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> Tone down the brighness of the candle and drop the fade_distance down so
> that the blue light shows.
I'll give that a go... (It's difficult to get the right balance between
the fire and the ice. I guess I'll know it when I find it!)
> Also consider changing the ground texture from
> stone to snow. The candle can then look like it's growing out of the
> snow-covered ground.
Interesting idea...
The reason for the marble is that... well... marble is cold, isn't it?
Not that this comes across very much in my image. :-(
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Hash: SHA1
Orchid XP v2 wrote:
> Melted wax would be good... but rather difficult. (It took me ages to
> get a cylinder with a "rounded" top. Not sure how to put a dent in it
> that I can fill with wax. I suppose I could jsut CGS *cut* a hollow out,
> but it wouldn't look very realistic...)
You could try with blobs. That's how I did this one:
The source is available here if you want to take a look:
- --
* Jerome M. Berger *
* mailto:jeb### [at] free fr *
* http://jeberger.free.fr/ *
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
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"Orchid XP v2" <voi### [at] dev null> wrote in message
> > Is the background the wood texture?
> You *know* your texturing is great when people can't even figure out
> what it is... :-S
It's far too big right now, looks like I'm examining a tree trunk under
> I'm currently trying out the snow textures you gave me. They seem to
> work much better than what I had. (Would be nice if I could figure out
> how to add "sparkle" to it, but other than that...)
A subtle normal and high specular with low roughness. That said, I've never
got it working.
Ask s.day. He gotr nice sparkle in his Sunscape picture (4 below this one)
> The reason for the marble is that... well... marble is cold, isn't it?
> Not that this comes across very much in my image. :-(
Not when it's got dark red in it. If you want to keep the marble, try a nice
white and light blue
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Orchid XP v2 <voi### [at] dev null> wrote:
> As suggested by a few, I have added a second blue lightsource. Nothing
> else has changed - so far. As you can see, it does look quite a bit
> better. (Unfortunately, it's still unspeakably suckful... but never mind.)
Just a thought, could you make the snow into stylised snowflake crystals?
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"Orchid XP v2" <voi### [at] dev null> wrote in message
>> It's an improvement!
> Well that's *something*...
>> You could give the candle a patterned texture with a spherical pattern
>> centered on the flame with ambient to fake subsurface scattering
> What an interesting idea...
> Of course, *real* wax is partially transparent. Especially so close to a
> powerful light source. Hmm...
Yeah, almost like our own skin. Ever held a torch under your hand in the
dark? If you want to see 'freaky', then try it.
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>> Of course, *real* wax is partially transparent. Especially so close to
>> a powerful light source. Hmm...
> Yeah, almost like our own skin. Ever held a torch under your hand in
> the dark? If you want to see 'freaky', then try it.
Freaky indeed.
You can get a similar effect using a powerful light source (e.g., a
multi-billion-ton nuclear fision reactor like the Sun) through your own
Of course, for real freakyness, nothing quite beats when you have an eye
exam and they use the bright lighty shiny thing and you can see the
reflection of all the veins at the back of your own eye... *shudders*
Bringing this back on-topic... I presume this is the "subsurface
scattering" everybody keeps babbling about?
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> Bringing this back on-topic... I presume this is the "subsurface
> scattering" everybody keeps babbling about?
Oh yes
On the joined image it was faked with the following ambient trick
#declare P_wax=pigment
[ 0.25 rgb <1, 0, 0> ]
[ 0.5 rgb 1 ]
scale 0.2
#declare T_wax0=texture{
pigment {P_wax}
finish { ambient 0
specular 1.0
roughness 0.02
#declare T_wax1=texture{
pigment {P_wax}
finish { ambient 1
specular 1.0
roughness 0.02
#declare T_faked_sss =
[0.0 T_wax0 ]
[1.0 T_wax1 ]
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"Orchid XP v2" <voi### [at] dev null> wrote in message
> You can get a similar effect using a powerful light source (e.g., a
> multi-billion-ton nuclear fision reactor like the Sun) through your own
> eyelids.
The sun is a fusion reactor, not fission
> Bringing this back on-topic... I presume this is the "subsurface
> scattering" everybody keeps babbling about?
Yup. You can also fake it pretty well with media. Is what I do with candles
any time I use them. Give the candle a slightly transparent texture then
fill it with scattering media. Is not that slow (scattering {1 rgb 1})
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> Yup. You can also fake it pretty well with media. Is what I do with
> any time I use them. Give the candle a slightly transparent texture then
> fill it with scattering media. Is not that slow (scattering {1 rgb 1})
and nice flame too
You don't need hi samples do you?
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"Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote in message
> Nice
> and nice flame too
> You don't need hi samples do you?
I haven't found so. It's a constant media, no fancy densities or anything
media {
scattering {1 rgb 1} // if you wnat more scattering, up the rgb value.
I've used anything from 0.5 to 5
I have found sometimes you can put this into the candle object, sometimes
you need a second, slightly scaled down (identical surface problem)
with rgbf 1 and the media inside while the normal candle is hollow but with
no media
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