug "#######################################################################################################\n" #debug "\n"