I finally found the time to add automatic image comparison to my POV-Ray
version benchmarking environment, to spit out stuff like this now:
The "optics.pov" sample scene rendered with POV-Ray 3.6.1 (top left) and
an experimental 3.7.0 variant of mine (virtually identical to beta.34
for the sake of this image); bottom left: The "delta" of the two images
(exaggerated for clarity, and somewhat blurred to reduce the sensitivity
to differences caused by jitter); bottom right: A b/w version of the
image, with differing areas "markered" in green (extremely minor
differences, <= 1%), yellow (minor differences, <= 10%) and red (major
differences, > 10%). The program will also give feedback via return code
how severe the differences are.
Comparison is performed in "gamma space" using a gamma of 2.2, as I'm
interested in perceptual differences, not logical ones.
(No, unfortunately it's not a POV-Ray script that does it ;-) It's
actually a small C program thrown together within about two and a half
hours from draft to what I consider finalized for now; my first C
program to use libpng, besides.)
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Ah, the beauty of errors... (see bottom left).
This is the "newdiffract.pov" sample scene, rendered with POV-Ray 3.6
vs. POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.29 (but beta.34 renders virtually identical).
BTW, the difference in hue is apparently due to the problems with
dispersion on which I posted recently; with the patch I created to fix
those issues, the scene renders much more like 3.6 again.
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