I've been away for a while (I just got a new job recently) and I've moved
from magazine layout & design to billboards and vehicle wrapping which is
totally new to me. I'm doing this design to go on a truck but my carpet
doesn't look real enough. Any help will be appreciated.
Here is the carpet:
#declare CarpetCol= <.3,.1,.02>/2;//<.6, .4, .16>; //<1, .85, .5>; //
<.8,.7,.5>; // <1.2,1.1,.8>*2 ; // <1, .85, .5>; //<.8,.7,.4>;
#declare Thickness=1-Thickness2; // :. Thickness=.1
// extrude a closed 2-D shape along an axis
prism {
linear_sweep // or conic_sweep for tapering to a point
bezier_spline // linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline |
1.5, // height 1
20, // height 2
40, // number of points
// (--- the <u,v> points ---)
<-.354, .354>, <-.263, .444>, < -.138, .5>, < 0, .5>,
< 0, .5>, < .275, .5>, < .5, .275>, < .51, 0>,
< .51, 0>, < .5, -.275>, < .275, -.51>, <0, -.51>,
<0, -.51>, < -.275, -.51>, < -.5, -.51>, <-20, -.51>,
<-20, -.51>, <-20, -.51>,
<-20, -.5*Thickness>,<-20, -.5*Thickness>,
<-20, -.5*Thickness>, <-.5, -.5*Thickness>, <-.275, -.5> *Thickness,
<0, -.5> *Thickness,
<0, -.5> *Thickness, <.275, -.5> *Thickness, <.5, -.275> *Thickness, <.5,
0> *Thickness,
<.5, 0> *Thickness, <.5, .275> *Thickness, <.275, .5> *Thickness, <0,
.5> *Thickness,
<0, .5> *Thickness, < -.138, .5> *Thickness, <-.263, .444> *Thickness,
<-.354, .354> *Thickness
<-.354, .354> *Thickness, <-.354, .354>, <-.354, .354>, <-.354, .354>
rotate x*90
scale <1,-1,1>
pigment{colour rgbt 1}
//finish {brilliance 4 }
interior {
media {
method 1 samples 1,100 absorption <3,3,2> // 15
scattering { 6, rgb 1 //diffuse 5 reflection 0.5
reflection_exponent 2
falloff .05
ratio .95 frequency 1000 waves 20, 10
structure { cylinder{<.82,Bottom2+.5
,1.5>,<.82,Bottom2+.5 ,20>,10 } }
pigment {colour rgb CarpetCol }
//force <-10,1> // y
density { rgb 2 }
translate <1.18,.67,2.5>
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