//FanPro's Classic Battletech Atlas //http://www.classicbattletech.com //Based on the Atlas Mech miniature (20-942RE) from Iron Wind Metals //http://www.ironwindmetals.com //Coded by Yuri Hikado //For POV Ray v3.6 //http://www.povray.org //WizKids LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, // sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the //game Classic BattleTech. //Not for use in commercial projects //DO NOT DELETE!!! #include "colors.inc" #include "skies.inc" #include "stars.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "finish.inc" #declare sky_vect = z ; #declare cam_loc = <0,0,-5> ; #declare lookat = <0,5,0> ; #max_trace_level 100 //********************************************************************************************** // >>>>>CONTROL PANEL<<<<< * //********************************************************************************************** //Most Controls default to zero. If you get confused, reset all values to zero and try again //Unless you know what you are doing, do not change anything outside the control section below. //*******************************************************Environmental Controls #declare GroundOn=0; #declare Ground_Level=1; #declare Light_On=1; #declare Light_Direction=45;//100 #declare Light_Elevation=5;//0 #declare Rad_On = 1; //Radiosity On yeilds more realistic shadows but takes 4 to 10 times as long // to render. #declare Fog = 0; //*******************************************************Camera Controls #declare Camera_Horizontal=0; #declare Camera_Vertical=0; #declare Camera_Zoom=-20; #declare Camera_Look_Right_Left=0; #declare Camera_Look_Up_Down=0; #declare Camera_Tilt=0; #declare Camera_Shift_Horizontal=0; #declare Camera_Shift_Vertical=0; //*******************************************************Mech Joints #declare MechX=0; #declare MechY=0; #declare MechZ=0; #declare RotateMech=60; // Head/Torso #declare TorsoTwist=-35;//positive for clockwise #declare TorsoPitch=0;//positive:mech looks up, negative:mech looks down #declare TurnHead=-10; // Valid Range -10 to 10 #declare RaiseHead=0; //Valid Range -20 to 20 #declare Antenna=1; //Antenna On = 1, Antenna Off = 0 // Left Arm #declare LeftShoulderElevation=-45; #declare LeftShoulderLateral=10;// Valid Range 5-35 #declare LeftElbowAngle=45;//Valid Range 0-120 #declare LWrist=20; #declare LWristTwist=0; #declare LHandFused=1; #declare LClaw=250; #declare LFinger1=0; #declare LFinger2=0; #declare LFinger3=0; #declare LThumb1=80; #declare LThumb2=90; #declare LThumbLateral=10; //Valid Range 0 to 120 // Right Arm #declare RightShoulderElevation=0; #declare RightShoulderLateral=10;// Valid Range 10-35 #declare RightElbowAngle=0;//Valid Range 0-120 #declare RWrist=0; #declare RWristTwist=0; #declare RHandFused=1; #declare RClaw=250; #declare RFinger1=0; #declare RFinger2=250; #declare RFinger3=250; #declare RThumb1=80; #declare RThumb2=90; #declare RThumbLateral=60;//Valid Range 0 to 120 // Left Leg #declare LeftToes=00; //Valid Range 0-15 (Max is 15 greater than BendLeftAnkle) #declare LeftFootTilt=0; //Valid Range -1 to 6 #declare BendLeftAnkle=-10; //Valid Range 0-30 #declare BendLeftKnee=0;//Valid Range 0-45 #declare RaiseLeftLeg=-10; #declare TwistLeftLeg=0; // Valid Range 20 to -20 #declare SpreadLeftLeg=0;// Valid Range 20 to -20 // Right Leg #declare RightToes=0; //Valid Range 0-15 (Max is 15 greater than BendRightAnkle) #declare RightFootTilt=0;//Valid Range -1 to 6 #declare BendRightAnkle=10;//Valid Range 0-30 #declare BendRightKnee=0;//Valid Range 0-45 #declare RaiseRightLeg=10; #declare TwistRightLeg=0; // Valid Range 20 to -20 #declare SpreadRightLeg=0;// Valid Range 20 to -20 //********************************************************** Weapons Fire #declare LeftArmLgLaser=0; #declare RightArmLgLaser=0; #declare LeftArmPPC=0; #declare RightArmPPC=0; //#declare LeftArmMedLaserLength=10; //#declare RightArmMedLaserLength=10; //#declare Flare=1; #declare LeftArmBeamLength=10; #declare RightArmBeamLength=10; #declare RightTorsoBeamLength=0; //***********************************************************Colors #declare MainColor= color red 0.6 green 0.6 blue 0.6;//DarkOliveGreen;//DarkOliveGreen;//color red 0.99 green .39 blue .19;//DarkOliveGreen;//DarkTan;//Gray60; #declare TrimOn=0;// 1=Non Camo Trim, 0=off #declare Trim1=Gray60;//DarkTan;//Firebrick; #declare Trim2=Gray60;//VeryDarkBrown;//Black; #declare Trim3=Black; #declare Barrels=Gray20; #declare TRO3025= 1; //3025 = 6 holes LT, 5 tubes on hip #declare Logo_On=0; //1 turns on Logo on shoulder pads #declare LogoAngleVert=45; //Adjust vertical position of shoulder logo #declare LogoAngleHor=5;//Adjust horizontal position of shoulder logo #declare LLogo="AtlasFS";//Insert name of 1200x600 picture for shoulder, either with Alpha channel or a background matching color scheme. Must be in same folder as this file. #declare RLogo="AtlasFS";//Insert name of 1200x600 picture for shoulder, either with Alpha channel or a background matching color scheme. Must be in same folder as this file. #declare RKneeLogo=0; #declare RKLogo= "42small";// 150x150 picture. I use this for the unit number, but kept as picture for versatility #declare LKneeLogo=0; #declare LKLogo= "FirstCrucisLancers";//"DavionAssaultGuard"; 150x150 picture #declare TRO3025ChestLogo = 0; #declare ChestLogo= "FirstCrucisLancers";//"DavionAssaultGuard"; 150x150 picture #declare CamoOn = 1; #declare CamoStripe = 0; #declare StripeAngle=45; #declare CamoLayerOne = color red 0.61 green 0.61 blue 0.61;//VeryDarkBrown;//color red 0.299804 green 0.299804 blue 0.174314;//VeryDarkBrown;//Yellow;//White;//VeryDarkBrown;//color red 0.59 green 0 blue 0.7865;//insert MainColor for no Camo #declare CamoLayerTwo = color red .59 green 0.59 blue 0.59;//DarkTan;//color red 0.319804 green 0.319804 blue 0.194314;//DarkTan;//Orange;//Black;//DarkTan;//color red 0.57 green 0 blue 0.7665;//Insert MainColor for no Camo #declare Trans = color rgbf 1; #declare CamoScale = 10;//30; #declare GetFinish = 1; #declare SetFinish = Shiny; //************************************************************************** // >>>>>>> END CONTROLS <<<<<<<< * //************************************************************************** global_settings { //This setting is for alpha transparency to work properly. //Increase by a small amount if transparent areas appear dark. max_trace_level 50 } #declare outer_blue_light= media { emission <.01,.01,.05>} ; #declare inner_blue_light= media { emission <0,0,.9>} ; #declare outer_pink_light= media { emission <.14,.01,.01> } ; #declare inner_pink_light= media { emission <.99,.1,.1>} ; #declare outer_green_light= media { emission <.01,.08,.01>} ; #declare inner_green_light= media { emission <.14,.9,.14>} ; #if (Rad_On) global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 radiosity { pretrace_start 0.08 pretrace_end 0.04 count 35 nearest_count 5 error_bound 0.2 recursion_limit 1 low_error_factor .5 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1 adc_bailout 0.01/2 normal on } } #end #macro Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) material { #if (CamoStripe) texture{ // Davion Guard Scheme pigment{ gradient x scale <30,5,5> color_map{ [0 color MainColor] [.25 color MainColor] [.25 color CamoLayerOne] [.375 color CamoLayerOne] [.375 color CamoLayerTwo] [.625 color CamoLayerTwo] [.625 color CamoLayerOne] [.75 color CamoLayerOne] [.75 color MainColor] [1 color MainColor] }} translate x*15 } /* texture{ // Crouching Tiger Stripe Pattern pigment{ gradient z turbulence <.5,.5,.5> scale <5,5,5> color_map { [ 0 color MainColor] [ .3 color MainColor] [ .3 color CamoLayerOne] [ .33 color CamoLayerOne] [ .33 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .47 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .47 color CamoLayerOne] [ .5 color CamoLayerOne] [ .5 color MainColor] [ .8 color MainColor] [ .8 color CamoLayerOne] [ .83 color CamoLayerOne] [ .83 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .97 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .97 color CamoLayerOne] [ 1 color CamoLayerOne] } rotate x*StripeAngle }} texture{ //Normal Stripes pigment{ gradient z turbulence <.5,.5,.5> scale <5,5,5> color_map { [ 0 color MainColor] [ .14 color MainColor] [ .14 color CamoLayerOne] [ .28 color CamoLayerOne] [ .28 color MainColor] [ .42 color MainColor] [ .42 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .56 color CamoLayerTwo] [ .56 color MainColor] [ .70 color MainColor] [ .7 color CamoLayerOne] [ .8 color CamoLayerOne] [ .80 color MainColor] [ .90 color MainColor] [ .9 color CamoLayerTwo] [ 1 color CamoLayerTwo] } rotate x*StripeAngle }}*/ #else texture { // 1st texture pigment {color MainColor} #if (GetFinish) finish {SetFinish} #end } #if (CamoOn) texture { // 2nd texture pigment { agate agate_turb 0.5 turbulence <0.6, 0.5, 0.4> color_map { [ 0 color Trans] [ 0.2 color Trans] [ 0.2 color CamoLayerOne] [ 0.4 color CamoLayerOne] [ 0.4 color Trans] [ 0.6 color Trans] [ 0.6 color CamoLayerOne] [ 0.8 color CamoLayerOne] [ 0.8 color Trans] [ 1 color Trans] } } #if (GetFinish) finish {SetFinish} #end scale <0.7, 0.5, 0.6> } texture { // 3rd texture pigment { bumps turbulence <0.6, 0.5, 0.4> color_map { [ 0 color Trans] [ 0.2 color Trans] [ 0.2 color CamoLayerTwo] [ 0.4 color CamoLayerTwo] [ 0.4 color Trans] [ 0.6 color Trans] [ 0.6 color CamoLayerTwo] [ 0.8 color CamoLayerTwo] [ 0.8 color Trans] [ 1 color Trans] } } #if (GetFinish) finish {SetFinish} #end scale 0.1 translate <0.5, 0.2, 0.1> } scale CamoScale #end #end } #end #if (Light_On) union{ // create a regular point light source light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color translate <00, 100, -2000> shadowless//shadowless jitter } light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color translate <-0, 0, -2000> shadowless//shadowless jitter } //rotate y*-135 rotate y*Light_Direction rotate x*Light_Elevation } #end /* sphere {<0,0,0>,10000 texture {pigment { bozo color_map { [0.0 rgb <0.8, 0.0, 0.0>] [0.4 rgb <0.4, 0.0, 0.4>] [0.6 rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0.2>] [1.0 rgb 0.0] }turbulence 1 } scale 500} hollow}*/ //sphere {<0,0,0>,9000 texture {T_Cloud3 scale 500} hollow} /*background { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } box {<-640,-480,501>,<640,480,500> //texture {pigment{color rgb <0,0,1>} finish { ambient 1 }} texture { pigment { image_map { jpeg "morning" //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Right Knee Logo Here map_type 0 } } finish { ambient 1 } scale 1000 // Play with this until you get ONE logo, it tiles translate <640,-480,0> // this moves you along the axis to center youe logo. adjust in small increments } translate <0,185,0> } */ //background { color rgb <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } //background { color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0> } background { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } //sky_sphere {S_Cloud4 } #if (Fog) fog { // **** FOG **** distance 5000//225 color rgbf<0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0> turbulence .75 turb_depth .3 fog_type 2 fog_offset 50 fog_alt 1 } #end //plane { y, (Ground_Level-38.5) //39 //texture { T_Stone14} //} #if (GroundOn) plane { y, (Ground_Level-26) texture { pigment { bozo color_map { [0. color DarkGreen] [.45 color DarkOliveGreen] [0.9 color DarkTan] [0.95 color DarkBrown] [1.0 color VeryDarkBrown] } turbulence 0.05 scale <.5,.5,.5>//<.10, .10, .10> } normal{ wrinkles 15//30 scale 50 } //finish { phong 1 } } } #end camera { location <0, 0, 0> rotate y*Camera_Look_Right_Left rotate x*Camera_Look_Up_Down rotate z*Camera_Tilt translate rotate } /* union{ plane { y, -20.0 } plane { x, -100.0 } plane { z, 100.0 } pigment {color Gray40} rotate y*50 } */ //*****************Begin Mech <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Begin Mech ************************* union{ union{ //Hip union{ //Torso union{// Head // create a regular point light source light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color translate <2,1.7,-2> fade_distance 5 fade_power 2 } light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color translate <-2,1.7,-2> fade_distance 5 fade_power 2 } difference{ union{ difference{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.4 pigment {color Gray60} } box { <4.5, -5, -5>, <5.5, 5, 5> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-4.5, -5, -5>, <-5.5, 5, 5> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-4.3, 0, 0>, <4.3, 2, -6> pigment {color Gray90}} box { <-.85,-1.75,-4>,<.85,.5,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} difference{ //diagonal cheek grill marks union { #declare Yrot = -10; #while (Yrot < 90) box { <.02,0,0>,<-.02,3,-10> pigment {color Black} rotate z*45 rotate y*Yrot } #declare Yrot = Yrot+2.5; #end #declare Yrot = 10; #while (Yrot > -90) box { <.02,0,0>,<-.02,3,-10> pigment {color Black} rotate z*-45 rotate y*Yrot } #declare Yrot = Yrot-2.5; #end translate y*-2.2 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.2 pigment {color Black} } } //end grill difference{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 10.1 pigment {color Gray20} translate z*4.8 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 6.3 pigment {color Gray20} translate z*1.75 } box { <6, -5, -0>, <-6, 5, 5> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6, -2.1, -6>, <-6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray60}} } } //end difference difference{ union{ difference{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 6//8.6 pigment {color Gray60} translate z*1.25 } box { <7, -7, -1>, <-7, 7, 8> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <7, -2.1, -7>, <-7, 7, 8> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <7, -2.85, -7>, <-7,- 7, 8> pigment {color Gray40}} box { <7, -7, -1>, <-7, 7, 8> pigment {color Gray40}} box { <7, -2.1, -7>, <-7, 7, 8> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <7, -2.85, -7>, <-7,- 7, 8> pigment {color Gray40}} } difference{ box { <-1.65, -4.2, 0>, <1.65, -2.88, -4> pigment {color Gray60}} difference{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 10.1 pigment {color Gray60} translate z*4.8 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 6. pigment {color Gray60} translate z*1.95 translate y*-2 } } } } #declare Yrot = -50; #while (Yrot < 51) box { <-.025, -3.5, -7>, <.025,0, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+5; #end } difference{ union{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.08 pigment {color Gray60} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*4.25 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.08 pigment {color Gray60} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*-4.25 } } box{ <4.45,5,5>,<-4.45,-5,-5> pigment {color Gray60} } } } box { <0, 0, -5>, <-6, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*35 translate <5,-1.8,0>} box { <0, 0, -5>, <6, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-35 translate <-5,-1.8,0>} box { <-4.4, -4.2, 6>, <4.4, -7, -6> pigment {color Gray60}} } difference{ //Canopy sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.40 texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}} } box { <4.45, -5, -5>, <5.5, 5, 5> texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}}} box { <-4.45, -5, -5>, <-5.5, 5, 5> texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}}} box { <-4.5, .6, 6>, <4.5, -6, -6> texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}}} box { <-4.5, 6, 6>, <4.5, 2.1, -6> texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}}} box { <-6, 6, 6>, <6, -6, 0> texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4}}} box { <-.75,-1.5,-5>,<.75,.7,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} } //end canopy difference{ //outer shell difference{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.6 pigment {color Gray90}} sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.4 pigment {color Gray90}} box { <6,-2,0>,<-6,-6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <4.5, -6, -6>, <6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-4.5, -6, -6>, <-6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray60}} } difference{ union{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.28 pigment {color Gray90} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*4.25 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.28 pigment {color Gray90} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*-4.25 } } box{ <4.45,5,5>,<-4.45,-5,-5> pigment {color Gray60} } } box { <0, 0, -5>, <-6, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*35 translate <5,-1.8,0>} box { <0, 0, -5>, <6, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-35 translate <-5,-1.8,0>} box { <-4.4, -4.2, 6>, <4.4, -7, -6> pigment {color Gray60}} box {<0,0,0>,<5,-2,-6> rotate z*-10 translate <1.8,-1,0> pigment {color Gray90}} box {<0,0,0>,<5,-2,-6> rotate z*10 translate <1.8,-1,0> pigment {color Gray90}} box {<0,0,0>,<-5,-2,-6> rotate z*10 translate <-1.8,-1,0> pigment {color Gray90}} box {<0,0,0>,<-5,-2,-6> rotate z*-10 translate <-1.8,-1,0> pigment {color Gray90}} box { <-.025, 3.5, -7>, <.025,0, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate z*10 translate <1.65,-2.2,0>} box { <-.025, 3.5, -7>, <.025,0, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate z*-10 translate <-1.65,-2.2,0>} difference{ // ------------------eyeslits box{ <0,0,-3.3>,<3,2.5,-7> pigment {color Gray90} rotate z*20 translate <1.15,.5,0> } box{<-5,4,-2>,<7.1,2,-7> pigment {color Gray90}} } box{ <0,0,-3.3>,<3.5,1.5,-7> pigment {color Gray90} rotate z*5 translate <1.15,.5,0> } difference{ box{ <0,0,-3.3>,<-3,2.5,-7> pigment {color Gray90} rotate z*-20 translate <-1.15,.5,0> } box{<5,4,-2>,<-7.1,2,-7> pigment {color Gray90}} } box{ <0,0,-3.3>,<-3.5,1.5,-7> pigment {color Gray90} rotate z*-5 translate <-1.15,.5,0> } difference{ //nose cutout box { <-.75,-1.5,-5>,<.75,.5,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <0,-4,-4>,<.75,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*10 translate <.4,.5,0>} box { <-.75,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-10 translate <-.4,.5,0>} box { <-1,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*10 translate <0,-1.25,0>} box { <1,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-10 translate <0,-1.25,0>} } //end nose cutout difference{ box { <-.025, 6, -7>, <.025,0.5, 7>// headplates pigment {color Black}} box { <1,0,-3>,<-1,2,-6> pigment {color Black}} } box { <-1.5, 3.475, -7>, <1.5, 3.525, 0> pigment {color Black}} box { <-.025, 3.775, -7>, <.025,2.25, 0> pigment {color Black} translate x*1.5} box { <-.025, 3.775, -7>, <.025,2.25, 0> pigment {color Black} translate x*-1.5} box { <-7, 6, -.025>, <7,2.25, .025> pigment {color Black} translate z*-2} box { <1.5,3.775,0>,<3.25,3.725,-7> pigment {color Black}} box { <-1.5,3.775,0>,<-3.25,3.725,-7> pigment {color Black}} box { <-.025, 6, -7>, <.025,2.25, -2> pigment {color Black} translate x*-3.25} box { <-.025, 6, -7>, <.025,2.25, -2> pigment {color Black} translate x*3.25} box { <6,.025,0>,<-6,-.025,6> pigment {color Black} translate y*-1.6} difference{ union{ box { <.025,0,0>,<-.025,-3,6> pigment {color Black} rotate z*45} box { <.025,0,0>,<-.025,-3,6> pigment {color Black} rotate z*-45} translate y*0.5 } box { <6,-1.6,0>,<-6,-6,6> pigment {color Black}} } }//end shell difference difference{ //brow ridge sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.8 pigment {color Gray90}} sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.4 pigment {color Gray90}} box { <6,6,6>,<-6,-6,0> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6,2,6>,<-6,-6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6,2.75,6>,<-6,6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <4.51, -6, -6>, <6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray90}} box { <-4.51, -6, -6>, <-6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray90}} box { <-.025, 3, -7>, <.025,1.9, 0> pigment {color Black}} box { <-.025, 3, -7>, <.025,1.9, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate y*-10} box { <-.025, 3, -7>, <.025,1.9, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate y*10} box { <-.025, 3, -7>, <.025,1.9, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate y*-40} box { <-.025, 3, -7>, <.025,1.9, 0> pigment {color Black} rotate y*40} } difference{ //brow ridge underlining sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.65 pigment {color Black}} sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.6 pigment {color Black}} box { <6,6,6>,<-6,-6,0> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6,2,6>,<-6,-6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6,2.75,6>,<-6,6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <4.5, -6, -6>, <6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray90}} box { <-4.5, -6, -6>, <-6, 6, 6> pigment {color Gray90}} } difference{ //nose sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 5.5 pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-.85,6,6>,<-6,-6,-6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <6,-6,-6>,<.85,6,6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-6,-1.75,6>,<6,-6,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-6,6,6>,<6,.9,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} difference{ //nose cutout box { <-.75,-1.5,-4>,<.75,.5,-7> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <0,-4,-4>,<.75,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*10 translate <.4,.5,0>} box { <-.75,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-10 translate <-.4,.5,0>} box { <-1,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*10 translate <0,-1.25,0>} box { <1,-4,-4>,<0,0,-8> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-10 translate <0,-1.25,0>} box { <0, 1, 0>, <2, -4, -4> pigment {color Gray60} rotate y*-80 translate z*-5} box { <0, 1, 0>, <-2, -4, -4> pigment {color Gray60} rotate y*80 translate z*-5} } } box { <.5, 1, .5>, <-.5, -1.8, -.5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate y*45 translate z*-4.5}//end nose difference{ //side pods union{ sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.28 texture{ pigment {color Gray90}} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*4.25 } sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 3.28 pigment {color Gray90} scale <.3,0,0> translate x*-4.25 } } box{ <4.45,5,5>,<-4.45,-5,-5> pigment {color Gray60} } box { <0, 0, -5>, <-8, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*35 translate <5,-1.8,0>} box { <0, 0, -5>, <8, -5, 5> pigment {color Gray60} rotate z*-35 translate <-5,-1.8,0>} box { <-4.4, -4.2, 6>, <4.4, -7, -6> pigment {color Gray60}} box { <-6,-1.6,-2.125>,<6,6,-2.175> pigment {color Black}} difference { cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.475 pigment {color Black}} } difference { box { <-6,-6,-1.625>,<6,6,-1.675> pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } difference { box { <-6,-6,-1.125>,<6,6,-1.175> pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } difference { box { <-6,0,-.025>,<6,6,.025> pigment {color Black} rotate x*100} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } difference { box { <-6,0,-.025>,<6,6,.025> pigment {color Black} rotate x*120} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } intersection{ box{ <6,.025,6>,<0,-.025,-6> pigment {color Black} translate y*.5} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } intersection{ box{ <-6,.025,6>,<0,-.025,-6> pigment {color Black} rotate x*10 translate y*.5} cylinder { <6, 0, -.25>, <-6, 0, -.25>, 2.525 pigment {color Black}} } } //end side pods //end outer shell #if (Antenna) union{ //antenna difference{ box {<0,0,0>,<.5,2,.5> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box {<-2,0,-2>,<2,2,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate <20,0,-20> translate y*1.8} } difference{ box { <-.15,0,-.15>,<.65,1.5,.65> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box {<-2,0,-2>,<2,2,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate <20,0,-20> translate y*1.25} box{ <-2,-0.025,-2>,<2,.025,2> pigment {color Black} rotate <20,0,-20> translate y*1.1} } cone { <.25, 8, .25>, 0.0, <.25, 0, .25>, .25 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} rotate x*45 rotate z*-30 translate <3.65,2.5,3.2> } union{ difference{ box {<0,0,0>,<-.5,2,.5> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box {<-2,0,-2>,<2,2,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate <20,0,20> translate y*1.8} } difference{ box { <.15,0,-.15>,<-.65,1.5,.65> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box {<-2,0,-2>,<2,2,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate <20,0,20> translate y*1.25} box{ <-2,-0.025,-2>,<2,.025,2> pigment {color Black} rotate <20,0,20> translate y*1.1} } cone { <-.25, 8, .25>, 0.0, <-.25, 0,.25>, .25 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} rotate x*45 rotate z*30 translate <-3.65,2.5,3.2> }//end antenna #end union{ // head radar difference{ box { <0,0,0>,<-2,1.9,1> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box { <.1,.1,.1>,<-2.1,1.8,1.1> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box { <1,-1,0>,<-3,3,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate y*-20 translate z*1} box { <.5,.4,-1>,<-1.6,1.6,2> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} translate <-4.6,1.5,0> } cylinder { <-6.6, 1.5, .125>, <-6.6, 3.4, .125>, .25 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} cylinder { <-4.6, 1.5, 2>, <-4.6, 3.4, 2>, .25 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, -1.5>, .15 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate y*45 translate <-4.7,3,2>} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, -2.8>, .125 texture {T_Chrome_1A} rotate y*45 translate <-4.7,3,2>} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, -1.5>, .15 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate y*45 translate <-4.7,2.3,2>} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, -2.8>, .125 texture {T_Chrome_1A} rotate y*45 translate <-4.7,2.3,2>} union{ //dish difference{ cylinder { <0, 0, 1>, <0, 0, -1>, 1.5 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} difference{ sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 7 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 5 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} } sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 4.95 pigment {color Gray80}} } difference { cylinder { <0, 0, 1>, <0, 0, -1>, 1.5 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} difference{ sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 7 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 4.95 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} } sphere { <0, 0, -5>, 4.92 pigment {color Gray90}} #declare Zrot = 0; #while (Zrot < 360) box { <.025,-3,0>,<-.025,3,-1> pigment {color Gray80} rotate z*Zrot } #declare Zrot = Zrot+45; #end } cone { <0, 0, -.2>, .2, <0, 0, -.8>, .075 pigment {color Gray90}} cylinder { <0, 0, .25>, <0, 0, -.1>, .15 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} translate <-6.7,2.5,-.2> } //end dish } //end radar //scale y*.9 rotate y*TurnHead rotate x*RaiseHead translate <0,11,-1.5> } //end head union{ //RT cylinder difference{ cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 11, 0>, 5} box {<-7,0,0>,<7,4,-7> rotate x*-10 translate y*11} box { <-7, 2-.05, -7>, <7,2+.05, 7>} sphere { <4.5, 10, -3>, 7.5} #declare Yrot = 0; #while (Yrot < 171) box { <-.05, 2, -7>, <.05,0, 7> rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+15; #end } cylinder { <0, 0.1, 0>, <0, 3, 0>, 4.8} difference{ cylinder { <0, 7, 0>, <0, 3, 0>, 5.2 } box { <-6, 2, 0>, <6, 8, 6> } box { <6, 2, -6>, <0, 8, 6> } #declare Xrot=15; #while (Xrot<91) box { <-6, -10, -.05>, <6, 0, .05> rotate x*Xrot translate y*7} #declare Xrot = Xrot+15; #end } difference { cylinder { <0, 1, 0>, <0, -1, 0>, 4.2 } #declare Yrot = 95; #while (Yrot < 176) union{ sphere { <0, -.2, -4.2>, 0.1 } sphere { <0, -.8, -4.2>, 0.1 } cylinder { <0, -.2, -4.2>, <0,-.8, -4.2>, .1} rotate y*Yrot } #declare Yrot = Yrot+5; #end box { <-5, -1.1, -5>, <5, 1.1, 0> } box { <5, -1.1, -5>, <0, 1.1, 5> } } cylinder { <0, 1, 0>, <0, -3, 0>, 4 } translate <-3.5,0,1> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } //end RT cylinder union{ //LT cylinder difference{ cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 11, 0>, 5} box {<-7,0,0>,<7,4,-7> rotate x*-10 translate y*11} box { <-7, 2-.05, -7>, <7,2+.05, 7>} sphere { <-4.5, 10, -3>, 7.5} #declare Yrot = 0; #while (Yrot < 171) box { <-.05, 2, -7>, <.05,0, 7> rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+15; #end } cylinder { <0, 0.1, 0>, <0, 3, 0>, 4.8} difference{ cylinder { <0, 7, 0>, <0, 3, 0>, 5.2 } box { <-6, 2, 0>, <6, 8, 6> } box { <-6, 2, -6>, <0, 8, 6> } #declare Xrot=15; #while (Xrot<91) box { <-6, -10, -.05>, <6, 0, .05> rotate x*Xrot translate y*7} #declare Xrot = Xrot+15; #end } difference { cylinder { <0, 1, 0>, <0, -1, 0>, 4.2 } #declare Yrot = 95; #while (Yrot < 176) union{ sphere { <0, -.2, -4.2>, 0.1 } sphere { <0, -.8, -4.2>, 0.1 } cylinder { <0, -.2, -4.2>, <0,-.8, -4.2>, .1} rotate y*-Yrot } #declare Yrot = Yrot+5; #end box { <-5, -1.1, -5>, <5, 1.1, 0> } box { <-5, -1.1, -5>, <0, 1.1, 5> } } cylinder { <0, 1, 0>, <0, -3, 0>, 4 } translate <3.5,0,1> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } //end LT cylinder box {<-3,3,0>,<3,8,-3> pigment {color Gray20}} union{//upper center torso #if (TRO3025ChestLogo) box {<1.5,0,0>,<-1.5,3,-.005> texture { pigment { image_map { png ChestLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Right Knee Logo Here map_type 0 } } scale 3.5 // Play with this until you get ONE logo, it tiles translate <2.2,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to center youe logo. adjust in small increments } translate <-4.05,2.5,-4.505> //<-4.5,2.5,-4.505> //for DavionAssaultGuard } #end difference{ union{ box { <-10, -1, -4>, <10, 10.5, 0>} box { <-2.1, -.1, -4.1>, <2.1, 5, -1> translate <0,5,0>} difference{ box { <-6.1,-6.1,-1>,<6.1,6,-4.1> rotate z*-45 translate <0,13.5,0>} box {<-8.5,10.5,0>,<8.5,30,-5>} } Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } box {<-7,0,2>,<7,4,-6> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate y*10.5} box { <0,0 ,2 >, <7,4 ,-6 > Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate z*-15 translate <5.5,10.5,0>} box { <0,0 ,2 >, <-7,4 ,-6 > Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate z*15 translate <-5.5,10.5,0>} union{ box { <-9.6, -.75, -5>, <9.6, -4, 1> pigment {color Barrels} } #declare Slats=-3.3; #while (Slats < 1) box {<-5.6,0,-.5>,<5.6,-.5,0> rotate x*25 translate y*-.75 translate z*Slats pigment {color Barrels}} #declare Slats=Slats+0.6; #end rotate x*30 } union{ box { <-7, -2, -5>, <7, 13, 0>} cylinder { <-7, 8.5, 0>, <7, 8.5, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 7.9, 0>, <7, 7.9, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 5.1, 0>, <7, 5.1, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 4.5, 0>, <7, 4.5, 0>, .05 } rotate y*-35 translate <6,0,-4> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{ box { <-7, -2, -5>, <7, 13, 0>} cylinder { <-7, 8.5, 0>, <7, 8.5, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 7.9, 0>, <7, 7.9, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 5.1, 0>, <7, 5.1, 0>, .05 } cylinder { <-7, 4.5, 0>, <7, 4.5, 0>, .05 } rotate y*35 translate <-6,0,-4> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{ box { <0, -15, -7>, <7, 1, 7>} cylinder { <0, -8.6, -7>, <0, -8.6, 7>, .05 } sphere { <0, -9.9, -2.9>, 0.6 } rotate <0,5,-18> translate <9.5,11,0> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } box { <0, -15, -7>, <-7, 1, 7> rotate <0,-5,18> translate <-9.5,11,0> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} box { <-2, 0, -10>, <2, 7, 1> pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,5,0>} box { <-6,-6,1>,<6,6,-10> pigment {color Barrels} rotate z*-45 translate <0,13.5,0>} union{ //panel lines cylinder { <5.5, 2, -4>, <5.5, 9.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <-5.5, 2, -4>, <-5.5, 9.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <4.5, 9.5, -4>, <5.5, 9.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <-4.5, 9.5, -4>, <-5.5, 9.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <3.9, 8.5, -4>, <5.5, 8.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <-3.9, 8.5, -4>, <-5.5, 8.5, -4>, .05} cylinder { <0, 0, -4>, <-2.3, 0, -4>, .05 rotate z*45 translate <3.9,8.5,0>} cylinder { <0, 0, -4>, <2.3, 0, -4>, .05 rotate z*-45 translate <-3.9,8.5,0>} cylinder { <2.3, 2, -4>, <5.5, 2, -4>, .05} cylinder { <-2.3, 2, -4>, <-5.5, 2, -4>, .05} cylinder { <2.3, 2, -4>, <2.3, 6.9, -4>, .05} cylinder { <-2.3, 2, -4>, <-2.3, 6.9, -4>, .05} Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } /*box { <9,-10,0>,<-9,15,6> Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate x*-10 translate z*-1.25}*/ //---------------------------Missiles #if (TRO3025) #declare MissileTube = 6; #while (MissileTube > 2.5) cylinder { <4.5, MissileTube, -4.5>, <4.5, MissileTube, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <4.5, MissileTube, -2.61>, <4.5, MissileTube, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <3.25, MissileTube, -4.5>, <3.25, MissileTube, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <3.25, MissileTube, -2.61>, <3.25, MissileTube, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} #declare MissileTube = MissileTube - 1.25; #end #else #declare MissileTube = 7.65; #while (MissileTube > 2.5) cylinder { <4.5, MissileTube, -4.5>, <4.5, MissileTube, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <4.5, MissileTube, -2.61>, <4.5, MissileTube, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <-4.5, MissileTube, -4.5>, <-4.5, MissileTube, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <-4.5, MissileTube, -2.61>, <-4.5, MissileTube, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <3.5, MissileTube-.55, -4.5>, <3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.61>, <3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} cylinder { <-3.5, MissileTube-.55, -4.5>, <-3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.6>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <-3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.61>, <-3.5, MissileTube-.55, -2.5>, .5 pigment {color Black}} #declare MissileTube = MissileTube - 1.1; #end #end /*#declare Slats=-3.6; #while (Slats < -.39) box {<-5.6,0,-.3>,<5.6,-.5,.3> rotate x*1 translate z*Slats rotate x*30 pigment {color Gray40}} #declare Slats=Slats+0.6; #end*/ } difference{ box { <-2.1, -2, -5>, <2.1, 4, 0> } box { <-1, -.8, -2>, <0, 4.1, 0> rotate y*-30 translate <-2.1,0,-4>} box { <1, -.8, -2>, <0, 4.1, 0> rotate y*30 translate <2.1,0,-4>} box { <-3, 2, -2>, <3, 0, 0> rotate x*-30 translate <0,4,-4>} box { <-3, -5, -6>, <3, 0, 1> rotate x*30 translate y*-.925} box { <-3, 2.7-.05, -5.1>, <3, 2.7+.05, -4.8> } box { <-.61, 0, -5.1>, <-.51, 4, -4.8> } box { <.61, 0, -5.1>, <.51, 4, -4.8> } box { <-3, 1.9, -5.1>, <3, 1.7, -4.8> } box { <-3, 3.6, -5.1>, <3, 3.4, -4.8> } box { <1.61, 0, -5.1>, <1.51, 4, -4.8> } box { <-1.61, 0, -5.1>, <-1.51, 4, -4.8> } Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } rotate x*10 translate <0,0,-3.1> } //end upper center torso union{// lower torso union{ difference{ cone { <0, 2, 0>, 7.0, <0, -4, 0>, 5.0 scale z*.8} box {<6,-5.1,6>,<-6,-4.9,-6>} #declare Yrot = -60; #while (Yrot < 61) box { <.04,2.1,0>,<-.04,-7.1,-6> rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+20; #end box { <-9.6, -.25, -5>, <9.6, 4, 5> rotate x*40 translate <0,0,-3.5>} box {<0,3,10>,<-10,-6,-10> rotate y*60} box {<0,3,10>,<10,-6,-10> rotate y*-60} } difference { cone { <0, -4, 0>, 5.0, <0, -5, 0>, 6.0 scale z*.8} box {<6,-5.1,6>,<-6,-4.9,-6>} #declare Yrot = -60; #while (Yrot < 61) box { <.04,2.1,0>,<-.04,-7.1,-6> rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+20; #end box {<0,3,10>,<-10,-6,-10> rotate y*60} box {<0,3,10>,<10,-6,-10> rotate y*-60} } difference{ union{ cone { <0, 2, 0>, 6.8, <0, -4, 0>, 4.8 scale z*.8} cone { <0, -4, 0>, 4.8, <0, -5, 0>, 5.8 scale z*.8} } box {<0,3,10>,<-10,-6,-10> rotate y*60} box {<0,3,10>,<10,-6,-10> rotate y*-60} box { <-9.6, -.25, -5>, <9.6, 4, 5> rotate x*40 translate <0,0,-3.3>} } scale x*1.15 } difference{ cone { <0, -3, 0>, 6.6, <0, -5, 0>, 7.6//6.8 // back skirt scale z*.60} box {<0,3,10>,<-10,-6,-10> rotate y*-90} box {<0,3,10>,<10,-6,-10> rotate y*80} translate z*2.5 } difference { cone { <0, -3, 0>, 6.8, <0, -5, 0>, 7.8//7 scale z*.60} box {<6,-3.1,6>,<-6,-2.9,-6>} #declare Yrot = -80; #while (Yrot < 81) box { <.04,2.1,10>,<-.04,-10.1,-6> rotate y*Yrot} #declare Yrot = Yrot+20; #end box {<0,3,10>,<-10,-6,-10> rotate y*-90} box {<0,3,10>,<10,-6,-10> rotate y*80} translate z*2.5 } //waist boxes difference { union{ box { <7.5, -5, -2>, <0, -1.5, 4> } box { <9, -4, -3>, <3.0, -.75, 1> } box { <8.5, -4, -4>, <7.5, -3, 1> } cylinder { <7.5, -1.75, 1>, <7.5, -1.75, 2>, .75 } cylinder { <7.5, -1.75, 4>, <7.5, -1.75, 2>, .5 } cylinder { <7.5, -1.75, 4>, <7.5, -1.75, 5>, .75 } box { <7.5, -1.75, 1.25>, <7.75, -3.75, 1> } } box { <9.1, -4.2, -3.1>, <8.5, -2, 1.1> } box { <9.1, -1.65, -3.1>, <8.75, -1.8, 1.1> } box { <9.1, -1.45, -3.1>, <8.75, -1.3, 1.1> } box { <9.1, -.95, -3.1>, <8.75, -1.1, 1.1> } cylinder { <8.5, -2.9, -3.1>, <8.5, -2.9, 1.1>, .1 } cylinder { <7.5, -3.1, -3>, <3, -3.1, -3>, .1} cylinder { <7.25, -1.9, -2.8>, <7.25, -1.9,-3.1>, 1 pigment {color Gray20}} cone { <7.25, -1.9, -2.801>, 1, <7.25, -1.9, -2.4>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cylinder { <7.25, -1.9, -3>, <7.25, -1.9, -2.2>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} cone { <7.5, -1.75, 5.05>, 0.75, <7.5, -1.75, 4.8>, .5 pigment {color Gray20}} difference{ cylinder { <7.5, -1.75, 5>, <7.5, -1.75, 4.25>, .5} cylinder { <7.5, -1.75, 4.75>, <7.5, -1.75, 4.25>, .4} pigment {color Gray20} } } difference { union{ box { <-8.5, -5, -1.5>, <0, -.25, 2.5> } box { <-9, -5, -4.5>, <-5, -2, 3.5> } cylinder { <-7, -3.5, -4.5>, <-7, -3.5, -4.7>, 1.45 } cylinder { <-7, -3.5, -4.5>, <-7, -3.5, -7.5>, .75 } cylinder { <-7, -3.5, -9.5>, <-7, -3.5, -7.5>, 1.0 } cylinder { <-7, -3.5, -9.55>, <-7, -3.5, -9.5>, .95 } } cylinder { <-7, -3.5, -4.5>, <-7, -3.5, -9.6>, .65 pigment{color Barrels}} } cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.55>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.55>, 1.9 pigment {color Barrels}} difference{ cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.75>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.75>, 2 } #declare Zrot = 0; #while (Zrot < 190) box { <.05,3,-2>,<-.05,-3,2> rotate z*Zrot translate <-8,-2.75,0>} #declare Zrot = Zrot+15; #end difference{ cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.76>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.76>, 1.55 } cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.76>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.76>, 1.4 } } difference{ cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.76>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.76>, 1.5 } cylinder { <-8.0, -2.75, -.65>, <-8.0, -2.75, 1.65>, 1.5 } } #declare Zrot = 0; #while (Zrot < 190) box { <.20,3,-.35>,<0,-3,1.35> rotate z*Zrot translate <-8,-2.75,0>} #declare Zrot = Zrot+15; #end } //-----------Backpack union { difference { box {<-5.25,11,6>,<5.25,1.5,6.75>} cylinder {<5.3,8.75,6.75>,<-5.3,8.75,6.75>,.05} cylinder {<5.3,6.5,6.75>,<-5.3,6.5,6.75>,.05} cylinder {<5.3,5,6.75>,<-5.3,5,6.75>,.05} } difference{ union{ box {<4.25,11,9.75>,<-4.25,1.5,6.5>} box {<4.1,10.9,9.7>,<-4.1,6.55,9.95>} } box {<4.5,5.05,10>,<-4.5,1,8.75>} cylinder { <4.25, 8.75, 6>, <4.25, 8.75, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <4.25, 6.5, 6>, <4.25, 6.5, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <4.25, 5, 6>, <4.25, 5, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <-4.25, 8.750, 6>, <-4.25, 8.75, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <-4.25, 6.5, 6>, <-4.25, 6.5, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <-4.25, 5, 6>, <-4.25, 5, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <4.3, 6.5, 9.75>, <-4.3, 6.5, 9.75>, .05 } box {<3.1,9.9,10>,<.5,7.5,9.75>} box {<-3.1,9.9,10>,<-.5,7.5,9.75>} cone { <1.8, 8.7, 9.76>, 1.2, <1.8, 8.7, 9.55>, 1.0 } cone { <-1.8, 8.7, 9.76>, 1.2, <-1.8, 8.7, 9.55>, 1.0 } cylinder { <1.8, 8.7, 9.56>, <1.8, 8.7, 9.45>, .5 } cylinder { <-1.8, 8.7, 9.56>, <-1.8, 8.7, 9.45>, .5 } cone { <1.8, 8.7, 9.46>, .4, <1.8, 8.7, 9.2>, .05 } cone { <-1.8, 8.7, 9.46>, .4, <-1.8, 8.7, 9.2>, .05 } cylinder { <2.75, 11, 0>, <2.75, 11, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <-2.75, 11, 0>, <-2.75, 11, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <1, 11, 0>, <1, 11, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <-1, 11, 0>, <-1, 11, 10>, .05 } cylinder { <1.5, 5.05, 8.75>, <1.5, 0, 8.75>, .05 } cylinder { <-1.5, 5.05, 8.75>, <-1.5, 0, 8.75>, .05 } torus { 0.35, 0.15 translate <0,11.1,9.5>} } difference{ box {<1.5,10,10.05>,<-1.5,11.1,8.95>} torus { 0.35, 0.15 translate <0,11.1,9.5>} } difference { union{ cylinder {<2.5,11.5,6.2>,<-2.5,11.5,6.2>,1.5} torus { 1, 1.3 rotate x * -45 translate <2.5,10.6,5.4>} torus { 1, 1.3 rotate x * -45 translate <-2.5,10.6,5.4>} } sphere { <0,11,-.9>, 6 } box {<2,14,6.4>,<-2,11,10>} } difference{ union{ #declare HeatSink=2; #while (HeatSink>-2.1) torus {1.25, .1 rotate z*90 translate } #declare HeatSink=HeatSink-.2; #end } box {<2,14,6.4>,<-2,6,0>} } difference{ box {<-2,4.5,9>,<-4.15,1.6,8.75>} box {<-2.2,4.3,10>,<-3.95,2.5,8.6>} } #declare HeatSink=-2.2; #while (HeatSink>-4.1) cylinder {,,.1} #declare HeatSink=HeatSink-.2; #end difference{ box {<4.25,1.5,7.75>,<-4.25,-4.5,6>} box {<4,0,5>,<0,-4,8> rotate z*-30 translate <4.25,-2.5,0>} box {<-4,0,5>,<0,-4,8> rotate z*30 translate <-4.25,-2.5,0>} box {<-5,0,0>,<5,-4,4> rotate x*20 translate <0,-2.5,7.75>} cylinder { <0, 1.5, 7.75>, <0, -2.5, 7.75>, .05 } cylinder { <2.25, 1.5, 7.75>, <2.25, -2.5, 7.75>, .05 } cylinder { <-2.25, 1.5, 7.75>, <-2.25, -2.5, 7.75>, .05 } cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, -4, 0>, .05 rotate x*20 translate <0,-2.5,7.75>} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, -4, 0>, .05 rotate z*-30 rotate x*20 translate <2.25,-2.5,7.75>} cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, -4, 0>, .05 rotate z*30 rotate x*20 translate <-2.25,-2.5,7.75>} cylinder { <4.6, -1.25, 7.75>, <-4.6, -1.25, 7.75>, .05 } cylinder { <4.25, -1.25, 7.75>, <4.25, -1.25, 6>, .05 } cylinder { <-4.25, -1.25, 7.75>, <-4.25, -1.25, 6>, .05 } } union{ sphere {<3.75,5.6,9.75>,.2} cylinder {<3.75,5.6,9.75>,<3.75,5,9.75>,.2} sphere {<3.75,5,9.75>,.2} cylinder {<3.75,5,9.75>,<3.75,5,8.75>,.2} cylinder {<3.75,5,8.75>,<3.75,1.5,8.75>,.2} sphere { <3.75,1.5,8.75>,.2 } cylinder { <3.75, 1.5, 6>, <3.75,1.5,8.75>,.2 } } } translate z*-.5 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) }// end lower torso //test shoulder difference{ cone { <6, 0, 0>, 3.5, <9, 0, 0>, 6 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} difference{ union{ #declare Xrot = 0; #while (Xrot < 190) box { <6.1,6.1,.04>,<9.1,-6.1,-.04> rotate x*Xrot} #declare Xrot = Xrot+15; #end } cone { <5.9, 0, 0>, 3.4, <9.1, 0, 0>, 5.9} Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)//pigment {color Gray40} } translate <0,8.5,2> } difference{ cone { <-6, 0, 0>, 3.5, <-9, 0, 0>, 6 Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)} difference{ union{ #declare Xrot = 0; #while (Xrot < 190) box { <-5.9,6.1,.04>,<-9.1,-6.1,-.04> rotate x*Xrot} #declare Xrot = Xrot+15; #end } cone { <-5.9, 0, 0>, 3.4, <-9.1, 0, 0>, 5.9} Camo(CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo)//pigment {color Gray40} } translate <0,8.5,2> } // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right Arm union{//Shoulder union{//Lateral Arm union{//Upper Arm union{//elbow sections union{ union{ union{ union{ union{ union{ //---Lower arm //-----Hand #if (RHandFused) #declare RFinger1=RClaw; #declare RFinger2=RClaw; #declare RFinger3=RClaw; #end union{ union{ union { //finger 1 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+RFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } translate z*-1.1 }//end finger 1 union { //finger 2 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+RFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } }//end finger 2 union { //finger 3 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+RFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } translate z*1.1 }//end finger 3 translate y*-3 } union { // Thumb union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+RThumb1) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(RThumb2) translate <.5,-1,0> } cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.4} cylinder {<.45,0,0>,<-.45,0,0>,1} rotate x*-90 rotate y*180 rotate z*180 rotate x*(60-RThumbLateral) translate <0,-1.5,-1.75> }//end Thumb difference{ //palm union{ box {<.5,0,1.75>,<-.5,-4,-1.75>} cone {<-.5,0,.55>,.7,<-.5,-4.9,.55>,.1} cone {<-.5,0,-.55>,.7,<-.5,-4.9,-.55>,.1} box {<.5,-.5,-1.5>,<.75,-3.9,1.5> pigment {color Gray20}} } box {<-.65,1,2>,<-2,-5,-2>} box {<.6,.6,.6>,<-.6,-.6,-.6> rotate x*45 translate <0,.2,-1.95>} box {<.6,.6,.6>,<-.6,-.6,-.6> rotate x*45 translate <0,.2,1.95>} union{ box {<.6,-.4,1.3>,<.8,-4,1.8>} box {<.6,-.4,-1.3>,<.8,-4,-1.8>} box {<.6,-3.7,-1.8>,<.8,-4,1.8>} #declare Gripper=-3.7; #while (Gripper<-.4) box {<.1,.1,1.5>,<-.1,-.1,-1.5> rotate z*45 translate <.75,Gripper,0>} #declare Gripper=Gripper+.2; #end pigment {color Gray10} } } cylinder {<0,-4,1.75>,<0,-4,-1.75>,.5} difference{ box {<-.5,-1,1.75>,<.5,-2.3,-1.75>} box {<1,0,2>,<-2,-1,-2> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4 } translate y*-3 } sphere {<.4,0,0>,1} difference{ sphere {<.4,0,0>,1 scale z*2} box {<2,2,0>,<-2,-2,-4>} rotate x*35 } difference{ sphere {<.4,0,0>,1 scale z*2.5} box {<2,2,0>,<-2,-2,4>} rotate x*-45 } texture{pigment {color MainColor}} translate y*.4 rotate z*RWrist rotate y*RWristTwist translate y*-.75 scale <1.25,1,1.25> } //-----End Hand //---------------------lower arm union{ difference{ box {<3,11,4>,<-3,0,-4>} box {<1.75,11.1,4.1>,<-1.75,10,-4.1>} cylinder { <3, 2, 4>, <3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <-3, 2, 4>, <-3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <3, 2, -4>, <-3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <3, 2, 4>, <-3, 2, 4>, .05 } box {<3.2, 0, 0>, <-3.2, -4, -4> rotate x*-25 translate <0,1.95,-4>} box {<3.2, 0, 0>, <-3.2, -4, 4> rotate x*25 translate <0,1.95,4>} box {<0,0,-4.2>,<3.2,-4,4.2> rotate z*-25 translate <3,1.95,0>} box {<0,0,-4.2>,<-3.2,-4,4.2> rotate z*25 translate <-3,1.95,0>} union{ box {<3.2,0,0>,<-3.2,11,-4>} cylinder {<3.2,7,0>,<-3.2,7,0>,.05} rotate x*5 translate <0,2,-4> } union{ box {<3.2,0,0>,<-3.2,11,4>} cylinder {<3.2,7,0>,<-3.2,7,0>,.05} rotate x*-5 translate <0,2,4> } union{ box {<3.2,0,-4.2>,<0,11,4.2>} cylinder {<0,7,-4.2>,<0,7,4.2>,.05} box {<.1,0.055,1><-.3,11,1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} box {<.1,0.055,-1><-.3,11,-1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} rotate z*5 translate <3,2,0> } union{ box {<-3.2,0,-4.2>,<0,11,4.2>} cylinder {<0,7,-4.2>,<0,7,4.2>,.05} box {<-.1,.055,1><.3,11,1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} box {<-.1,0.055,-1><.3,11,-1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} rotate z*-5 translate <-3,2,0> } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Large Laser difference{ union{ cone { <0, 1, 0>, 1.6, <0, -2, 0>, .75 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim2} #end} cone { <0, 1, 0>, 1.6, <0, 1.4, 0>, 1.25 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim2} #end} cylinder {<0,7,0>,<0,1,0>,1.25 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} cylinder {<0,2.5,0>,<0,4,0>,1.6} box {<1.6,2.5,0>,<-1.6,4,1.6>} cylinder {<0,5.75,0>,<0,5.25,0>,1.5} box {<1.5,5.25,0>,<-1.5,5.75,1.6>} } cylinder {<0,6,0>,<0,-3,0>,.65 pigment {color Barrels}} cylinder { <0, 7.1, 0>, <0, 6.9, 0>, 1 } } difference{ cylinder {<0,2,0>,<0,6.5,0>,1.4 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim3} #end} cylinder {<-1.5,2,0>,<1.5,2,0>,.4} } sphere { <0,0, 00>, 0.65 texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.6, .04, .04, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4} } scale <1,.1,1> translate <0,-1.85,0> } union{ difference{ torus { .75, 0.4 rotate z*90 translate <0,6.9,.75>} box {<1,10,.75>,<-1,5,4>} } cylinder {<0,7.65,2>,<0,7.65,.75>,.4} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ difference{ torus { .75, 0.5 rotate z*90 translate <0,6.9,.75>} box {<1,10,.75>,<-1,5,4>} } cylinder {<0,7.65,2>,<0,7.65,.75>,.5} } #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot < 91) box {<2,-.015,2>,<-2,.015,-2> rotate x*XRot translate <0,6.9,.75>} #declare XRot= XRot + 5; #end #declare Zstep = .75; #while (Zstep < 2) box {<2,11,-.015>,<-2,6,.015> translate <0,0,Zstep>} #declare Zstep= Zstep + .065; #end } intersection{ difference{ cylinder{<0,4.25,0>,<0,5,0>,1.6} cylinder{<0,4,0>,<0,5.1,0>,1.4} } union{ difference{ box {<2,4.25,.75>,<-2,5,-.75> } box {<2,4.35,.65>,<-2,4.9,-.65> } } #declare Zstep = .635; #while (Zstep > -.635) box {<2,4.9,-.015>,<-2,4.35,.015> translate <0,0,Zstep>} #declare Zstep= Zstep - .0635; #end } } #if (RightArmLgLaser) #declare blade= merge{ object{ cylinder{y*-0.001 y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) .5 hollow} no_shadow pigment{Clear} } object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow translate y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> .55 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} } ; #declare outer_pink_light= media { emission <.15,.01,.01> } ; #declare inner_pink_light= media { emission <.99,.01,.01>} ; union { light_source { <0, 0, 0> color rgb <.5,0,0> shadowless fade_distance 5 fade_power 1} object {blade interior {media{inner_pink_light }}} object {blade scale <1.75,1,1.75> translate y*-1.1 interior {media{outer_pink_light }}} //translate z*-5.1 translate y*-2 } #end #if (RightArmPPC) #declare PPCbeam= merge{ object{ cylinder{y*-0.001 y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) 1.15 hollow} pigment{Clear} no_shadow } object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow translate y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} } ; #declare beam2= merge{ object{ cylinder{z*-0.001 y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) 1.75 hollow} no_shadow pigment{Clear} } object{sphere {<0,0,0> 1.75 no_shadow translate y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> 1.75 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} }; union { light_source { <0, 0, -11> color rgb <0,0,0.5> shadowless fade_distance 5 fade_power 1} object {PPCbeam interior {media{inner_blue_light }}} object {beam2 /*translate z*-12.5*/ interior {media{outer_blue_light }}} translate z*-5.9 translate y*-1.5 } cylinder{z*-.001 y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) 1 translate z*-5.9 translate y*-1.5 texture{ Lightning3 translate z*-12 scale <2,2,2>} finish { ambient .8 diffuse .6} no_shadow} #end rotate x*5 translate <0,2,-5.5> Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>end laser } translate <0,-10.3,3> }//end lower arm //--------------elbow sections union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( RightElbowAngle/6) translate z*-2.5 }// * // =============Upper Arm union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate z*.5 } difference{ box {<1.8,0,3.5>,<-1.8,7,-3.5>} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,9,-2> rotate x*-8.5 translate z*-2.5} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,2,-9> rotate x*8.5 translate <0,6,3.5>} cylinder {<1.8,1,4>,<1.8,1,-4>,.05} cylinder {<1.8,7,-2>,<1.8,1,-2>,.05} cylinder {<1.8,7,2.5>,<1.8,1,2.5>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,1,4>,<-1.8,1,-4>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,7,-2>,<-1.8,1,-2>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,7,2.5>,<-1.8,1,2.5>,.05} cylinder {<1.9,1,3.5>,<-1.9,1,3.5>,.05} cylinder {<1.9,1,-2.64>,<-1.9,1,-2.64>,.05} } difference{ box {<1.65,12,3.25>,<-1.65,5,-3.85>} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,10,-3> rotate x*-8.5 translate z*-2.235} pigment {color Barrels} } translate y*-10.5 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) }//end upper arm // Lateral arm bar union{ cylinder{<0,0,-7.05>,<0,0,7.05>,.5} difference { sphere {<0,0,0>,.45} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*20} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*110} scale <1,1,.5> translate z*-7.05 } difference { sphere {<0,0,0>,.45} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*20} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*110} scale <1,1,.5> translate z*7.05 } difference{// bar union{ cylinder{<0,0,7>,<0,0,-7>1} difference{// .. union{ //... difference{ box {<2,0,7>,<-1,-3,-7>} cylinder {<3,-2,7>,<-3,-2,7>,.05} cylinder {<3,-2,-7>,<-3,-2,-7>,.05} } difference{ box {<2,-3,-6.5>,<-1,-7,6.5>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-6,-6> rotate x*-45 translate <0,-3,-6.5>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-6,6> rotate x*45 translate <0,-3,6.5>} cylinder {<.5,0,0>,<.5,-6,0>, .05 rotate x*-45 translate <0,-3,-6.5>} cylinder {<.5,0,0>,<.5,-6,0>, .05 rotate x*45 translate <0,-3,6.5>} } difference{ box {<-1.25,-6.75,-2>,<2.25,-7.25,2>} #declare Shift=0; #while (Shift<3) cylinder {<-.75,-7.25,0>,<1.75,-7.25,0>,0.05 translate z*(-1.5+Shift)} #declare Shift=Shift+.15; #end } } // ... box {<0,0,7.1>,<3,-8,-7.1> rotate z*18.5 translate x*1} } // .. } sphere {<2,0,0>,6.1} }// /bar rotate z*-45 translate x*1 } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate x*-1.8 rotate z*-RightShoulderLateral translate x*1.8 } difference{ sphere{<2,0,0>,5.85 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) #if (Logo_On) texture { pigment { image_map { png RLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Logo Here [UNDER Layer!] map_type 1 } } translate <0,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to scale your logo. adjust in small increments rotate <0,LogoAngleHor,-LogoAngleVert> // rotate along the axis to center your logo. adjust in small increments }#end} box {<2,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*35} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*-35} Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } difference{ sphere{<2,0,0>,6 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) #if (Logo_On) texture { pigment { image_map { png RLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Logo Here [MAIN Layer!] map_type 1 } } translate <0,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to scale your logo. adjust in small increments rotate <0,LogoAngleHor,-LogoAngleVert> // rotate along the axis to center your logo. adjust in small increments }#end} box {<2.1,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*35} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*-35} box {<3,7,.075>,<-7,-7,-.075>} box {<3,.175,7>,<-7,-.175,-7>} cylinder {<1.8,0,0>,<3,0,0>,6.1} Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{ #declare YRot=2.5; #while (YRot<179) sphere {<0,0,-5.8>,.125 rotate y*YRot translate x*2} #declare YRot=YRot+2.5; #end Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } difference{ sphere {<2,0,0>,5.5} box {<2,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<2.1,7,-4>,<-7,-7,-7>} box {<2.1,7,4>,<-7,-7,7>} pigment {color Barrels} } rotate x*RightShoulderElevation translate <-11,8.5,2> } //end shoulder // ----------------End Right Arm // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Left Arm union{//Shoulder union{//Lateral Arm union{//Upper Arm union{//elbow sections union{ union{ union{ union{ union{ union{ //---Lower arm //-----Hand #if (LHandFused) #declare LFinger1=RClaw; #declare LFinger2=RClaw; #declare LFinger3=RClaw; #end union{ union{ union { //finger 1 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+LFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger1/3) translate y*-1.5 } translate z*-1.1 }//end finger 1 union { //finger 2 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+LFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger2/3) translate y*-1.5 } }//end finger 2 union { //finger 3 union{ union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+LFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //third knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LFinger3/3) translate y*-1.5 } translate z*1.1 }//end finger 3 translate y*-3 } union { // Thumb union{ union{ //end piece difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1.5,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} } box {<0,0,.6>,<-2,-1,-.6> rotate z*-30 translate <-.25,-1.5,0>} box {<0,0,.6>,<1,-2,-.6> rotate z*-15 translate <.5,-.25,0>} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } union{ //first knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(5+LThumb1) translate y*-1.5 } difference { union{ box{<.5,0,.5>,<-.5,-1,-.5>} cylinder {<0,0,.5>,<0,0,-.5>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.5} } cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.5} cylinder {<0,-1.5,.4>,<0,-1.5,-.4>,.5} box {<0,0,1>,<-2,1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*.5} } difference{ box {<-.5,-1.,.5>,<0,-2.3,-.5>} box {<1,0,1>,<-2,-1,-1> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4} } union{ //second knuckle cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,-.4>,.3} cylinder {<0,.5,.4>,<0,.5,.25>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,.025>,<0,.5,.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.025>,<0,.5,-.2>,.5} cylinder {<0,.5,-.4>,<0,.5,-.25>,.5} pigment {color Gray20} } translate y*-.5 rotate z*(LThumb2) translate <.5,-1,0> } cylinder {<0,-1,.5>,<0,-1,-.5>,.4} cylinder {<.45,0,0>,<-.45,0,0>,1} rotate x*-90 rotate y*180 rotate z*180 rotate x*(60-LThumbLateral) translate <0,-1.5,-1.75> }//end Thumb difference{ //palm union{ box {<.5,0,1.75>,<-.5,-4,-1.75>} cone {<-.5,0,.55>,.7,<-.5,-4.9,.55>,.1} cone {<-.5,0,-.55>,.7,<-.5,-4.9,-.55>,.1} box {<.5,-.5,-1.5>,<.75,-3.9,1.5> pigment {color Gray20}} } box {<-.65,1,2>,<-2,-5,-2>} box {<.6,.6,.6>,<-.6,-.6,-.6> rotate x*45 translate <0,.2,-1.95>} box {<.6,.6,.6>,<-.6,-.6,-.6> rotate x*45 translate <0,.2,1.95>} union{ box {<.6,-.4,1.3>,<.8,-4,1.8>} box {<.6,-.4,-1.3>,<.8,-4,-1.8>} box {<.6,-3.7,-1.8>,<.8,-4,1.8>} #declare Gripper=-3.7; #while (Gripper<-.4) box {<.1,.1,1.5>,<-.1,-.1,-1.5> rotate z*45 translate <.75,Gripper,0>} #declare Gripper=Gripper+.2; #end pigment {color Gray10} } } cylinder {<0,-4,1.75>,<0,-4,-1.75>,.5} difference{ box {<-.5,-1,1.75>,<.5,-2.3,-1.75>} box {<1,0,2>,<-2,-1,-2> rotate z*45 translate y*-1.4 } translate y*-3 } sphere {<.4,0,0>,1} difference{ sphere {<.4,0,0>,1 scale z*2} box {<2,2,0>,<-2,-2,-4>} rotate x*35 } difference{ sphere {<.4,0,0>,1 scale z*2.5} box {<2,2,0>,<-2,-2,4>} rotate x*-45 } texture{pigment {color MainColor}} translate y*.4 rotate z*LWrist rotate y*LWristTwist translate y*-.75 scale <1.25,1,1.25> } //-----End Hand //---------------------lower arm union{ difference{ box {<3,11,4>,<-3,0,-4>} box {<1.75,11.1,4.1>,<-1.75,10,-4.1>} cylinder { <3, 2, 4>, <3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <-3, 2, 4>, <-3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <3, 2, -4>, <-3, 2, -4>, .05 } cylinder { <3, 2, 4>, <-3, 2, 4>, .05 } box {<3.2, 0, 0>, <-3.2, -4, -4> rotate x*-25 translate <0,1.95,-4>} box {<3.2, 0, 0>, <-3.2, -4, 4> rotate x*25 translate <0,1.95,4>} box {<0,0,-4.2>,<3.2,-4,4.2> rotate z*-25 translate <3,1.95,0>} box {<0,0,-4.2>,<-3.2,-4,4.2> rotate z*25 translate <-3,1.95,0>} union{ box {<3.2,0,0>,<-3.2,11,-4>} cylinder {<3.2,7,0>,<-3.2,7,0>,.05} rotate x*5 translate <0,2,-4> } union{ box {<3.2,0,0>,<-3.2,11,4>} cylinder {<3.2,7,0>,<-3.2,7,0>,.05} rotate x*-5 translate <0,2,4> } union{ box {<3.2,0,-4.2>,<0,11,4.2>} cylinder {<0,7,-4.2>,<0,7,4.2>,.05} box {<.1,0.055,1><-.3,11,1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} box {<.1,0.055,-1><-.3,11,-1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} rotate z*5 translate <3,2,0> } union{ box {<-3.2,0,-4.2>,<0,11,4.2>} cylinder {<0,7,-4.2>,<0,7,4.2>,.05} box {<-.1,.055,1><.3,11,1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} box {<-.1,0.055,-1><.3,11,-1.75> #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} rotate z*-5 translate <-3,2,0> } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Large Laser difference{ union{ cone { <0, 1, 0>, 1.6, <0, -2, 0>, .75 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim2} #end} cone { <0, 1, 0>, 1.6, <0, 1.4, 0>, 1.25 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim2} #end} cylinder {<0,7,0>,<0,1,0>,1.25 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim1} #end} cylinder {<0,2.5,0>,<0,4,0>,1.6} box {<1.6,2.5,0>,<-1.6,4,1.6>} cylinder {<0,5.75,0>,<0,5.25,0>,1.5} box {<1.5,5.25,0>,<-1.5,5.75,1.6>} } cylinder {<0,6,0>,<0,-3,0>,.65 pigment {color Barrels}} cylinder { <0, 7.1, 0>, <0, 6.9, 0>, 1 } } difference{ cylinder {<0,2,0>,<0,6.5,0>,1.4 #if (TrimOn) pigment {color Trim3} #end} cylinder {<-1.5,2,0>,<1.5,2,0>,.4} } sphere { <0,0, 00>, 0.65 texture { pigment {color rgbf<0.6, .04, .04, 0.8>} finish { F_Glass4} } scale <1,.1,1> translate <0,-1.85,0> } union{ difference{ torus { .75, 0.4 rotate z*90 translate <0,6.9,.75>} box {<1,10,.75>,<-1,5,4>} } cylinder {<0,7.65,2>,<0,7.65,.75>,.4} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ difference{ torus { .75, 0.5 rotate z*90 translate <0,6.9,.75>} box {<1,10,.75>,<-1,5,4>} } cylinder {<0,7.65,2>,<0,7.65,.75>,.5} } #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot < 91) box {<2,-.015,2>,<-2,.015,-2> rotate x*XRot translate <0,6.9,.75>} #declare XRot= XRot + 5; #end #declare Zstep = .75; #while (Zstep < 2) box {<2,11,-.015>,<-2,6,.015> translate <0,0,Zstep>} #declare Zstep= Zstep + .065; #end } intersection{ difference{ cylinder{<0,4.25,0>,<0,5,0>,1.6} cylinder{<0,4,0>,<0,5.1,0>,1.4} } union{ difference{ box {<2,4.25,.75>,<-2,5,-.75> } box {<2,4.35,.65>,<-2,4.9,-.65> } } #declare Zstep = .635; #while (Zstep > -.635) box {<2,4.9,-.015>,<-2,4.35,.015> translate <0,0,Zstep>} #declare Zstep= Zstep - .0635; #end } } #if (LeftArmLgLaser) #declare blade= merge{ object{ cylinder{y*-0.001 y*(-LeftArmBeamLength*100) .5 hollow} no_shadow pigment{Clear} } object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow translate y*(-LeftArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> .55 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} } ; #declare outer_pink_light= media { emission <.15,.01,.01> } ; #declare inner_pink_light= media { emission <.99,.01,.01>} ; union { light_source { <0, 0, 0> color rgb <.5,0,0> shadowless fade_distance 5 fade_power 1} object {blade interior {media{inner_pink_light }}} object {blade scale <1.75,1,1.75> translate y*-1.1 interior {media{outer_pink_light }}} //translate z*-5.1 translate y*-2 } #end #if (LeftArmPPC) #declare PPCbeam= merge{ object{ cylinder{y*-0.001 y*(-LeftArmBeamLength*100) 1.15 hollow} pigment{Clear} no_shadow } object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow translate y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> .5 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} } ; #declare beam2= merge{ object{ cylinder{z*-0.001 y*(-LeftArmBeamLength*100) 1.75 hollow} no_shadow pigment{Clear} } object{sphere {<0,0,0> 1.75 no_shadow translate y*(-RightArmBeamLength*100) hollow }pigment {Clear}} object{sphere {<0,0,0> 1.75 no_shadow scale y*3 hollow }pigment {Clear}} }; union { light_source { <0, 0, -11> color rgb <0,0,0.5> shadowless fade_distance 5 fade_power 1} object {PPCbeam interior {media{inner_blue_light }}} object {beam2 /*translate z*-12.5*/ interior {media{outer_blue_light }}} translate z*-5.9 translate y*-1.5 } cylinder{z*-.001 y*(-LeftArmBeamLength*100) 1 translate z*-5.9 translate y*-1.5 texture{ Lightning3 translate z*-12 scale <2,2,2>} finish { ambient .8 diffuse .6} no_shadow} #end rotate x*5 translate <0,2,-5.5> Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>end laser } translate <0,-10.3,3> }//end lower arm //--------------elbow sections union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) }// * union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate <0,0,3> } translate y*-.33 rotate x* ( LeftElbowAngle/6) translate z*-2.5 }// * // =============Upper Arm union{ box {<1.7,.05,2.7>,<-1.7,-.05,-2.7>} difference{ box {<1.6,1.4,2.6>,<-1.6,-1.4,-2.6>} box {<2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*-1.6} box {<2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*-45 translate x*1.6} box {<-2,-2,2.7>,<0,0,-2.7> rotate z*45 translate x*-1.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,2> rotate x*-45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,2,-2> rotate x*45 translate z*-2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,2> rotate x*45 translate z*2.6} box {<1.7,0,0>,<-1.7,-2,-2> rotate x*-45 translate z*-2.6} } pigment {color Barrels} translate z*.5 } difference{ box {<1.8,0,3.5>,<-1.8,7,-3.5>} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,9,-2> rotate x*-8.5 translate z*-2.5} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,2,-9> rotate x*8.5 translate <0,6,3.5>} cylinder {<1.8,1,4>,<1.8,1,-4>,.05} cylinder {<1.8,7,-2>,<1.8,1,-2>,.05} cylinder {<1.8,7,2.5>,<1.8,1,2.5>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,1,4>,<-1.8,1,-4>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,7,-2>,<-1.8,1,-2>,.05} cylinder {<-1.8,7,2.5>,<-1.8,1,2.5>,.05} cylinder {<1.9,1,3.5>,<-1.9,1,3.5>,.05} cylinder {<1.9,1,-2.64>,<-1.9,1,-2.64>,.05} } difference{ box {<1.65,12,3.25>,<-1.65,5,-3.85>} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,10,-3> rotate x*-8.5 translate z*-2.235} pigment {color Barrels} } translate y*-10.5 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) }//end upper arm // Lateral arm bar union{ cylinder{<0,0,-7.05>,<0,0,7.05>,.5} difference { sphere {<0,0,0>,.45} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*20} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*110} scale <1,1,.5> translate z*-7.05 } difference { sphere {<0,0,0>,.45} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*20} box {<.5,.05,-.15>,<-.5,-.05,-.5> rotate z*110} scale <1,1,.5> translate z*7.05 } difference{// bar union{ cylinder{<0,0,7>,<0,0,-7>1} difference{// .. union{ //... difference{ box {<2,0,7>,<-1,-3,-7>} cylinder {<3,-2,7>,<-3,-2,7>,.05} cylinder {<3,-2,-7>,<-3,-2,-7>,.05} } difference{ box {<2,-3,-6.5>,<-1,-7,6.5>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-6,-6> rotate x*-45 translate <0,-3,-6.5>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-6,6> rotate x*45 translate <0,-3,6.5>} cylinder {<.5,0,0>,<.5,-6,0>, .05 rotate x*-45 translate <0,-3,-6.5>} cylinder {<.5,0,0>,<.5,-6,0>, .05 rotate x*45 translate <0,-3,6.5>} } difference{ box {<-1.25,-6.75,-2>,<2.25,-7.25,2>} #declare Shift=0; #while (Shift<3) cylinder {<-.75,-7.25,0>,<1.75,-7.25,0>,0.05 translate z*(-1.5+Shift)} #declare Shift=Shift+.15; #end } } // ... box {<0,0,7.1>,<3,-8,-7.1> rotate z*18.5 translate x*1} } // .. } sphere {<2,0,0>,6.1} }// /bar rotate z*-45 translate x*1 } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate x*-1.8 rotate z*-LeftShoulderLateral translate x*1.8 } difference{ sphere{<2,0,0>,5.85 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) #if (Logo_On) texture { pigment { image_map { png LLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Logo Here [UNDER Layer!] map_type 1 } } translate <0,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to scale your logo. adjust in small increments rotate <0,LogoAngleHor,-LogoAngleVert> // rotate along the axis to center your logo. adjust in small increments } #end } box {<2,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*35} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*-35} Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } difference{ sphere{<2,0,0>,6 Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) #if (Logo_On) texture { pigment { image_map { png LLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Logo Here [MAIN Layer!] map_type 1 } } translate <0,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to scale your logo. adjust in small increments rotate <0,LogoAngleHor,-LogoAngleVert> // rotate along the axis to center your logo. adjust in small increments } #end } box {<2.1,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7>} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*35} box {<-4,-4,-7>,<3,-7,7> rotate x*-35} box {<3,7,.075>,<-7,-7,-.075>} box {<3,.175,7>,<-7,-.175,-7>} cylinder {<1.8,0,0>,<3,0,0>,6.1} Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } union{ #declare YRot=2.5; #while (YRot<179) sphere {<0,0,-5.8>,.125 rotate y*YRot translate x*2} #declare YRot=YRot+2.5; #end Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) } difference{ sphere {<2,0,0>,5.5} box {<2,7,7>,<9,-7,-7>} box {<2.1,7,-4>,<-7,-7,-7>} box {<2.1,7,4>,<-7,-7,7>} pigment {color Barrels} } rotate x*LeftShoulderElevation translate <-11,8.5,2> scale <-1,1,1> } //end shoulder // ----------------End Left Arm rotate y*TorsoTwist translate y*5.2 }//end torso // hip difference{ box {<8,0,5>,<-8,-5,-6>} box {<7.5,-1.5,4>,<-7.5,-6,-5>} cylinder {<4,0,-6>,<4,-5,-6>,.05} cylinder {<-4,0,-6>,<-4,-5,-6>,.05} cylinder {<4,1,5>,<4,-6,5>,.05} cylinder {<2,1,5>,<2,-6,5>,.05} cylinder {<-4,1,5>,<-4,-6,5>,.05} cylinder {<-2,1,5>,<-2,-6,5>,.05} difference { union{ #declare Shift=-1; #while (Shift>-4) cylinder {<4,Shift,5>,<-4,Shift,5>,.05} #declare Shift=Shift-.15; #end } box {<2,0,4>,<-2,-5,6>} } box {<9,0,0>,<-9,-5,-13> rotate x*7.5 translate <0,-5,5>} union{ box {<-1,5,0>,<8.5,-5,-5>} cylinder {<2,5,0>,<2,-5,0>,.05} rotate x*45 rotate y*-12.5 translate <-8,-.5,-5.5> } union{ box {<1,5,0>,<-8.5,-5,-5>} cylinder {<-2,5,0>,<-2,-5,0>,.05} rotate x*45 rotate y*12.5 translate <8,-.5,-5.5> } } difference{ box {<1.5,0,4.5>,<-1.5,-10,-7>} box {<2,0,0>,<-2,-8,4> rotate x*30 translate <0,-5,4.5>} box {<9,0,0>,<-9,-5,-14> rotate x*7.5 translate <0,-10,5>} union{ box {<2,0,1>,<-2,5,-5>} cylinder {<0,0,1>,<0,0,-5>,.05} rotate x*-45 translate z*-4 } cylinder {<0,0,-7>,<0,-10,-7>,.05} cylinder {<2,-3.05,-7>,<-2,-3.05,-7>,.05} cylinder {<2,-6.5,-7>,<0,-6.5,-7>,.05} cylinder {<0,-4.5,-7>,<-2,-4.5,-7>,.05} } cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,.2,0>,4 pigment{color Barrels}} union{//right box box {<-9.8,-1,3.5>,<-7.5,-7,-3>} box {<-9.9,-1.1,3.5>,<-9.8,-6.9,-3>} box {<-10,-1.1,3.3>,<-9.7,-6.9,-2.8>} cylinder {<-9.8,-1.1,3.5>,<-9.8,-1.1,-3>,.1} cylinder {<-9.9,-1.1,3.3>,<-9.9,-1.1,-2.8>,.1} cylinder {<-9.8,-6.9,3.5>,<-9.8,-6.9,-3>,.1} cylinder {<-9.9,-6.9,3.3>,<-9.9,-6.9,-2.8>,.1} }// end right box #if (TRO3025) #declare Missile=5; box {<9,.1,5.1>,<8,-5.2,2>} #else #declare Missile=6; box {<9,.1,5.1>,<8,-5.9,2>} #end //union{ #while (Missile>.9) union{ difference{ union{ box {<8,1.5,-5>,<10,.5,2>} box {<10.1,1.6,-1>,<7.9,.4,1>} #if (Missile>1) box {<8.1,1.5,-4.8>,<9.9,1.65,1.9>} #end } cylinder {<9,1,1>,<9,1,-7>,.45 pigment {color Barrels}} } translate y*(-Missile*1.15) } #declare Missile=Missile-1; #end //} union{ cylinder {<2.5,-7.6,-1>,<-2.5,-7.6,-1>,1.5} sphere {<2.5,-7.6,-1>,1.5} sphere {<-2.5,-7.6,-1>,1.5} #declare XRot=0; difference{ cylinder {<2.5,-7.6,-1>,<-2.5,-7.6,-1>,1.6} #while (XRot < 181) box {<2.6,1.7,.05>,<-2.6,-1.7,-.05> rotate x*XRot translate <0,-7.6,-1>} #declare XRot=XRot+10; #end } pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ box {<3,3,1>,<-3,-3,-3> rotate z*45 translate y*-4.4} box {<4.24,-1,1><-4.24,-4.4,-3>} } box {<3,-8,-4>,<-3,-6.1,4>} union{ sphere {<2.5,-3,-1.3>,.2} sphere {<2.5,-3,-.3>,.2} sphere {<2.5,-3,.6>,.2} sphere {<1.,-3,-1.3>,.2} sphere {<1.,-3,-.3>,.2} sphere {<1.,-3,.6>,.2} cylinder {<2.5,-3,-1.3>,<1,-3,-1.3>,.2} cylinder {<2.5,-3,-.3>,<1,-3,-.3>,.2} cylinder {<2.5,-3,.6>,<1,-3,.6>,.2} sphere {<-3,2.5,-1.3>,.2} sphere {<-3,2.5,-.3>,.2} sphere {<-3,2.5,.6>,.2} sphere {<-3,1,-1.3>,.2} sphere {<-3,1,-.3>,.2} sphere {<-3,1,.6>,.2} cylinder {<-3,2.5,-1.3>,<-3,1,-1.3>,.2} cylinder {<-3,2.5,-.3>,<-3,1,-.3>,.2} cylinder {<-3,2.5,.6>,<-3,1,.6>,.2} rotate z*45 translate y*-4.4 } union { box {<-5,0,0>,<5,9,-3>} cylinder {<-5,.1,0>,<5,.1,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,.3,0>,<5,.3,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,.5,0>,<5,.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,.7,0>,<5,.7,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,.9,0>,<5,.9,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,1.1,0>,<5,1.1,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,1.3,0>,<5,1.3,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,1.5,0>,<5,1.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,1.7,0>,<5,1.7,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,1.9,0>,<5,1.9,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,2.1,0>,<5,2.1,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,2.3,0>,<5,2.3,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,2.5,0>,<5,2.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,2.7,0>,<5,2.7,0>,.05} cylinder {<-5,2.9,0>,<5,2.9,0>,.05} rotate x*-30 translate <0,-6.1,-1.5> } } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate <0,7.6,1> rotate x* TorsoPitch translate y*1 } //end hip // legs union{//Upper Right Leg union{//lower leg union{//foot union{// toes union{ box {<1,0,0>,<-1,-4.75,-2>} cylinder {<1,-4.75,-1>,<-1,-4.75,-1>,1} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ box {<2,-2,-8.75>,<-2,-6,-1>} box {<3.75,-2,-2.5>,<-3.75,-6,-8.75>} } box {<4,0,0>,<-4,3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4,-1>} box {<4,0,0>,<-4,4,8> rotate x*-40 translate <0,-6,-8.75>} box {<0,6,0>,<2,0,-9> rotate z*20 translate <3.75,-5.5,0>} box {<0,6,0>,<-2,0,-9> rotate z*-20 translate <-3.75,-5.5,0>} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ box {<4,-6,-9>,<-4,-2,-2.49>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4,-.95>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,4,8> rotate x*-40 translate <0,-6,-9>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,.75,-9> rotate x*35 translate <0,-6,-.95>} box {<-2,-6,-9>,<-1.25,-2.8,-2>} box {<0,6,0>,<2,0,-9> rotate z*20 translate <4,-5.5,0>} box {<0,6,0>,<-2,0,-9> rotate z*-20 translate <-4,-5.5,0>} } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate y*-.5 rotate x*RightToes }//end toes //==========Start Foot difference{ box {<2,-4,3>,<-2,-6.5,-.75>} box {<1.1,-.5,0>,<-1.1,-5.25,-2> translate <0,-.1,.1>} cylinder {<1.1,-5.25,-1>,<-1.1,-5.25,-1>,1 translate <0,-.1,.1>} #declare YShift=-4.9; #while (YShift > -6.2) cylinder {<2,YShift,-.25>,<2,YShift,2.5>,.05 } cylinder {<-2,YShift,-.25>,<-2,YShift,2.5>,.05 } #declare YShift = YShift - .2; #end pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ box {<2.1,0,3.05>,<-2.1,-4.5,-3>} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,0,0>,3.5} } box {<4,0,0>,<-4,-3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4.5,-.75>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-2,2> rotate x*-20 translate <0,-4.5,2>} union{ cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*45} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*45} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*-45} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*-45} translate y*-.5 } } sphere {<0,0,0>,3.4 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*2} sphere {<0,0,0>,3.4 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*-2} difference{ union{ sphere {<0,0,0>,3.5 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*2.1} sphere {<0,0,0>,3.5 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*-2.1} } box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05>} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*45} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*-45} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*90} difference{ cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2} cylinder {<3.5,0,0>,<-3.5,0,0>,1.9} } } box {<3.4,-6,3>,<-3.4,-6.5,5.9> pigment {color Barrels}} difference{ box {<3.5,-6,3>,<-3.5,-6.5,6>} #declare Shift=3.2; #while (Shift<5.9) box {<4,-5,Shift+.05>,<-4,-6.6,Shift-.05>} #declare Shift = Shift + .2; #end #declare Shift=3.2; #while (Shift>-3.3) box {,} #declare Shift = Shift - .2; #end pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ cylinder {<2.5,0,3>,<2.5,0,6>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<-2,-1,2> rotate y*-45 translate <3.5,-5.75,6>} } difference{ cylinder {<-2.5,0,3>,<-2.5,0,6>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<2,-1,2> rotate y*45 translate <-3.5,-5.75,6>} } difference { cylinder {<3.5,0,5>,<-3.5,0,5>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<3,-1,-3> rotate y*45 translate <3.5,-5.5,6>} box {<0,1,0>,<-3,-1,-3> rotate y*-45 translate <-3.5,-5.5,6>} } box {<2.5,-6,3>,<-2.5,-5,5>} torus {1,.4 rotate z*90 translate<-1,-5,3> pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ torus {1,.5 rotate z*90 translate<-1,-5,3>} #declare XRot=5; #while (XRot<90) box {<2,-.015,2>,<-2,.015,-2> rotate x*-XRot translate <0,-5,3>} #declare XRot=XRot+5; #end } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate x*-BendRightAnkle rotate z*(-RightFootTilt+5) translate <0,-10.5,1> }//end foot // ***********************Start Lower Leg difference{ box {<2.5,-.5,-.5>,<-2.5,3,.5> rotate x*30 translate <0,-11.5,-3.25>} box {<3,-11.5,0>,<-3,-13,-6>} } difference{ box {<2.5,-11.5,-3>,<-2.5,-1.5,5.5>} union{ box {<3,0,0>,<-3,15,5>} cylinder {<3,4.5,0>,<-3,4.5,0>,.05} rotate x*-10 translate <0,-11.5,5.5> } box {<2.3,-8.5,.5>,<2.6,-7,-4>} cylinder {<2.5,0,0>,<2.5,-12,1>,.05} cylinder {<-2.5,0,0>,<-2.5,-12,1>,.05} cylinder {<-2.5,-7.06,5>,<-2.5,-7.06,.5>,.05} cylinder {<0,0,-3>,<0,-12,-3>,.05} cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} } difference{ difference{ box {<2.6,0,0>,<-2.6,7,2.5>} box {<2.7,0,0>,<-2.7,4,4> rotate x*40 translate z*.5} box {<2.7,0,0>,<-2.7,-8,5> rotate x*-25 translate <0,7,.5>} cylinder {<3,5,0>,<-3,5,0>,.05} cylinder {<2.6,5,-1>,<2.6,5,4>,.05} cylinder {<-2.6,5,-1>,<-2.6,5,4>,.05} cylinder {<0,5,0>,<0,8,0>,.05} box {<2.1,7,.5>,<-2.1,3.5,4>} rotate x*-5 translate <0,-3.6,-4> } cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} } difference{ cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} cylinder {<3.1,0,0>,<2.8,0,0>,2.3} cylinder {<-3.1,0,0>,<-2.8,0,0>,2.3} cone { <2.805, 0, 0>, 2.3, <2, 0, 0>, 1 } cone { <-2.805, 0, 0>, 2.3, <-2, 0, 0>, 1 } #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot <181) difference{ union{ cone { <2.7, 0, 0>, 2.3, <1.9, 0, 0>, 1 } cylinder {<2.805,0,0>,<2.7,0,0>,2.3} cone { <-2.7, 0, 0>, 2.3, <-1.9, 0, 0>, 1 } cylinder {<-2.805,0,0>,<-2.7,0,0>,2.3} } box {<3,3,.075>,<-3,-3,3>} box {<3,3,-.075>,<-3,-3,-3>} rotate x*XRot } #declare XRot = XRot + 45; #end difference{ cylinder {<2.45,0,0>,<-2.45,0,0>,2.6} cylinder {<2.5,0,0>,<-2.5,0,0>,2.3} #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot <360) cylinder {<2.45,2.3,0>,<-2.45,2.3,0>,.05 rotate x*XRot} #declare XRot = XRot + 5; #end pigment {color Barrels} } } sphere {<0,0,0>,1 scale <.3,1,1> translate x*2} sphere {<0,0,0>,1 scale <.5,1,1> translate x*-2} #if (RKneeLogo) box {<2.6,0,0>,<-2.6,5,-.005> texture { pigment { image_map { png RKLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Right Knee Logo Here map_type 0 } } scale 5 // Play with this until you get ONE logo, it tiles translate <2.5,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to center youe logo. adjust in small increments } rotate x*-5 translate <0,-3.6,-4> } #end rotate x*-BendRightKnee translate <-2,-9,-1.25> }//end lower leg //--------------------Start Upper Leg difference{ box {<0,2.5,4>,<-4,-8.5,-4.5>} union{ box {<1,0,0>,<-5,15,-5>} box {<-4.1,8.25,-.05>,<-3.5,8.75,.5>} cylinder {<1,6.5,0>,<-5,6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<1,5.5,0>,<-5,5.5,0>,.05} rotate x*10 translate <0,-8.5,-4.5> } box {<1,0,0>,<-5,15,5> rotate x*15 translate <0,-8.5,1.5>} box {<1,-1.5,-1.5>,<-5,1.5,1.5> rotate x*45 translate <0,2.5,4>} cylinder {<1,-9,-1.25>,<-5,-9,-1.25>,2.45} cylinder {<0,-2.1,-5>,<0,-2.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<0,-3.1,-5>,<0,-3.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<-4,-2.1,-5>,<-4,-2.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<-4,-3.1,-5>,<-4,-3.1,5>,.05} } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate x* RaiseRightLeg rotate y* TwistRightLeg rotate z*(-SpreadRightLeg-5) translate x*-3 }// end Upper Right Leg union{//Upper Left Leg union{//lower leg union{//foot union{// toes union{ box {<1,0,0>,<-1,-4.75,-2>} cylinder {<1,-4.75,-1>,<-1,-4.75,-1>,1} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ box {<2,-2,-8.75>,<-2,-6,-1>} box {<3.75,-2,-2.5>,<-3.75,-6,-8.75>} } box {<4,0,0>,<-4,3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4,-1>} box {<4,0,0>,<-4,4,8> rotate x*-40 translate <0,-6,-8.75>} box {<0,6,0>,<2,0,-9> rotate z*20 translate <3.75,-5.5,0>} box {<0,6,0>,<-2,0,-9> rotate z*-20 translate <-3.75,-5.5,0>} pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ box {<4,-6,-9>,<-4,-2,-2.49>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4,-.95>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,4,8> rotate x*-40 translate <0,-6,-9>} box {<4.5,0,0>,<-4.5,.75,-9> rotate x*35 translate <0,-6,-.95>} box {<-2,-6,-9>,<-1.25,-2.8,-2>} box {<0,6,0>,<2,0,-9> rotate z*20 translate <4,-5.5,0>} box {<0,6,0>,<-2,0,-9> rotate z*-20 translate <-4,-5.5,0>} } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) translate y*-.5 rotate x*LeftToes }//end toes //==========Start Foot difference{ box {<2,-4,3>,<-2,-6.5,-.75>} box {<1.1,-.5,0>,<-1.1,-5.25,-2> translate <0,-.1,.1>} cylinder {<1.1,-5.25,-1>,<-1.1,-5.25,-1>,1 translate <0,-.1,.1>} #declare YShift=-4.9; #while (YShift > -6.2) cylinder {<2,YShift,-.25>,<2,YShift,2.5>,.05 } cylinder {<-2,YShift,-.25>,<-2,YShift,2.5>,.05 } #declare YShift = YShift - .2; #end pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ union{ box {<2.1,0,3.05>,<-2.1,-4.5,-3>} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,0,0>,3.5} } box {<4,0,0>,<-4,-3,-5> rotate x*35 translate <0,-4.5,-.75>} box {<3,0,0>,<-3,-2,2> rotate x*-20 translate <0,-4.5,2>} union{ cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*45} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*45} cylinder {<2.1,0,0>,<2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*-45} cylinder {<-2.1,0,0>,<-2.1,-6.5,0>,.05 rotate x*-45} translate y*-.5 } } sphere {<0,0,0>,3.4 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*2} sphere {<0,0,0>,3.4 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*-2} difference{ union{ sphere {<0,0,0>,3.5 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*2.1} sphere {<0,0,0>,3.5 scale <.05,1,1> translate x*-2.1} } box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05>} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*45} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*-45} box {<3,4,.05>,<-3,-4,-.05> rotate x*90} difference{ cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2} cylinder {<3.5,0,0>,<-3.5,0,0>,1.9} } } box {<3.4,-6,3>,<-3.4,-6.5,5.9> pigment {color Barrels}} difference{ box {<3.5,-6,3>,<-3.5,-6.5,6>} #declare Shift=3.2; #while (Shift<5.9) box {<4,-5,Shift+.05>,<-4,-6.6,Shift-.05>} #declare Shift = Shift + .2; #end #declare Shift=3.2; #while (Shift>-3.3) box {,} #declare Shift = Shift - .2; #end pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ cylinder {<2.5,0,3>,<2.5,0,6>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<-2,-1,2> rotate y*-45 translate <3.5,-5.75,6>} } difference{ cylinder {<-2.5,0,3>,<-2.5,0,6>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<2,-1,2> rotate y*45 translate <-3.5,-5.75,6>} } difference { cylinder {<3.5,0,5>,<-3.5,0,5>,1 scale <1,.75,1> translate y*-5.75} box {<0,1,0>,<3,-1,-3> rotate y*45 translate <3.5,-5.5,6>} box {<0,1,0>,<-3,-1,-3> rotate y*-45 translate <-3.5,-5.5,6>} } box {<2.5,-6,3>,<-2.5,-5,5>} torus {1,.4 rotate z*90 translate<-1,-5,3> pigment {color Barrels} } difference{ torus {1,.5 rotate z*90 translate<-1,-5,3>} #declare XRot=5; #while (XRot<90) box {<2,-.015,2>,<-2,.015,-2> rotate x*-XRot translate <0,-5,3>} #declare XRot=XRot+5; #end } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate x*-BendLeftAnkle rotate z*(-LeftFootTilt+5) translate <0,-10.5,1> }//end foot // ***********************Start Lower Leg difference{ box {<2.5,-.5,-.5>,<-2.5,3,.5> rotate x*30 translate <0,-11.5,-3.25>} box {<3,-11.5,0>,<-3,-13,-6>} } difference{ box {<2.5,-11.5,-3>,<-2.5,-1.5,5.5>} union{ box {<3,0,0>,<-3,15,5>} cylinder {<3,4.5,0>,<-3,4.5,0>,.05} rotate x*-10 translate <0,-11.5,5.5> } box {<2.3,-8.5,.5>,<2.6,-7,-4>} cylinder {<2.5,0,0>,<2.5,-12,1>,.05} cylinder {<-2.5,0,0>,<-2.5,-12,1>,.05} cylinder {<-2.5,-7.06,5>,<-2.5,-7.06,.5>,.05} cylinder {<0,0,-3>,<0,-12,-3>,.05} cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} } difference{ difference{ box {<2.6,0,0>,<-2.6,7,2.5>} box {<2.7,0,0>,<-2.7,4,4> rotate x*40 translate z*.5} box {<2.7,0,0>,<-2.7,-8,5> rotate x*-25 translate <0,7,.5>} cylinder {<3,5,0>,<-3,5,0>,.05} cylinder {<2.6,5,-1>,<2.6,5,4>,.05} cylinder {<-2.6,5,-1>,<-2.6,5,4>,.05} cylinder {<0,5,0>,<0,8,0>,.05} box {<2.1,7,.5>,<-2.1,3.5,4>} rotate x*-5 translate <0,-3.6,-4> } cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} } difference{ cylinder {<3,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,2.5} cylinder {<3.1,0,0>,<2.8,0,0>,2.3} cylinder {<-3.1,0,0>,<-2.8,0,0>,2.3} cone { <2.805, 0, 0>, 2.3, <2, 0, 0>, 1 } cone { <-2.805, 0, 0>, 2.3, <-2, 0, 0>, 1 } #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot <181) difference{ union{ cone { <2.7, 0, 0>, 2.3, <1.9, 0, 0>, 1 } cylinder {<2.805,0,0>,<2.7,0,0>,2.3} cone { <-2.7, 0, 0>, 2.3, <-1.9, 0, 0>, 1 } cylinder {<-2.805,0,0>,<-2.7,0,0>,2.3} } box {<3,3,.075>,<-3,-3,3>} box {<3,3,-.075>,<-3,-3,-3>} rotate x*XRot } #declare XRot = XRot + 45; #end difference{ cylinder {<2.45,0,0>,<-2.45,0,0>,2.6} cylinder {<2.5,0,0>,<-2.5,0,0>,2.3} #declare XRot = 0; #while (XRot <360) cylinder {<2.45,2.3,0>,<-2.45,2.3,0>,.05 rotate x*XRot} #declare XRot = XRot + 5; #end pigment {color Barrels} } } sphere {<0,0,0>,1 scale <.3,1,1> translate x*2} sphere {<0,0,0>,1 scale <.5,1,1> translate x*-2} #if (LKneeLogo) box {<2.6,0,0>,<-2.6,5,-.005> texture { pigment { image_map { png LKLogo //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your Right Knee Logo Here map_type 0 } } scale x*-1 scale 5 // Play with this until you get ONE logo, it tiles translate <2.5,0,0> // this moves you along the axis to center youe logo. adjust in small increments } rotate x*-5 translate <0,-3.6,-4> } #end rotate x*-BendLeftKnee translate <-2,-9,-1.25> }//end lower leg //--------------------Start Upper Leg difference{ box {<0,2.5,4>,<-4,-8.5,-4.5>} union{ box {<1,0,0>,<-5,15,-5>} box {<-4.1,8.25,-.05>,<-3.5,8.75,.5>} cylinder {<1,6.5,0>,<-5,6.5,0>,.05} cylinder {<1,5.5,0>,<-5,5.5,0>,.05} rotate x*10 translate <0,-8.5,-4.5> } box {<1,0,0>,<-5,15,5> rotate x*15 translate <0,-8.5,1.5>} box {<1,-1.5,-1.5>,<-5,1.5,1.5> rotate x*45 translate <0,2.5,4>} cylinder {<1,-9,-1.25>,<-5,-9,-1.25>,2.45} cylinder {<0,-2.1,-5>,<0,-2.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<0,-3.1,-5>,<0,-3.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<-4,-2.1,-5>,<-4,-2.1,5>,.05} cylinder {<-4,-3.1,-5>,<-4,-3.1,5>,.05} } Camo (CamoLayerOne,CamoLayerTwo) rotate x* RaiseLeftLeg rotate y* TwistLeftLeg rotate z*(-SpreadLeftLeg-5) translate x*-3 scale <-1,1,1> }// end Upper Left Leg rotate y*RotateMech translate }// end mech