In POV-Ray 3.7, a transparent sphere_sweep using a B-sline or a cubic spline
sometimes shows a disc at the endcaps. (Note also that in this particular
example, the artifact on the right end does not cast a shadow, but on the left
end, a shadow is cast even though the artifact barely shows in the sphere_sweep
itself.) Is this a known bug?
The artifact does NOT show for linear_spline.
The artifact does NOT show in POV-Ray 3.5 or 3.6.1.
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
{ location <-2.8356, 1.0000, -4.9115>
look_at <0, 1, 0>
angle 38.8508
light_source { <-3.3125, 7.6250, -5.7374>, rgb 1 }
{ -<7, 0, 7>, <7, 9, 7> hollow
pigment { rgb 1 }
{ cubic_spline 4,
<-3, 1.5, 0>, 0.4,
<-1, 0.5, 0>, 0.4,
<1, 1.5, 0>, 0.4,
<3, 0.5, 0>, 0.4
pigment { red 1 transmit 0.5 }
POV-Ray version: 3.7.RC7
Operating System: openSUSE 12.2 Linux
CPU: Dell Inspiron 17R, Intel Core i7
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Am 02.06.2013 18:03, schrieb Cousin Ricky:
> In POV-Ray 3.7, a transparent sphere_sweep using a B-sline or a cubic spline
> sometimes shows a disc at the endcaps. (Note also that in this particular
> example, the artifact on the right end does not cast a shadow, but on the left
> end, a shadow is cast even though the artifact barely shows in the sphere_sweep
> itself.) Is this a known bug?
3rd order (i.e. cubic and similar) spline sphere sweeps are known to
have serious math issues, so I'm not at all surprised.
Someone needs to re-work the whole 3rd order sphere sweep math sooner or
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