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From: H  Karsten
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 26 Oct 2011 14:30:00
Message: <web.4ea85185dc71d3eca3bfeb720@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tenDOTlnDOTretniATtoorgedDOTt> wrote:
> You forget Moray, which basically can convert csg to mesh, although the
> technique could be much improved imo.
> Thomas

The problem in my case is, that the Lego-Lib has about 1600 objects.
They need to be converted in a batch and Moray does not have a script-language.

And as well, the level of detail in Moray is fixed (as far as I remember on

best rgds,

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 26 Oct 2011 14:44:58
Message: <4ea8552a$1@news.povray.org>
Le 25/10/2011 23:24, H. Karsten nous fit lire :
> "H. Karsten" <h-karsten()web.de> wrote:
>> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] freefr> wrote:
>>> Le 15/10/2011 04:29, H. Karsten nous fit lire :
>>>> Here's another one, heaving 100 scans in each axis.
>>> Remind me of my 3.1g version (as a patch, not an inc)
>>> http://jgrimbert.free.fr/pov/patch/tessel/index.html
> Not working...
> I tried to run e view examples. Sometimes I get segmentation faults and the
> examples are not working:

Yep, I know... depend on "luck", my 3.1g patch was bogus on some issue.
It took me a 3.7 to fix it fully.

> File: http://jgrimbert.free.fr/pov/patch/deform/deform.pov
> error:
> cristal <----ERROR
> test.pov:22: error: Object expected.
> ############################################

The syntax evolved with time... here "original" keyword is missing
before cristal... and more for the later part of the scene.

> Files: http://jgrimbert.free.fr/pov/patch/deform/deformb.pov
>        &
>        http://jgrimbert.free.fr/pov/patch/deform/select.pov
> Error:
> any idea?

Yes, all the same issue...
you should have stay in tessel/ with that binary. I never talk of deform/
If you want example that "work" (unless luck strick), click on the
image(s) from tessel/index.html

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From: Reuben Pearse
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 26 Oct 2011 16:15:14
Message: <4ea86a52@news.povray.org>
Hi Holger,

I assume you're referring to the LGEO library as detailed here:

Is this library still being actively developed?

I think I remember seeing that someone had recently created some minifig 
patterns in POV-Ray - I think it was on the LDraw forums

Ideally these should be added into the LGEO library.

When rendering Lego in POV-Ray I always use the following route to 
create the model in POV-Ray:

Use MLCad to create dat file
Use LdrDat2Dxf convert dat file to dxf
PoseRay to create mesh2
POV-Ray to render

Bye for now


On 26/10/2011 01:25, H. Karsten wrote:
> Hi Reuben,
> funny enough! Because of the Lego-lib, I started all this :)
> At the moment, I'm writing the second part in rebol.
> The script will take the .qvx file and do the Polys.
> My concept for the Lego-animation is, to do the animation in 3d-Studio-Max, then
> export the matrix only and PovRay will take the Lego-lib and the matrix and do
> the rendering.
> It is likely, that we do the same thing, using Blender next and maybe cinema4d
> later. Likely as well is Houdini.
> The Script on the PovRay-side is all most done. I've used this technique
> already, using mesh2 objects insight PovRay.
> See: http://lightspeed.byethost24.com/ for some examples.
> The only difference in the PovRay-script in the future is that some objects can
> be completely missing, or off in the matrix and that's just a very little thing
> to do.
> I hope the Rebol-script is done in a view days.
> The example-script I've posted before is to slow. The new thing can be more then
> 1000 times faster. So better for you to wait a view more days :)
> Best rgds,
> Holger

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From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 26 Oct 2011 16:45:00
Message: <4ea8714c$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/26/2011 12:44 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> I think that an answer to that would be a new version of Moray: Build in
> csg then convert to mesh. The current version does already that but
> could be improved, for instance with the techniques shown here.
> Thomas
Yeah. Would certainly make more sense to have it in a modeller, rather 
than the render engine. Only reason I was looking at POV-Ray as a way is 
precisely due to this mod.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 27 Oct 2011 02:52:51
Message: <4ea8ffc3$1@news.povray.org>
On 26-10-2011 22:44, Patrick Elliott wrote:
>> Thomas
> Yeah. Would certainly make more sense to have it in a modeller, rather
> than the render engine. Only reason I was looking at POV-Ray as a way is
> precisely due to this mod.

Indeed. I hope that in the future Moray this feature will be improved.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 27 Oct 2011 02:59:20
Message: <4ea90148$1@news.povray.org>
On 26-10-2011 20:29, H. Karsten wrote:
> The problem in my case is, that the Lego-Lib has about 1600 objects.
> They need to be converted in a batch and Moray does not have a script-language.

Fair enough :-)

> And as well, the level of detail in Moray is fixed (as far as I remember on
> this..)

Well, I do not have Moray operational at this moment, but I remember 
that one had to strongly increase the number of subdivision levels (and 
make the csg operations visible) before applying the feature. The result 
was messy but workable. There probably/certainly was a limit to the 
number of levels, though.


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From: H  Karsten
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 27 Oct 2011 19:55:00
Message: <web.4ea9ee7edc71d3eca3bfeb720@news.povray.org>
Hi Reuben,

Rendering mesh2 objects are ok, when the rendering is on you own computer.
I'm live on a south-pacific island with very bad Internet and together with some
friend in Germany, we like to do a 3D-Movie.
To save space for the transfer, we decided to render my files in Germany, so I
try to reduce the amount of data for the PovRay-files as well.

My idea then was to use the Lego-Lib. It is 2.7 KB in size and it's fun as well,
because the other guys using normal 3d-models (it's a space-battle :)

For example the robot I made here: http://lightspeed.byethost24.com/?p=101
contained so much data, that on my little machine, only the parsing took more
the 30 minutes!

But ok, that's really the biggest mesh2 I've ever produced ;)

best rgds,

Reuben Pearse <reu### [at] pearsecouk> wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> I assume you're referring to the LGEO library as detailed here:
> http://www.digitalbricks.org/lgeo.html
> Is this library still being actively developed?
> I think I remember seeing that someone had recently created some minifig
> patterns in POV-Ray - I think it was on the LDraw forums
> http://forums.ldraw.org/
> Ideally these should be added into the LGEO library.
> When rendering Lego in POV-Ray I always use the following route to
> create the model in POV-Ray:
> Use MLCad to create dat file
> Use LdrDat2Dxf convert dat file to dxf
> PoseRay to create mesh2
> POV-Ray to render
> Bye for now
> Reuben

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From: H  Karsten
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 27 Oct 2011 20:05:01
Message: <web.4ea9f093dc71d3eca3bfeb720@news.povray.org>
OK, here a little overview in between.

It's almost done, but still a view steps to do.

Insight of PovRay rays will be shot, until there hit the surface of the object
to trace. (no solid needed for this)
Hits _only_ will be stored in the .qvx file to save space.

Any object can be scanned, anywhere in the 3d-space. Only infinite-sized
objects, like a plane will need to have a bounding_by statement.

The Rebol-script run through it and build two memory-spaces to hold the first
and last hits only and give back the coordinates later. The final scan runs only
insight this area to save time.

What you are see here in the picture are superellipsoids between the in- and
outhits. It's scanned, using 250 traces in each direction. PovRay has done the
trace in 12 seconds on an old Pentium 4, using 13MB only. To create the
PovRay-file, based on this data, Rebol has run for 32 seconds. The .qvx
file-size was 1.17MB only.

There is no limit in traces for the directions x an y,but all hit together are
limited to 4.2 Billion.

I tried to write a version to scan .df3-files externally in Rebol, but its MUCH
slower, because it needs to run trough _all_ voxels in the file.

The Rebol script runs within rebol-core. Rebol-View is not needed. The
memory-spaces of the script are images. The script comes with the option to save
these images as raw 32-bit little-endian files. Within the object is visible an
the pixels representing the hits. There can be imported, using ImageJ. and
sometimes are useful to proof the quality of the objects, as for example this
fractal. Low quality-settings are not necessary visible in the mesh, but you
will see any problems in this pictures.

The trace-part, running insight of PovRay offers an option to draw spheres for a
hit. I strongly recommend to turn his off, when making big scans with more then
150 tries per direction, otherwise your memory might be explode!

Hope to finish this soon.

best rgds,

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From: H  Karsten
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 28 Oct 2011 20:00:01
Message: <web.4eab418adc71d3eca3bfeb720@news.povray.org>
Daily week news...

1000x1000x1000 scans in less then 6 minutes

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry
Date: 29 Oct 2011 05:05:50
Message: <4eabc1ee$1@news.povray.org>
I can't help but put a small damper on the enthusiasm about this 
approach: The resulting mesh objects will never render the same as the 
original, no matter how high you crank up the detail. You'd need a way 
to preserve surface normal information for that. (This is true even for 
simple diffuse illumination.)

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