As an upbeat to more serious work :-) I have been experimenting with the
building of a cliff with isosurfaces. This is the latest example. I include
the code here. Really simple but effective.
//========== code starts here ========================
#declare MinBox = <-10, -2, -15>;
#declare MaxBox = <20, 5, 15>;
#declare RotBox = 35;
#declare SeeBox = 0;
// The following functions define the basic shape of the cliff:
#declare F_inter = function { max((y-5),(x-1)) } //
intersection; - sign shifts plane in positive direction, and vice versa
#declare F_ground = function { y } // the hardground at the
base of the cliff
#declare F_slope = function { (x-1)+y - f_noise3d(x,y,z) } // the slope
transition between the cliff and the hardground, with some noise added
// This is an alternative (slow!) using the blob function:
#declare F_mult = function {F_inter(x,y,z) * F_ground(x,y,z) - 0.5} // A
very small constant makes a cavern in the cliff; >=0.5 rounded outwards
#declare Cliff =
isosurface {
function {
min(F_inter(x,y,z), F_ground(x,y,z), F_slope(x,y,z)) // merging of
intersection, y plane, and x-y plane.
// Or use:
//F_mult(x,y,z) // blob-like combination
intersection and y plane; Cliff shape will be changed!
max((Rough(x/100, y/150, z/100).red),(f_ridged_mf(x/200, y/300, z/100,
1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2)))
contained_by {box {MinBox, MaxBox} }
threshold 0
accuracy 0.01 // default=0.001; higher=faster/less
accurate; lower is slower/more accurate
evaluate 12, 3, 0.7 // evaluates the max_gradient
texture {
<your own texture>
//final transformations:
scale <1, 1, 1>
rotate <0, RotBox, 0>
translate <0, 0, 0>
} // end isosurface
object {Cliff}
//outline of the container box:
#if (SeeBox)
box {MinBox, MaxBox pigment {color rgbt <0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8>} rotate
//============ end of code ====================
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