Am 07.03.2013 15:47, schrieb James Holsenback:
> There seems to be a problem using sslt with area lights ...
> The first image is after 24hrs render time, it has photons, sslt and
> area light.
> The 2nd image has same settings, with the exception of sslt turned off.
> The photon map was loaded using the data generated from the 1st image.
> The 3rd image was just with sslt (no area light, no photons) ... I ran
> it only long enough to see the beginnings of the sslt effect.
> The 4th image is with sslt and area light (no photons)
What settings are you using? (Size of the object, mm_per_unit setting,
subsurface translucency setting, ior, distance and parameters of the
light source)
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On 03/07/2013 10:19 AM, clipka wrote:
> Am 07.03.2013 15:47, schrieb James Holsenback:
>> There seems to be a problem using sslt with area lights ...
>> The first image is after 24hrs render time, it has photons, sslt and
>> area light.
>> The 2nd image has same settings, with the exception of sslt turned off.
>> The photon map was loaded using the data generated from the 1st image.
>> The 3rd image was just with sslt (no area light, no photons) ... I ran
>> it only long enough to see the beginnings of the sslt effect.
>> The 4th image is with sslt and area light (no photons)
> What settings are you using? (Size of the object, mm_per_unit setting,
> subsurface translucency setting, ior, distance and parameters of the
> light source)
SSLT globals:
#declare _scale = 6.35;
mm_per_unit _scale
#if (Subsurface)
subsurface { samples 300,30 #if (UseRad) radiosity on #end }
The object:
#declare Base =
union {
difference {
cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,1,0>, 3.25 }
torus { 3.25, 0.25 translate y*1 }
torus { 3, 0.0625/2 translate y*1 }
torus { 3.25, 0.0625/2 translate y*0.75 }
torus { 3.25, 0.0625 }
torus { 3.23, 0.0623/3 translate y*(0.75-0.015625) material { Band_ } }
torus { 2.98, 0.0623/3 translate y*(1-0.015625) material { Band_ } }
material {
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
scale 1.000001
color_map {
[0.0 srgb 0.25]
[1.0 srgb 1.0]
finish {
diffuse 0.6
specular 0.075
roughness 0.1
#if (Subsurface)
subsurface { translucency srgb 0.75 }
interior { ior 1.3 }
translate y*-1
I'm using two light sources the one that's and area light is as follows:
// -- The Back Light
#declare LightPos = <0,0,-20>;
#declare LightDist = vlength(LightPos-<0,0,10>);
#declare FadeDist = 0.056;
#declare FadePower = 2;
#declare AreaLight = yes;
#declare SpotLight = no;
#declare ParaLight = no;
#if (Debug)
#debug concat ("\nBack:\nFade Distance: ", str(FadeDist,2,4))
#debug concat ("\nLight Distance: ", str(LightDist,5,4)," \n")
#debug concat ("Light Intensity: ", str(Intensity (LightDist, FadeDist,
FadePower),6,4), "\n\n")
#declare Back_Light =
light_source {
#declare LightColor = srgb 1;
0, LightColor * (Intensity (LightDist, FadeDist, FadePower)/2)
#if (Debug)
looks_like {sphere {0,2 pigment { srgb 1 } } finish {emission srgb
#if (ParaLight)
#if (SpotLight)
#if (AreaLight)
area_light x*0.45,y*0.45, 10,10 adaptive 1 jitter orient circular
area_illumination on
fade_distance FadeDist
fade_power FadePower
media_interaction on
media_attenuation on
translate LightPos
#if (ParaLight)
point_at <0,0,0>
#if (SpotLight)
point_at <0,0,0>
radius 10
falloff 12
tightness 0
#if (UsePhotons)
photons { reflection on refraction on #if (AreaLight) area_light #end }
the camera originates at -z20 but is rotated x*27.5 then y*330 look_at
light source: object { Back_Light rotate x*50 rotate y*225 }
the base is at orgin
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