I've just started a new project in POV-Ray. My objective is to render a
high quality scene as an I Spy game. In case you don't know what I mean,
the game is basically the same as Where's Waldo. You have to find a number
of objects in a complex picture from a list and perhaps a special object of
some sort.
The environment I've chosen is the classic bedroom and I've already
modelled the basic layout of the room and begun work on the baseboards
(temporarily red) but I've come across some odd radiosity artifacts (my
scene depends heavily on radiosity). There are a bunch of odd spots on the
ceiling and higher areas of the walls which appear to be caused by the
ground outside (currently a sandy colour). I've managed to bring them down
a lot from what they used to be by tweaking radiosity settings and colours
and I think the best solution would be to make the ground darker.
Questions/comments (whether or not related to the radiosity issues) are
appreciated as always!
light_source#macro G(E)sphere{z+E*y*5e-3.04rotate-z*E*6pigment{rgbt#end{
20*y-10#local n=162;1}#while(n)#local n=n-.3;G(n)x}}G(-n).7}}#end//GregE
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