// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: brilliant.pov // Vers: 3.1 // Desc: a very basic illustration of brilliant.inc // Date: 6 January 1999 // Auth: Jerome Grimbert // ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions #include "brilliant.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 // set the maximum ray tracing bounce depth (1...20) [5] max_trace_level 120 // rendering used 109 of 120... radiosity { count 100 recursion_limit 2 } } // set viewer's position in the scene camera { location <0.0, 15, 0.0> // position of camera direction 2.0*z // which way are we looking & zoom up y // which way is +up right 4/3*x // which way is +right and aspect ratio look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> // point center of view at this point } plane { y, -1 texture { pigment { color rgb <0.4,0.4,0.4> } finish { ambient 0.2 specular 0.6 // shiny } } } plane { -y, -30 texture { pigment { color rgb <0.4,0.4,0.4> } finish { ambient 0.2 specular 0.6 // shiny } } } light_source { <-5,25,5> color rgb<1,1,1> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection 0.5 ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.5,0.5,0.54> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.5,0.54,0.5> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> rotate <0,120,0> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.54,0.5,0.5> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> rotate <0,-120,0> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.54,0.54,0.5> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> rotate <0,180,0> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.54,0.5,0.54> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> rotate <0,-60,0> } object { brilliant hollow on texture { pigment {rgbt<1,1,1,0.95>} } finish {reflection <0.5,0.54,0.54> ambient .2 diffuse 0 specular 1 roughness .001 } interior { ior 2.42 // diamant // 1.95 // Zircon } translate <3,0,0> rotate <0,60,0> }