POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : "Paintings" Server Time
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  "Paintings" (Message 21 to 23 of 23)  
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From: Alain
Subject: Re: "Paintings"
Date: 30 Aug 2010 19:13:18
Message: <4c7c3b0e$1@news.povray.org>

> Greetings&  welcome...
> I have also been an infrequent communicator as of late as I resume my POV work
> and work toward something I feel is genuinely worth sharing.
> As a lover of pure geometry, I find your work quite appealing and intriguing. I
> particularly like "Ponte Vecchio", as I feel it combines your personal style and
> the capabilities of POV-ray in an interesting and pleasing way.  As someone who
> has tried many times to make the point that photo-realism is only one of many
> styles of artwork that POV-Ray can be used to produce, your contribution to our
> site warms my heart.
> Now lets hold our breath and see how long it takes for someone to "suggest"
> fog, area lights and radiosity.   ;-)
> Beautiful work; congrats.
> Best Regards,
> Mike C.

Your style don't lend itself to things like fog or radiosity very well, 
and I don't think that an area light would improve the result.

That said, some transparency could, in some cases, go well with that 
style, but beware of overusing it.


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From: Joost
Subject: Re: "Paintings"
Date: 31 Aug 2010 10:35:01
Message: <web.4c7d1145a7f622cf2a36ae330@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> As a lover of pure geometry, I find your work quite appealing and intriguing. I
> particularly like "Ponte Vecchio", as I feel it combines your personal style and
> the capabilities of POV-ray in an interesting and pleasing way.  As someone who
> has tried many times to make the point that photo-realism is only one of many
> styles of artwork that POV-Ray can be used to produce, your contribution to our
> site warms my heart.

be able to warm someones heart ;-)

> Beautiful work; congrats.
Thank you very much.

Alain <aze### [at] qwertyorg> wrote:
> It's always possible to have custom sized frames to just about any
> dimentions. Just a little shoping in the painting/artistic painters is
> needed.
Thanks for the tip, but sadly that also requires a much bigger wallet compared

Btw, rendering them with an image map and at high resolution with png as output
is working out perfectly.


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From: Yannick Patois
Subject: Re: "Paintings"
Date: 17 Oct 2010 15:15:55
Message: <4cbb4b6b$1@news.povray.org>
AS: Maybe too late, but as I disnt saw any comments from Joost about 
what he finally choose...

On 08/28/2010 01:59 PM, Joost wrote:
> www.joostdevries.nl/en/

Really interesting use of povray! Loved it.

> PS I'm looking for some advice on printing them for a small exhibition (and
> uploading them to Zazzle and so). I'm using Gimp to add the text to my images
> and then save them as JPEG. Is there a best resolution for aprox A2 size? Or is
> as high as possible the best??

I would also emphasis about which matter you want to print on, 
especially if for an art exhibition.

I would more likely go for some photographic paper or even tissues 
instead of bare white 80g paper (look at what photography sites offers 
not only at paper print companies). I will for sure be more expensive, 
but the object will be far more present.


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