"Rune" <new### [at] runevision com> wrote:
> Trevor G Quayle wrote:
> > The mesh is generated
> > internally by SDL. It specifically is made to generate a torus. Each
> > point position is calculated (depending on the determined mesh size)
> > as well as the surface normal for the undeformed point. The point is
> > them deformed in the direction of the surface normal based on a
> > deformation function (granite was used here). New surface normals
> > are then recalculated based on the new point location and the points
> > in it's immediate proximity (i.e. four points: up, down, right and
> > left) to give a fairly good and smooth result.
> Note that this is pretty much what the hf_torus macro does which is included
> with POV-Ray 3.5. It's always more satisfying to do things from scratch
> though. :)
> Rune
> --
> http://runevision.com
Much more satisfying...
Actually I never delve too much into the ready-made macros so I didn't know
it was there, perhaps I'll have a look at it.
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