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  Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2 (Message 9 to 18 of 18)  
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From: Zeger Knaepen
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 31 May 2011 11:59:10
Message: <4de5104e$1@news.povray.org>
On 31/05/2011 7:15, RobF wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Since your planet is far away, you may also want to consider using the aoi
> pattern to fake an atmospheric glow. Although it doesn't give that soft/hazy
> look, it renders very fast.  Here's a code snippet and an example of what it
> looks like (with the USS Enterprise, of course! :-)

you could give it a soft/hazy look, even with some atmospheric 
discoloration near the terminator:

--- START CODE ---
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
   assumed_gamma 1

#local SunLocation=<500,300,200>*1000;
camera {
   location -z*3
   look_at 0
light_source {
   rgb <1.5,1.4,1.3>

// the planet itself
sphere {0,1 pigment {crackle solid scale .1} finish {ambient 0}}

//the atmosphere
#local Atmosphere=<.4,.5,.9>;
sphere {
   pigment {
     pigment_pattern {
       slope {point_at SunLocation}
       pigment_map {
         [.5 rgb 1]
         [1 rgb 0]
     poly_wave 2
     pigment_map {
         pigment_pattern {
           pigment_pattern {aoi color_map {[0 rgb 1][.5 rgb 0][1 rgb 1]}}
           color_map {
             [0 rgb 0]
             [.15 rgb 1]
             [.5 rgb 0]
         color_map {
           [0 rgb Atmosphere transmit 1]
           [1 rgb .25+Atmosphere transmit .35]
         poly_wave 2
         pigment_pattern {
           pigment_pattern {aoi color_map {[0 rgb 1][.5 rgb 0][1 rgb 1]}}
           color_map {
             [0 rgb 0]
             [.15 rgb 1]
             [.5 rgb 0]
         color_map {
           [0 rgb 1-Atmosphere transmit 1]
           [1 rgb .25+(1-Atmosphere) transmit .35]
         poly_wave 2
   finish {diffuse 1 ambient 0}
   scale 1.02
--- END CODE ---

(It's the technique I used in my Babylon-video)


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From: Anthony D  Baye
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 31 May 2011 14:35:01
Message: <web.4de533c3d55febdd9c4fb0ad0@news.povray.org>
"Thomas de Groot" <tDOTdegroot@interDOTnlANOTHERDOTnet> wrote:
> Nice.
> I am still surprised at the render time. My planets with the given *Tek
> atmosphere*, render in less than an hour....
> Thomas

I'm going to guess that your planets are all unit spheres, or not much bigger.
My planet has a radius of 63730 units: 1 unit = 100m, the atmosphere is 1000
units - 100 scale km - thick (density varies appropriately, 99% is below 36km,
50% is below 5.5km).  I'm not terribly concerned about the render time, although
it would be impossible to animate.

As for it being flat and textureless: It isn't.  The planet is a combination of
isosurfaces, one for land, one for ocean, and the water is my best water texture
yet (although I did remove the dispersion).

So, maybe it's a bit overkill, but I like it.

I appreciate all the advice, it's been very helpful.


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 31 May 2011 18:33:08
Message: <4de56ca4@news.povray.org>
Am 31.05.2011 20:30, schrieb Anthony D. Baye:
> "Thomas de Groot"<tDOTdegroot@interDOTnlANOTHERDOTnet>  wrote:
>> Nice.
>> I am still surprised at the render time. My planets with the given *Tek
>> atmosphere*, render in less than an hour....
>> Thomas
> I'm going to guess that your planets are all unit spheres, or not much bigger.

Note that absolute scale doesn't affect render time.

> My planet has a radius of 63730 units: 1 unit = 100m, the atmosphere is 1000
> units - 100 scale km - thick (density varies appropriately, 99% is below 36km,
> 50% is below 5.5km).  I'm not terribly concerned about the render time, although
> it would be impossible to animate.

With a density distribution like that, you'll probably be able to reduce 
your render time by clipping the atmosphere at 36 km or even less 
without any noticeable impact (except for a good deal of render speedup 

> As for it being flat and textureless: It isn't.  The planet is a combination of
> isosurfaces, one for land, one for ocean, and the water is my best water texture
> yet (although I did remove the dispersion).

Uh... given the scales you are using, are you sure you need the 
isosurfaces? I guess a bump map should do the job just as well.

> So, maybe it's a bit overkill, but I like it.

Heh, yeah. I know that feeling :-)

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From: Dre
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 31 May 2011 20:24:54
Message: <4de586d6$1@news.povray.org>
"RobF" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message 
> Hi Anthony,
> Since your planet is far away, you may also want to consider using the aoi
> pattern to fake an atmospheric glow. Although it doesn't give that 
> soft/hazy
> look, it renders very fast.  Here's a code snippet and an example of what 
> it
> looks like (with the USS Enterprise, of course! :-)
> #declare p_planet_atmosphere =
>      pigment {rgbt <0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5>}; // adjust transparancy component to
> change atmospheric translucency
> #declare p_planet_atmosphere_glow =
>    pigment {rgb <0.9,0.95,1>*1.8}; // atmospheric glow
> #declare p_planet_atmosphere =
> pigment {
>  aoi
>  pigment_map {
>  [0.5 p_planet_atmosphere_glow]
>  [0.7 p_planet_atmosphere]
>  }
> };
> #declare t_planet_atmosphere =
>      texture {pigment {p_planet_atmosphere}
>              finish {ambient 0}
>      }
>    union {
>      sphere {0,3   texture {T_Stone22  finish {phong 0 ambient 0 
> reflection 0}}
> }  // planet surface
>      sphere {0,3.0001 texture {t_planet_atmosphere}}
>   // planet atmosphere
>     }
> // need a bright light to make it glow
> ---
> Rob.
> Rob Fitzel
> www.fitzel.ca/dart

That background media looks amazing!  Is there any chance you could share 
that code snippet too?  I've been struggling getting a nice looking cloud 
like that.


Cheers Dre

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From: RobF
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 02:00:10
Message: <web.4de5d4d4d55febdd7ab7c0b80@news.povray.org>
> That background media looks amazing!  Is there any chance you could share
> that code snippet too?  I've been struggling getting a nice looking cloud
> like that.
> Thanks!
> Cheers Dre

Thanks for the feedback.
I've posted a prototype of my Space Scene Generator in povray.text.scene-files

It should draw the same background as my sample image. The nebulae are built-in
stone/granite textures mapped onto a couple of concentric sphere centered on the

All the elements in that scene are controlled by random seeds. It took more than
a few tries before I got a nebula that I liked! See the comments in the scene
file to learn how to modify the random seeds. It renders very quickly, so I
usually base the main randomizer on "clock" to render dozens of completely
different random scenes.


Rob Fitzel

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From: Roman Reiner
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 03:05:01
Message: <web.4de5e372d55febdd57c642360@news.povray.org>
"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] spamnomorehotmailcom> wrote:
> As for it being flat and textureless: It isn't.

Well, it *looks* flat and textureless. And that's what it comes down to after
all, isn't it?

> The planet is a combination of
> isosurfaces, one for land, one for ocean, and the water is my best water texture
> yet (although I did remove the dispersion).

Isosorfaces for the planet? Seriously?

If you enjoy waiting 14+ hours for a render that *looks* like a 30 seconds
render: Go ahead! :D

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 03:39:18
Message: <4de5eca6$1@news.povray.org>
"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] spamnomorehotmailcom> schreef in bericht 
> As for it being flat and textureless: It isn't.  The planet is a 
> combination of
> isosurfaces, one for land, one for ocean, and the water is my best water 
> texture
> yet (although I did remove the dispersion).
> So, maybe it's a bit overkill, but I like it.

Yes it is overkill. I would suggest using a spherical height_field (which I 
use) if you really want some relief to show.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 03:57:05
Message: <4de5f0d1$1@news.povray.org>
"Zeger Knaepen" <zeg### [at] povplacecom> schreef in bericht 
> (It's the technique I used in my Babylon-video)

Excellent code! Thanks for sharing.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 04:12:34
Message: <4de5f472@news.povray.org>
"RobF" <nomail@nomail> schreef in bericht 
> I've posted a prototype of my Space Scene Generator in 
> povray.text.scene-files

Great stuff! Competes successfully with ChrisColefax's galaxy.inc.

Keep up the work.


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From: Dre
Subject: Re: Untitled S.F. [W.I.P] take 2
Date: 1 Jun 2011 18:16:47
Message: <4de6ba4f@news.povray.org>
"RobF" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message 
> >
>> That background media looks amazing!  Is there any chance you could share
>> that code snippet too?  I've been struggling getting a nice looking cloud
>> like that.
>> Thanks!
>> Cheers Dre
> Thanks for the feedback.
> I've posted a prototype of my Space Scene Generator in 
> povray.text.scene-files
> It should draw the same background as my sample image. The nebulae are 
> built-in
> stone/granite textures mapped onto a couple of concentric sphere centered 
> on the
> camera.
> All the elements in that scene are controlled by random seeds. It took 
> more than
> a few tries before I got a nebula that I liked! See the comments in the 
> scene
> file to learn how to modify the random seeds. It renders very quickly, so 
> I
> usually base the main randomizer on "clock" to render dozens of completely
> different random scenes.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> ---
> Rob Fitzel
> www.fitzel.ca/dart
Thats great, thanks very much!

I'll certainly be playing around with this :)

Cheers Dre

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