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Greetings, Raytracers!
I've been lurking around here for a few months & have decided it's about
I joined in the fun. :) I've been programming (as an amateur) since the
70s and started raytracing with DKBTrace 2.12 on the Amiga, and only
migrated to the PC in the last 2 years.
I'm more of a programmer & mathematician than an artist, but I love the kind
of things raytracing lets me do, even if I'm not in the same league as the
real artists. Still, I think my abilities as an artist (and sensibilities)
have improved through raytracing.
Anyway, I understand that it's customary to make one's initial post a
variation on the theme mentioned in the subject. Ok, here goes!
//POV-Ray 3.1+ Scene File. Classic Pickover shell.
global_settings{max_trace_level 256 assumed_gamma 1}
#macro Shell(N,A,B,C,K)#local D=(11/3-A)/N;union{#local I=1;
#while(I<N)#local T=I/N;#local R=B*exp(A*K);sphere{R*<1,0,C/B>
R rotate z*A*360 pigment{rgb<T,.6,1-T*T>}finish{reflection{0,1}
phong .7}}#local I=I+1;#local A=A+D;#end rotate x*9 translate
<0,3,9>}#end Shell(99,-2,.15,.35,.75)plane{y,-9 pigment{checker
rgb 0 rgb 1 scale 5 rotate 45*y}finish{reflection 1 ambient 0}
rotate -x*35}light_source{<2,4,-8>rgb 1.3}
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Wow. Welcome!
"PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Still, I think my abilities as an artist (and sensibilities)
> have improved through raytracing.
I agree with that, completely. Also, my powers of observation have improved
considerably, when I attempt to model some real-world thing. I know that
artists have fantastic observational skills, but since my eye-hand
coordination is minimal, I now realize that I gave up careful observation
of many things in the world a while back. It's like re-discovering an
unused muscle. Sometimes it hurts, but when you can use it, you're amazed
at what you accomplish.
> Anyway, I understand that it's customary to make one's initial post a
> variation on the theme mentioned in the subject. Ok, here goes!
This is a very nice variation on the theme!
Dave Matthews
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"PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> Greetings, Raytracers!
> I've been lurking around here for a few months & have decided it's about
> time
> I joined in the fun. :) I've been programming (as an amateur) since the
> early
> 70s and started raytracing with DKBTrace 2.12 on the Amiga, and only
> migrated to the PC in the last 2 years.
> I'm more of a programmer & mathematician than an artist, but I love the
> of things raytracing lets me do, even if I'm not in the same league as the
> real artists. Still, I think my abilities as an artist (and sensibilities)
> have improved through raytracing.
> Anyway, I understand that it's customary to make one's initial post a
> variation on the theme mentioned in the subject. Ok, here goes!
nice work! welcome to the group.
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"Dave Matthews" <dma### [at] wr mnwest mnscu edu> wrote:
> Wow. Welcome!
Thanks, Dave! Coming from yourself, that's high praise indeed!
> "PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Still, I think my abilities as an artist (and sensibilities)
> > have improved through raytracing.
> I agree with that, completely. Also, my powers of observation have improved
> considerably, when I attempt to model some real-world thing. I know that
> artists have fantastic observational skills,
> but since my eye-hand
> coordination is minimal, I now realize that I gave up careful observation
> of many things in the world a while back.
I know that feeling.
> It's like re-discovering an
> unused muscle. Sometimes it hurts, but when you can use it, you're amazed
> at what you accomplish.
You know you've been raytracing too long when everywhere you go you see a
shape & start thinking "now how can I model *that*?... :)
> > Anyway, I understand that it's customary to make one's initial post a
> > variation on the theme mentioned in the subject. Ok, here goes!
> This is a very nice variation on the theme!
Sometimes, simplicity is the best approach.
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"Ross" <rli### [at] everestkc net> wrote:
> "PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> news:web.42554083397409333d6ca37a0@news.povray.org...
> > Greetings, Raytracers!
> > started raytracing with DKBTrace 2.12 on the Amiga, and only
> > migrated to the PC in the last 2 years.
FWIW, I actually first heard about DKBTrace from David Buck's sister, when
she was backpacking through Australia. Maybe I should try to find my very
first DKB scene...
> nice work! welcome to the group.
Thanks, Ross. I've been going a little bit crazy here tonight, making up for
lost time. ;)
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Here's a chocolate shell, with a bit too much white chocolate for my taste.
:) Scene file may not exactly match image...
//POV-Ray 3.1+ Scene File. Classic Pickover shell.
global_settings{max_trace_level 9 assumed_gamma 1}
#declare Clear = rgbf 1;
#declare DarkChoc = rgb <.165, .050, .0> * .45;
#declare LiteChoc = rgb <.925, .92, .7> * .9;
#declare CLite =.35;
#declare CFade =.05*1.5;
#declare ChocSwirl =
scale 1.15
turbulence 0.425
translate <-3,4,5>
[0 DarkChoc]
[CFade LiteChoc]
[CFade+CLite LiteChoc]
[2*CFade+CLite DarkChoc]
#declare CLite =.10;
#declare CFade =.20;
#declare ChocSwirlTrans =
phase .05
translate <30,-40,-50>
scale 1.35
warp{turbulence 0.55}
[0 Clear]
[CFade LiteChoc]
[CFade+CLite LiteChoc]
[2*CFade+CLite Clear]
#declare ChocShine =
specular .1 roughness 5e-2
phong .35 phong_size 360
reflection{ .015 }
diffuse .725 ambient 0.05
#declare ChocSwirlT0 =
//pigment{blue .65}
#declare ChocSwirlT1 =
#declare N=99;#declare K=.75;#declare A=-2;#declare D=(11/3-A)/N;
#declare B=.15;#declare C=.35/B;
#declare Shell = union{#declare I=1;#while(I<=N)
#declare T=I/N;#declare TH=A*2*pi;#declare R=B*exp(A*K);
sphere{<R*cos(TH),R*sin(TH),C*R>,R}#declare I=I+1;#declare A=A+D;
//rotate x*8 translate<-4,4,10>
//Layered texture
light_source{<2,1.5,-8>rgb 1.45}
plane{y,-9 pigment{checker rgb 0 rgb 1 scale 5 rotate 45*y}
finish{reflection 1 ambient 0.075 diffuse .65}rotate -x*35}
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Preview of image 'shellquick7c.png'
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Here's a 'petrified' shell, using a simple transparent pigment with
T_Stone25 (not layered).
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Preview of image 'shelltest2b.png'
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Here's a group of coloured shells arranged using my colour-wheel algorithm.
//POV-Ray 3.1+ Scene File. Pickover shell colourwheel.
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings{max_trace_level 39 assumed_gamma 1}
#declare N=99;#declare K=.75;#declare A=-2;#declare D=(11/3-A)/N;
#declare B=.15;#declare C=.35/B; light_source{<2,4,-8>rgb 1.3}
#declare Shell=union{#declare I=1;#while(I<=N)
#declare T=I/N;#declare TH=A*2*pi;#declare R=B*exp(A*K);
}#declare I=I+1;#declare A=A+D;
#end rotate x*9 translate<0,3,9>}
#declare Num = 6; //Number of circles
#declare Sectors = 6; //Must be 2, 3 or a multiple of 6. If you change
this from 6,
//other adjustments may be desirable ...
#declare LoHue = 30;
#declare HiHue = 200;
#declare LoSat = 0.35;
#declare HiSat = 1.0;
#declare LoVal = 0.2;
#declare HiVal = 1.0;
#macro interp(Lo, Hi, q)
(Lo + (Hi-Lo)*q)
#declare Rad=R*1.65;
#declare J=1;
#while (J<Num)
#declare Val = interp(LoVal, HiVal, (J-1)/(Num-2));
#declare K=0;
#while (K<Sectors)
#declare Hue = interp(LoHue, HiHue, K/(Sectors-1));
#declare DZ=2*z*(J+1) * Rad;
#declare I=0;
#while (I<=J)
#declare Sat = interp(LoSat, HiSat, I/J);
Shell rotate 180*y scale .65
pigment{rgbft CHSV2RGB(<Hue, Sat, Val, 0,0>)}
//pigment{rgb 1}
finish{phong .7 reflection {0,1}}
translate DZ
rotate y*360*(K+I/(J+1))/Sectors
#declare I=I+1;
#declare K=K+1;
#declare J=J+1;
plane{y,0 pigment{checker rgb 0 rgb 1 scale 10 rotate
45*y}finish{reflection 1 ambient 0}}
translate <0, -30, 65>
rotate -x*35
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