Here's an isosurface that I tried to do ages ago, & couldn't get it right,
because I didn't use pi properly with f_th() & f_ph(). Here's the code to
play with:
// ----------------------------------------
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: SpheriCoil.pov
// Vers: 3.6
// Desc: Spiral Ball, using Isosurface
// Date: 2005.09.10
// Auth: PM 2Ring
// -D +A0.1 +AM2 +R2
// -F +A0.6 +AM2 +R2
#version 3.6;
#include "math.inc"
#declare Do_Iso=1; //1: do isosurface object(s), 0: do
sphere placeholders
#declare Do_Single=0; //1: do a single object, 0: do a grid of
#declare Do_Floor=1;
#declare Do_Sky=1;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
//max_trace_level 10
// ----------------------------------------
//Centered modulus
#declare scmod = function(a,b) {mod(abs(a),2*b)-b}
//Spiral ball. Parameters. W: winding number, M: number of arms, CR:
Cylinder radius as a ratio
#macro SpheriCoil(W, M, CR)
#local CRad = CR / W; //Cylinder radius
#local BRad = 1 + 2*CRad; //Bounding radius
#local TAN = 0.5 * M / W ; //Tangent of angle that cylinders make
with X-axis
#local C = 1 / f_r(0, 1, TAN); //Cos
#local S = C * TAN; //Sin
#local A = pi * S / M; //Distance between cylinder centres
//Shape function
//cylinders parallel to x axis in xz plane
#local f_Cyls = function {f_r(0, y, scmod(z,A)) - CRad}
//rotate around y
#local f_Spy = function{f_Cyls(0, y, C*z-S*x)}
//wrap around sphere to get final function
#local f_SpyBall = function{f_Spy(f_th(x,y,z), 1-f_r(x,y,z), f_ph(x,y,z))}
contained_by {sphere{0, BRad}}
max_gradient 40
accuracy 5e-3
sphere{0, BRad
scale 1/BRad
//rotate 45*y
rotate -45*x
// ---Textures-----------------------------
#declare cmRainbow =
[0 red 1]
[0.166 rgb<1,1,0>]
[0.333 green 1]
[0.5 rgb<0,1,1>]
[0.666 blue 1]
[0.833 rgb<1,0,1>]
[1 red 1]
#declare TRainbow =
//onion scale .3 phase .75
specular .5 roughness 1e-3
ambient .1 diffuse .8 reflection .1
//---The Scene-------------------------------------
//A single Sphericoil
#declare D = 3;
#declare MX = 1;
SpheriCoil(3, 6, .5)
translate <0,1,1>
//Make a grid of SpheriCoils
#declare D = 3;
#declare MX = 5;
#declare MZ = MX;
#declare Z=0;
#declare X=0;
SpheriCoil(Z+1, X+1, .5)
translate <(X+.5-MX/2)*D, 1, (Z+.5-MZ/2)*D*1.5>
#declare X=X+1;
#if(X=0)#declare X = 1;#end
#declare Z=Z+1;
sphere {0,1 inverse
pigment {
color_map {
[0.0 rgb <.1, .15, .5>]
[0.6 rgb <.8,.8,1>]
[.8 rgb 1]
[1 rgb <1,1,.9>]
finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} //No good for radiosity!!!
scale 125
background{rgb .5}
plane {
y, -1e-3
pigment {
checker rgb .85, rgb 0 scale 1.5
rotate 45*y
ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.85
reflection 0.175
// ----------------------------------------
camera {
right x*image_width/image_height up y
direction z
location <0, 3.75, -6> * MX * D * .28
look_at -y*.5
angle 40
light_source {<1,1,-2>*10 rgb 1}
// ----------------------------------------
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