#include "screen.inc" // As modified by SharkD // Inspired by TargetTest.pov by "Captain Jack" // Create the camera (mostly default settings) #declare Camera_Direct_Mode = 0; #declare Camera_Orthographic = off; #declare Camera_Aspect_Ratio = image_width/image_height; #declare Camera_Location = -30*z+15*y; #declare Camera_Look_At = 0*x; #declare Camera_Sky = +y; #declare Camera_Zoom = 1; Update_Camera() // Generic 3-point lighting light_source { 0*x rgb 1.000 translate < 80, 60, -100> } light_source { 0*x rgb 0.500 translate <-80, 30, -100> } light_source { 0*x rgb 0.250 translate < 20, 20, 60> } // Declare points #declare Bottom = <0,0,0>; #declare Top = <2, 10, 0>; // Make picture cylinder { Bottom, Top, 2 pigment{ color <1.0, 0.8, 0.1> }} #declare ScreenBottom = Get_Screen_XY(Bottom); #declare ScreenTop = Get_Screen_XY(Top); // Write to standard out #debug concat("\n\nBottom is ", str(ScreenBottom.x,5,0), ", ", str(ScreenBottom.y, 5, 0), "\n") #debug concat("Top is ", str(ScreenTop.x,5,0), ", ", str(ScreenTop.y, 5, 0), "\n") // Write to file #fopen fileHandler "myFile.txt" write #write (fileHandler,int(ScreenTop.x),"\t",int(ScreenTop.y),"\n") #fclose fileHandler