// Persistence of Vision Raytracer Version 3.6 // Screen Include File // Created by Christoph Hormann, Chris Huff, Rune S. Johansen and Michael // Horvath. // Screen.inc will enable you to place objects and textures right in front // of the camera. One use of this is to place your signature or a logo in // the corner of the image. // You can only use screen.inc with the perspective camera. Screen.inc // will automatically create the camera definition for you when it is // included. // Note that even though objects aligned using screen.inc follow the // camera, they are still part of the scene. That means that they will be // affected by perspective, lighting, the surroundings etc. // For instructions of use, look in the POV-Ray manual, and for an example // of use, see screen.pov. #ifndef(Screen_Inc_Temp) #declare Screen_Inc_Temp = version; #version 3.6; #ifdef(View_POV_Include_Stack) #debug "including screen.inc\n" #end #macro Update_Camera() #ifndef (Camera_Orthographic) #declare Camera_Orthographic = off; #end #ifndef (Camera_Aspect_Ratio) #declare Camera_Aspect_Ratio = image_width/image_height; #end #ifndef (Camera_Location) #declare Camera_Location = <0,0,0,>; #end #ifndef (Camera_Look_At) #declare Camera_Look_At = z; #end #ifndef (Camera_Sky) #declare Camera_Sky = y; #end #ifndef (Camera_Zoom) #declare Camera_Zoom = 1; #end #ifndef (Camera_Wide) #declare Camera_Wide = 1; #end #declare CamL = Camera_Location; // wherever you're putting it #declare CamD = vnormalize(Camera_Look_At - CamL); // direction of camera view #if (Camera_Orthographic) #declare CamR = Camera_Wide * vnormalize(vcross(Camera_Sky, CamD)); // to the right #declare CamU = Camera_Wide * vnormalize(vcross(CamD, CamR)); // camera up #else #declare CamR = vnormalize(vcross(Camera_Sky, CamD)); // to the right #declare CamU = vnormalize(vcross(CamD, CamR)); // camera up #end #declare Camera_Transform = transform { matrix < CamR.x, CamR.y, CamR.z, CamU.x, CamU.y, CamU.z, CamD.x, CamD.y, CamD.z, CamL.x, CamL.y, CamL.z > } camera { #if (Camera_Orthographic) orthographic #end location CamL direction CamD * Camera_Zoom right CamR up CamU/Camera_Aspect_Ratio } #end Update_Camera() #macro Set_Camera_Location(Loc) #declare Camera_Location = Loc; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Look_At(LookAt) #declare Camera_Look_At = LookAt; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Aspect_Ratio(Aspect) #declare Camera_Aspect_Ratio = Aspect; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Aspect(Width,Height) #declare Camera_Aspect_Ratio = Width/Height; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Sky(Sky) #declare Camera_Sky = Sky; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Zoom(Zoom) #declare Camera_Zoom = Zoom; Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera_Angle(Angle) #declare Camera_Zoom = 1/tan(radians(Angle/2)); #declare Camera_Wide = tan(radians(Angle/2)) * vlength(Camera_Look_At - Camera_Location); Update_Camera() #end #macro Set_Camera(Location, LookAt, Angle, Ortho) #declare Camera_Orthographic = Ortho; #declare Camera_Location = Location; #declare Camera_Look_At = LookAt; Set_Camera_Angle(Angle) Update_Camera() #end #macro Reset_Camera() #undef Camera_Orthographic #undef Camera_Location #undef Camera_Aspect_Ratio #undef Camera_Location #undef Camera_Look_At #undef Camera_Sky #undef Camera_Zoom #undef Camera_Wide Update_Camera() #end #macro Screen_Object(Object, Position, Spacing, Confine, Scaling) #local Obj_Max = max_extent(Object); #local Obj_Min = min_extent(Object); #local Obj_Cen = (Obj_Max + Obj_Min)/2; #local Obj_Dim = (Obj_Max - Obj_Min)/2; #local Pos = (Position - 1/2) * 2; #local Pos = ( + + (0 - Obj_Cen - Pos * (Obj_Dim + Spacing)) * Confine ); object { Object no_shadow // shouldn't cast shadows in the scene no_reflection // shouldn't be reflected in scene elements translate Pos #if (Camera_Orthographic) translate Camera_Zoom * z * Scaling #else translate Camera_Zoom * z scale Scaling #end transform {Camera_Transform} } #end #macro Screen_Plane(Texture, Scaling, BLCorner, TRCorner) box { <-0.000001,-0.000001,0,>, <+1.000001,+1.000001,0,> texture {Texture} scale TRCorner * <1,1,0,> - BLCorner * <1,1,0,> + z translate BLCorner * <1,1,0,> + <-1/2,-1/2,0,> scale <1,1/Camera_Aspect_Ratio,1,> no_shadow // shouldn't cast shadows in the scene no_reflection // shouldn't be reflected in scene elements hollow on // for media/fog #if (Camera_Orthographic) translate Camera_Zoom * z * Scaling #else translate Camera_Zoom * z scale Scaling #end transform {Camera_Transform} } #end #version Screen_Inc_Temp; #end