... started as an experiment with textures but evolved into something else
and may yet evolve beyond that, I don't know yet... enjoy!
I'm getting tired of saying "wow! great! fantastic" all the time....
....but this one is great too! :-)
POV-Ray Cloth experiments: http://geitenkaas.dns2go.com/experiments/
Email: apa### [at] yahoocom
ICQ: 146690431
That is truly cool. I love POV rendering that don't look
"computery" and you're really good at 'em.
Dan Byers wrote:
> ... started as an experiment with textures but evolved into something else> and may yet evolve beyond that, I don't know yet... enjoy!
Thanks to one and all for the positive comments. :) I hope my skills
continue to improve and the stuff I make will actually be considered "real"
art some day...