////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ghost.pov // // March 2007 Sam Benge // // Special Thanks to // // Xiaobin Wu and Jianhua Fan // // for their excellent POV-Sub patch // // Distribute freely~ // // // ////////////////////////////////////////// // ini settings: // +fn #include"transforms.inc" #include"ghost2_pov.inc" global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.5 max_trace_level 10 } #default{ finish{ambient 0 } } camera{ fisheye right x*.5*1.33 up y*.5 location <0,.5,-20> look_at y*4.25 angle 37*1.5 aperture .2 focal_point -z*7 blur_samples 10 variance 0 } // resolution of area_lights #declare res = 3; // position of lights #declare lpos = <-1,.5,0>; // color of lights #declare lcol = <1,.95,.9>*3.5; // fog, sky, and mountain color #declare air = <.4 .45 .5>; light_source{ lpos*100000,lcol area_light x*30000,z*30000,res,res orient circular jitter adaptive 1 } fog{rgb air distance 10 fog_type 2 fog_alt 1 fog_offset 0} sky_sphere{ // mountain range #1 pigment{ pigment_pattern{ planar scale 2 translate -y*1 poly_wave .5 turbulence .1 lambda 2.5 translate z*13 translate x*.8 translate y*.025 scale 4 warp{turbulence .1 lambda 3} scale 1/4 } color_map{[.735 rgb air][.735 rgb air/1.25][1 rgb air]} } // mountain range #2 pigment{ pigment_pattern{ planar scale 2 translate -y*1 poly_wave .5 turbulence .2 lambda 2.5 translate x*24.5 scale 4 warp{turbulence .1 lambda 3} scale 1/4 } color_map{[.7 rgbt 1][.7 rgb air/2][1 rgbt 1]} } // sunlight through the fog pigment{ pigment_pattern{spherical scale 2 translate y*1 Point_At_Trans(lpos) poly_wave 1.5 } color_map{[0 rgb air transmit 1][1 rgb lcol]} } } // All objects in scene must be merged! // There's an obscure bug in pov which causes // the translucent object to show less translucency // when other objects exist in scene, unless merged. // No fix yet... #declare obj= merge{ plane{y,0 pigment{rgb 1}} object{Layer_0 translate -y*.1 } object{Layer_1 translate -y*.1 } rotate y*90 translate<-1.33,0,-7> } light_group{ // special light for translucency light_source{ lpos*100000,lcol area_light x*150000,z*150000,res,res orient circular jitter adaptive 1 } // visible object object{obj pigment{rgb 1} finish{ diffuse .55 brilliance 0 } double_illuminate no_shadow } // object responsible for interior fading object{obj pigment{rgbt 1} finish{diffuse 0} interior{ fade_power 1 fade_distance .002 fade_color <1,.5,.5> media{absorption 10} } translate z*.01 hollow } }