// POV-Ray scene for achieving the Fallout and Fallout 2 camera angles. // Render at 512x512px. light_source { <-30,+30,-30,> color rgb 1 rotate y * 330 parallel shadowless } light_source { <-30,+30,-30,> color rgb 1 rotate y * 090 parallel // shadowless } camera { orthographic location -z * 100 direction +z up +y * 16 / sin(radians(60)) right +x * 16 rotate +x * 30 rotate +y * 30 } plane { y, 0 texture { pigment { checker color rgb 1 color rgb 0 } } } merge { intersection { plane {+x + y,0 translate +y * 3/4} plane {-x + y,0 translate +y * 3/4} box {-1,+1} translate +y scale 1/2 } box {<0,0,0,>,<+1/8,+1/1,+1/8,>} clipped_by { union { box {<-1/8,+0/1,-1,>,<+1/8,+1/4,+1/1,> inverse} plane {+y,0} } } hollow pigment {color rgbt <1/1,1/1,1/1,0,>} scale 8 }