Bonjour Grimbert, Alas my french is to bad to write this in french. It took some time to find the old files and the mathematical derivation with pow 16. Because in the past it was not possible to test a poly 16, I never had made a file for it. It took me the whole day to build a poly 16 file with 969 factors in it and put this in an old file that uses a poly 8 object (only 165 factors). Luckily this should produce the same result, but I expect the poly 16 to be without the central line and be completely stable. To keep the maxpower under 15 I invented a tric to avoid one squaring in the derivation so the result was a poly 8 object. This I could test in 1997 (version 3.0 or 3.1 ?), but I got system crashes in those days and there is a line along the y-axis. I always suspected the mathematical tric to cause this behaviour although subtraction of two equations is mathematically perfectly alright. You find in the pakket a poly 8 file that works. It produces a spiral for which you can alter the parameters in the beginging of the file. Further there is a parallel file that uses the poly 16 object. The rest is identical. If everything is alright, then this should work too if you change Pov 3.7. Further you find a file called TestPolyC. When I was playing with my derivations I was curious about the way Pov solves a poly with high powers. So I downloaded the source files and studied the math in poly.cpp. Because I have programmed in pascal for my own fun, I can, with some difficulty, read the code. Of course I found the code for the binomial calculation and because I didn't quit understood the jump with goto l1:, I translated it in SDL and put it in this file. In my opinion there is a bug in the code. The jump goes to the wrong place so stack2 is not used correctly and only the first entry is processed. I've put two examples (bottom of file) that shows that it goes wrong. Take a look at around the middle of the file, where the cpp code is present too. I've suggested an improvement in binomial(int n, int r) too. You asked if I could go to stil higher powers. I don't think this will happen, because the power 16 took about two weeks every night and parts of the weekends to solve. I don't think I will do this again. By the way, can you explain how the solving of the equations goes. There are three loops and a lot of operations mixed with this, so I can't figure out how this works. Searching on the internet points to math I can't figure out too. The only thing I could follow is that the ray is substituted in the equations somehow. From there on I loose track. Hope this helps, Jaap Frank