"gregjohn" <pte### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> I'm so far more impressed with the set, the people are just standing there from
> some old scene file I was reusing.
> (Shameless plug: http://www.youtube.com/group/rssrc )
I can see and hear the "teaser" now: "HERO TO TEST TIME MACHINE AT MIDNIGHT...
Hi! Always nice to see someone using this stuff for something fun.
I gave a quick look over to the group and will look into it more closely over
the weekend. Looks like something I might enjoy... more on this through the
group where it's more appropriate.
The tricky bit about animating time travel is the motion control aspect. Now
let's see... It's just a jump to the left... And then a step to the right...
Best Regards.
-Mike C.
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