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This is what I used to produce the light effect. In addition to this there
is a large sphere surrounding the scene with a pigment to emulate the colors
of the sky.
plane {y, 150
pigment {color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>}
finish {ambient 0}
interior {
media {
scattering { 4, rgb 0.0007 extinction 1}
intervals 5
//intervals 1
samples 30
//samples 15
method 3
The intervals and samples that are commented out are what I used to get the
colors the way I wanted but the higher values are needed to get smooth rays
of light.
"Alfonso Vicente Zurdo" <kba### [at] gmail com> wrote in message
> "Mike Hough" <nos### [at] nospam com> wrote:
>> Always wanted to try making a tree and using double_illiminate on the
>> leaves. This is one of Gilles Tran's trees with the sun behind it and
>> some
>> scattering media to create a nice atmospheric effect.
> What settings for media did you use?
> I'm traying to obtain a similar effect, but I still haven't found what i'm
> looking for.
> Yes, I like U2 :)
Oh heck, here is the whole thing. You just need to get Gilles' MakeTree
macro and provide a substitution for the "variable_width_example2.png" file.
The code is very messy, as there was lots of tinkering involved.
// Leaf & Tree examples for the MakeTree macro
// Copyright 1999-2004 Gilles Tran http://www.oyonale.com
// -----------------------------------------
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
// To view a copy of this license, visit
// or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford,
California 94305, USA.
// You are free:
// - to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
// - to make derivative works
// - to make commercial use of the work
// Under the following conditions:
// - Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
// - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the
license terms of this work.
// - Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
copyright holder.
// Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
// Still another classic tree example
// This file calls the MakeTree and MakeLeaf macros
// and defines the textures and parameters
// Set the [dofile] parameter to "true"
// when you want to create the final file
#include "colors.inc"
#include "txttree.inc"
#include "maketree.pov" // tree & leaf macro
// Camera & light
#declare PdV=<0, 4 , -120>;
#declare PdA=<0,25,0>;
camera {location PdV direction <0.0 , 0.0 , 1.3 > up y right 4*x/3 look_at
PdA angle 55}
//light_source{PdV color White*0.5 shadowless}
//light_source{<130,40,-200> color White*1.8}
union {
light_source {<0, 0, -9000> color 1.8*White}
sphere {<0, 0, -9000>, 200 pigment {color rgb <1,1,.95>}
finish {ambient 10 diffuse 0}
rotate <15, 183, 0>
/*the sun*/
sphere {<0, 50, 50>, 10 pigment {color rgb <1, 1, .9>}
finish {ambient 1}
#declare reduction = .4;
#declare sun =
pigment {wood color_map { // sun sky
[0.05 color rgb <1,1,.95>*3*reduction] // this index is size of sun
[0.055 color rgb <1,1,.9>*2.0*reduction] // this one starts the fade out
edge of sun
[0.15 color rgb <.8,.9,1>*1.3*reduction]
//[0.25 color rgb <.6,.7,.9>]
[1.00 color rgb <.3,.6,.9>*reduction]
rotate <19,183,0>
} // places sun (raise or lower x for altitude, y for left/right)
#declare skyness =
pigment {gradient y color_map { // horizon sky
//[0.05 color rgbf <.8,1,1,.1>*reduction] // this index is size of sun
//[0.25 color rgbf <.6,.8,.9,.4>*reduction]
//[1.00 color rgbf <.4,.3,.9,.5>*reduction]
[0.05 color rgb <.8,1,1>*reduction filter .1] // this index is size of
[0.25 color rgb <.6,.8,.9>*reduction filter .6]
[1.00 color rgbf <.4,.3,.9>*reduction filter .9]
} }
sphere {<0, 0, 0>, 1
texture {
pigment {
pigment_map {
[1, sun]
[1, skyness]
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
scale 500
// Tree macro Parameters
// These parameters must be declared before calling the tree macro
#declare dofile=true; // true creates a tree file ; false otherwise
#declare dotexture=false; // true creates a textured tree (with the texture
following the branch); false otherwise
#declare ftname="gttree7.inc" // file name for tree
#declare fvname="gtfoliage7.inc" // file name for foliage
#declare ffname="gtleaf7.inc" // file name for leaf
#declare txtTree=texture{txtTree_3} // Bark texture
// Random streams
// one stream for branches and another one for leaves
// so that the leafed tree has the same structure as the leafless one
#declare rsd=1431; // random seed
#declare rsd=1432; // random seed
#declare rsd=1433; // random seed
#declare rd=seed(rsd); // random stream for branches
#declare rdl=seed(rsd); // separate random stream for leaves
// Tree structure parameters
// test with low level0 and nseg0 (3 or 4)
// High (>=6) recursion levels [level0] gives more complex trees
// High (>=6) segment numbers [nseg0] gives smoother trees
#declare level0=6; // recursion level
//#declare level0=3; // recursion level
#declare nseg0=10; // initial number of branch segments (decreases of
one at each level)
#declare nb=5; // max number of branches per level
#declare dotop=true; // if true, generates an extra branch on top of trunk
(sometimes necessary to give more verticality)
#declare lb0=30; // initial branch length
#declare rb0=1.5; // initial branch radius
#declare ab0=40; // initial branch angle (x angle between the trunk
and the first branch)
#declare qlb=0.65; // branch length decrease ratio (1=constant length)
#declare qrb=0.59; // branch radius decrease ratio (1=constant radius)
#declare qab=0.88; // branch angle decrease ratio (1=constant angle)
#declare stdax=20; // stdev of x angle (angle x = ax+(0.5-rand)*stdax)
#declare stday=10; // stdev of y angle (angle y = ay+(0.5-rand)*stday)
#declare branchproba=0.8; // probability of branch apparition
#declare jb=0.5; // secondary branches start after this ratio of
branch length
#declare fgnarl=0.25; // gnarledness factor - keep it low <0.8
#declare stdlseg=0.5; // stddev of branch segment length (0...1) (adds
more randomness to branch length)
#declare twigproba=0.59; // probability to have a twig on a trunk segment
#declare v0=<0,1,0>; // initial direction - change to give an initial
#declare pos0=<0,0,0>; // initial trunk position (no need to change this
// constraints parameters
#declare vpush=<0,-1,0>;// direction of push (wind, gravity...) <0,-1,0> =
gravity ; <0,1,0> = antigravity
#declare fpush=0.2; // force of push
#declare aboveground=0; // constrains the branches above this level
#declare belowsky=140; // constrains the branches below this level
// root parameters
#declare rootproba=0; // probability of root 0=no root ; 1=all [nb] roots
#declare nroot=5; // number of roots;
#declare vroot=<1,0,0>; // initial direction of root
#declare yroot=<0,0.5,0>; // initial position of root above ground
// leaf position parameters
#declare leafproba=1; // probability of leaf 0=no leaf ; 1=leaf on each
//#declare leafproba=0; // probability of leaf 0=no leaf ; 1=leaf on each
#declare leaflevel=3; // level where the leaves start to appear
#declare alz0=100; // max z angle for leaf
#declare alx0=-10; // start x angle for leaf
#declare stdalx=40; // std x angle for leaf
#declare stdlsize=0.1; // stddev of leaf size 0=constant size; size =
// leaf structure parameters
#declare colLeaf_1=rgbf <0.7,1,0.2, .5>*0.8; // greenish
#declare colLeaf_2=rgbf <1,0.7,0.2, .5>*0.8; // yellow
#declare txtLeaf_5=texture{pigment{agate color_map{[0.0 color colLeaf_1][0.3
color colLeaf_2] [0.7 color colLeaf_2][1.0 color colLeaf_1] }}
finish{ambient 0 specular 0.3 roughness 0.01} scale 10}
#declare txtLeaf=texture{txtLeaf_5} // Leaf texture
#declare lsize=0.34; // leaf size
#declare seg=10; // nb of leaf segments and stalk segments : increase
to smooth
#declare ll=5; // leaf length
#declare wl=1.2; // leaf width
#declare fl=0.5; // depth of leaf fold
#declare lpow=1; // modifies the leaf shape : lpow=3 makes
heart-shaped leaf
#declare al=100; // leaf bending angle : the leaf bends backward
until this angle
#declare apow=1; // curve power, how slow the leaf bends
#declare ndents=0; // dents in the leaf (8 = "oak" leaf). May require a
high seg >20
#declare nlobes=3; // number of lobes (individual leaves)
#declare alobes=110; // angle made by all the lobes
#declare qlobes=0.7; // size of the farest lobe (0.9 = size will be
0.9*leaf length)
#declare ls=3; // stalk length (0=no stalk)
#declare ws=0.12; // width of stalk
#declare as=10; // stalk bending angle : the stalk bends forward
// end of parameters
// Make the tree now !
#if (leafproba>0)
#declare Leaf=object{MakeLeaf(lsize,seg,ll,wl,fl,lpow,al,apow,
#if (dotexture=false) // no texture applied to tree
segments, so the leaf texture must be used for the individual leaf
#if (dotexture = true) // texture is already applied to tree so that
we can safely apply the leaf texture to the leaves
texture {txtLeaf}
texture {txtTree} // apply tree texture regardless of the
tree structure
include "textures.inc"
#declare mudtex =
texture {
texture_map {
[1, Brown_Agate rotate 40]
[.5, pigment {color rgb .7*<1, 1, 1>}
finish {specular .6 roughness 0.01 diffuse .5 brilliance .7}]
#declare mud =
height_field {
png "variable_width_example2.png"
//translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
scale <20, .4, 20>
#declare strip = union {
object {mud}
object {mud translate <-20, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <-40, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <-60, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <-80, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <20, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <40, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <60, 0, 0>}
object {mud translate <80, 0, 0>}
object {strip}
object {strip translate <0, 0, -20>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, -40>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, -60>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, 20>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, 40>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, 60>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, 80>}
object {strip translate <0, 0, 100>}
scale <2, 1, 2>
texture {mudtex scale 20}
texture {mudtex}
//sphere {<0, 0, 0>, 1
plane {y, 150
pigment {color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>}
finish {ambient 0}
//scale <500, 500, 20>
interior {
media {
scattering { 4, rgb 0.0007 extinction 1}
intervals 5
//intervals 1
samples 30
//samples 15
method 3
//background{color rgb <0.8,0.9,1>}
//tests for tree texture, leaf and leaf textures
//cylinder{0,y*4,1 texture{txtTree} scale 10}
//object{Leaf scale 15 rotate y*1 translate y*30 texture{txtLeaf} }
//box{<-20.8239,-3.15052,-15.6178>,<16.2539,48.6219,22.4758> pigment{Green}}
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