OK, in my embarrassing double post down in irtc.general, I had the idea of
super-short time constraints on writing a scene. The point that train of
that has taken me is this: the POV-Ray jam session. Here are my[sic] rules:
1. You get one hour. Your final render is allowed to slip into the second
hour, but it must be started during the first, and must finish before the
second is out.
2. No test renders during the first 30 minutes. NONE. No cheating.
Anyway, for my first attempt, it came out interesting in some ways, rather
cliche in others ("Wow! Gears? No one has ever done *that* before!").
Still, I am not unhappy with it, and it has the added advantage of taking
very little time compared to the methods I'd normally use.
So I would love to see some others try this; it's enlightening and the sun's
still up when you're done. It gives a very loose feel, too: in my mind, very
I'd also love to try a POV-Pong this way. Might keep the game moving faster,
and there would be less pressure. Anyone interested?
Sam Bleckley
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