//test it #include "rad_def.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "shapesq.inc" #include "logo.inc" #include "cheapworld.inc" global_settings { /* radiosity { Rad_Settings(Radiosity_OutdoorLQ, on, on) }*/ //not needed for space scenes, but good on planets that have concave bits. } camera { right x*image_width/image_height up y direction z*1 #declare fCamDist = 2.5; location -fCamDist*z } /*************************************************/ //change this for some wierder shapes (pick a number between 0 & 6) #declare nObjectType = 0; /*************************************************/ #switch (nObjectType) #case(0) sphere { 0, 1 texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } //rotate -y*clock*360 - z*30 rotate -30*y no_shadow } //Atmosphere for spherical planet cone { 0, 0, -z/fCamDist, sqrt(fCamDist*fCamDist - 1)/fCamDist open double_illuminate no_shadow hollow on pigment { spherical colour_map { [0 rgb <.5,.7,1> transmit 1] [.02/1.02 rgb <.5,.7,1> transmit 0] } } finish { diffuse 1 ambient 0 brilliance 1.5 } normal { spherical 12 scale 2 } scale 1.02 } #break; #case(1) blob { sphere { x*.7, .8, 3 rotate y*0 } sphere { x*.7, .8, 3 rotate y*120 } sphere { x*.7, .8, 3 rotate y*240 } texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } scale 1 rotate <-30, 20, 0> no_shadow } #break; #case (2) superellipsoid { <.1,.1> scale .7 texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } rotate <-30, -20, 0> no_shadow } #break; #case (3) superellipsoid { <1,.1> scale .7 texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } rotate <-30, -20, 0> no_shadow } #break; #case (4) torus { .7,.3 texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } rotate <-30, -20, 0> no_shadow } #break; #case (5) object { Povray_Logo texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } no_shadow } #break; #case (6) object { Monkey_Saddle texture { tCheapWorldAndAtmos } rotate <30, -25, 0> no_shadow } #break; #end //switch light_source { <-1,1,-1>*10000 rgb 1 }